Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Mickey Rourke not playing Crimson Dynamo? February 5th, 2009

MTV sat down with Robert Downey Jr. on the set of his new movie Sher­lock Holmes and quizzed him about the Iron Man sequel.

When it came to Mickey Rourke and his sug­gested role as Crim­son Dynamo Downey Jr. said “that’s actu­ally incor­rect”, giv­ing the impres­sion that said cast­ing announce­ment was pre­ma­ture. An alter­na­tive char­ac­ter that Rourke could be play­ing is Whiplash. To which Downey cryp­ti­cally responded he could nei­ther con­firm or deny those rumors, “the nerd stuff is top drawer security”.

Comments One Response to “Mickey Rourke not playing Crimson Dynamo?”

Rourke out of Iron Man 2? (Iron Man 2 — Movie Chronicles) February 18th, 2009

[…] Rourke play­ing Crim­son Dynamo was ‘inac­cu­rate’ via Downey Jr., but that was pre­sumed a Crim­son Dynamo inac­cu­racy — the lead­ing rumor being that Whiplash would be the replace­ment. We’ve also heard that […]