Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Nick Fury’s first day of filming, Scarlett wears Black Widow outfit May 6th, 2009

Jon Favreau has twit­tered again today, giv­ing us the juice that Samuel L. Jack­son is on set film­ing his first scenes as Nick Fury, along­side Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark:

Now shoot­ing first scene with Tony Stark and Nick Fury.

Ear­lier he also revealed that Scar­lett Johans­son is in the Black Widow outfit

Scarlett’s first day on set in the Black Widow out­fit. You’ve never heard a crew get so quiet so fast.

Our exclu­sive report yes­ter­day revealed that these scenes were likely to be on 805 W. Man­ches­ter Blvd., Ingle­wood, Ca. 9030.