Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Keep things ticking over March 31st, 2007

We’re get­ting reports of all sorts of video game to movie adap­ta­tions, they seem to be spring­ing up left, right and cen­tre. But noth­ing new on the Halo movie front — it seems like the pro­duc­tion is still in its deadly limbo mode. All we can do is hope for some big announce­ment in the near future and keep our fin­gers crossed.In the mean­time how­ever I will bring up a cou­ple of lit­tle treats I have come across.

Firstly, there’s an arti­cle look­ing at the recent spate of video game adap­ta­tions here which goes into some details about the Halo project, here are some quotes from Peter Jack­son and Microsoft rep­re­sen­ta­tives that are in the article:

“My goal is not just to make ‘Halo the Movie’ a great film adap­ta­tion of a great game,” he says. “I really want it to be a great science-fiction action film. I want it to be a great movie in its own right.” […] “We real­ize there’s not a great track record there,” he says. “That’s why it was so impor­tant to part­ner with some­body like Peter Jack­son. It’s about as close to a guar­an­tee as we could get that this is going to be a high-quality movie with high-production val­ues and good sto­ry­telling.” […] “For me, the Mas­ter Chief is like the Clint East­wood — Dirty Harry — was for us when we were grow­ing up,” Lee says. “He could poten­tially be that for the kids grow­ing up today.”

Rumours do con­tinue to fly, but a nice one is the pos­si­bil­ity of some Halo Movie con­tent appear­ing as a bonus with Halo 3 (in the leg­endary pack maybe?). Maybe some con­cep­tual art­work; with pro­duc­tion on hold we shouldn’t really hope for much more. Many sites are claim­ing teaster trail­ers et al, but I think that’s a bit much to expect. Peo­ple have also reported to me rumours of Microsoft wait­ing for Mar­vel to develop their own film stu­dio as they have tie ins with the Halo graphic novel. How­ever I think this is just spec­u­la­tion and such a wait would impose sig­nif­i­cant delays.

Finally, here is a very nicely FAN made trailer that pulls together a lot of Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo 2 and ran­dom tid-bits to cre­ate an inter­est­ing pic­ture of what the Halo Movie could achieve.