Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Favreau continues Iron Man 2 twitter updates April 20th, 2009

Iron Man 2 direc­tor Jon Favreau has kept up his twit­ter­ing despite his now hec­tic sched­ule and odd work­ing hours, here are some of the high­lights over the last week:

Sit­ting in Stark’s foyer wait­ing for the next set up.

Woke up sore from doing stunt work last night. I shoulda known it was com­ing when the stunt­woman said good­bye by say­ing “Take some Advil.”

13 hour work days are pretty much the norm. Film crews are a spe­cial breed.They bust their ass and take a great deal of pride in their work.

Head­ing home. Week 2 com­plete. I’m exhausted.

Just got out of a pre-call mar­ket­ing meet­ing dis­cussing Comi­con. On set get­ting ready to shoot as Happy.

Scarlett’s first day. Very exciting.

Wrapped. Head­ing home. Robert was on fire. We’re hit­ting our stride.

In the work­shop. Explor­ing new Stark tech.

Back from lunch. More Tony and Pep­per in the workshop.

Sit­ting next to Pep­per Potts.

Stand­ing in Tony’s workshop.

Com­plet­ing work in one set today with Mickey, then into Tony’s work­shop tomor­row with RDJ.

Day four begins. More Mickey.