Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Gary Oldman in Iron Man 2? April 8th, 2009

One more rumor to throw into the mix, from the same guy that said Garry Shan­dling would be Sen­a­tor Stern, we now hear that Gary Old­man was spot­ted on set. One rumor, which I believe is just spec­u­la­tion, is that Old­man will be play­ing Howard Stark, Tony’s father. It was pre­vi­ously thought that Tim Rob­bins would be play­ing this role.

Update: Gary oldman’s man­ager, Dou­glas Urban­ski, he posted the fol­low­ing at SHH:
“Mr. Old­man did not visit the set of Iron Man and there are cur­rently no plans for him to appear in the film.”