Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Halo 3 Arms Race July 21st, 2007

From the offi­cial press release,“A col­lab­o­ra­tion between Bungie Stu­dios, direc­tor Neill Blomkamp, WETA Work­shop and Origami Dig­i­tal LLC, brings the first dig­i­tal short depict­ing humanity’s strug­gle to save Earth.“This is our first offi­cial look at the cre­ative bril­liance that comes about when you com­bine the inno­v­a­tive think­ing of Neill Blomkamp and the artis­tic tal­ent of WETA. Just imag­ine throw­ing Peter Jack­son into the mix. The Halo movie, if it ever gets going again, will be some­thing truly special.

A vision of The Halo Movie…

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And, if you some how missed it, the newest Halo 3 trailer: