Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Edwards Air Force base comment on Iron Man 2 filming June 2nd, 2009

Jon Favreau com­mented on the loca­tion in his tweets — here is a lit­tle con­fir­ma­tion from the base that Iron Man 2 filmed here, along with some pictures:

Scenes from the upcom­ing movie Iron­man II were filmed here May 11 through 13, with the sup­port of about 60 mem­bers of Team Edwards tak­ing part as extras and tech­ni­cal advisors.

The direc­tor, Jon Favreau said he was excited to return to Edwards for the sequel for the land­scape, but not for the way it looks but for the his­tory it pos­sesses and the pro­fes­sional Air­men and Marines here.

“All these real mil­i­tary assets make the movie more authen­tic and the topog­ra­phy and the beauty of the Desert and flight­line open the movie up,” he said. “But it’s the rich his­tory of the loca­tion and the deep roots it has with flight that gives Tony Stark and his father a pedi­gree in the aero­space industry.”