Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Shane Kim talks about the short movie July 31st, 2007

Can you explain what that Halo short movie was about? Was it real time?

It was live action. What you saw was a short film that’s not related to any movie. Neill Blomkamp is the direc­tor, with Peter Jack­son as exec­u­tive pro­ducer, and he wanted to work on the Halo movie. The Halo movie is not in pro­duc­tion. The stu­dios that were involved, for what­ever rea­son decided to back out of it, but we’re still very inter­ested in talk­ing to peo­ple in Hol­ly­wood about it.

In the mean­time, we’re going to use these film shorts to help pro­mote the Halo uni­verse and get the world super excited and crazy for Halo 3. Neill did an amaz­ing job on that short film. I’m a huge fan of the Halo uni­verse, and watch­ing that short film sent goose­bumps all over. That’s Halo com­ing to life in a way that I think I lot of peo­ple can really get into it, even if they’re not videogame play­ers. We think Halo can be one of those epic sto­ries like Star Wars. We still have work to do, there’s no ques­tion about that, but we believe that Halo has the potential.

Source: Game­Pro

Comments One Response to “Shane Kim talks about the short movie”

Sab­rina Kemp November 12th, 2008
