Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

High Resolution Iron Man 2 poster featuring War Machine December 1st, 2009

We’ve got our first big Iron Man 2 tease as an early Christ­mas present. A high res­o­lu­tion Iron Man 2 poster fea­tur­ing War Machine with right shoul­der mounted gun. As teaser posters go, this one’s pretty awesome.

We’ve also got a host of new screen­shots fea­tur­ing Tony Stark, Whiplash and Scar­lett Johans­son as the Black Widow.

As always, click on the images for their larger versions.

Comments One Response to “High Resolution Iron Man 2 poster featuring War Machine”

Alloy­Cow­boy February 13th, 2010

Mar­vel has only really just begun the mas­sive amount of superhero/supervillan sto­ries the comic book pub­li­ca­tion has pro­duced over the decades. Check out mar­vel in the wika­pe­dia! Truly engross­ing mate­r­ial. Not to men­tion that CGI (Com­puter Gen­er­ated Images) is advanc­ing to an even higher ech­e­lon of detail. Mak­ing these sto­ries visu­ally pos­si­ble. I feel that we are in for some amaz­ing movies in the future. Not to men­tion now.