Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Peter Jackson, Executive Producer December 4th, 2005

Fol­low­ing much spec­u­la­tion, bungie​.net have announced the lat­est team mem­bers to join them on the live action Halo movie adap­ta­tion. The Halo movie has already signed on the pro­duc­ers Mary Par­ent (Pleas­antville, 40 Year Old Vir­gin) and Scott Stu­ber (The Skele­ton Key); no real sur­prises or world renowned qual­i­ties observ­able here, although nei­ther have been in the indus­try for long. They have since teamed up with Peter Sch­les­sel (cham­pion of SWAT, Charlie’s Angels 2 and Spider-man) and Bungie reports “[they have] accom­plished unimag­in­ably won­der­ful things”. One of these things is secur­ing an Exec­u­tive Pro­ducer, a highly respected movie pio­neer — Peter Jack­son (Lord of the Rings, King Kong).

This deal also secures the spec­tac­u­lar visual effects team Weta Dig­i­tal; mas­ters behind Lord of the Rings and Gollum.

Bungie: “From fab­ri­cat­ing Covenant weapons to build­ing life-sized Fore­run­ner struc­tures to accom­plish­ing shot after shot of com­plex live-action/CG inte­gra­tion – sim­ply put, there’s no group of peo­ple we’d rather have real­ize the Halo uni­verse on screen.”

Quot­ing pro­duc­ers Mary and Scott: “First, let me just say how hon­ored and excited Scott and I are to be involved in this project. As huge fans of the game our­selves we know how high the bar is. We’ve made it our mis­sion to try and involve the absolute very best peo­ple one can imag­ine in every capac­ity. Hav­ing devel­oped a great rela­tion­ship with Peter and Fran through the extra­or­di­nary Kong expe­ri­ence, and see­ing first hand just how unique a film­mak­ing envi­ron­ment they have crafted, we approached them about the pos­si­bil­ity of com­ing aboard to Exec Pro­duce. Not sur­pris­ingly, they were already avid fans of the game, and given our exist­ing short­hand, they said yes! To be able to con­tinue our rela­tion­ship with them – on HALO of all projects – is really a dream come true for us in the biggest pos­si­ble way.”

See the VIDEO announce­ment: Game Trail­ers

Source: Bungie​.net

Comments One Response to “Peter Jackson, Executive Producer”

Andrea Altizer May 16th, 2010

When I found this blog was like wow. Thanks for putting your effort in pub­lish­ing this tutorial.