Movie Chronicles

Orci and Kurtzman not returning for Transformers 3, Ehren Kruger takes over October 11th, 2009

Post­ing on the Don Mur­phy forums, Roberto Orci has con­firmed that nei­ther he nor Alex Kurtz­man will be return­ing for the third episode in the Trans­form­ers tril­ogy. Ehren Kruger (The Ring, Scream 3, Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen) is tak­ing over from the pair.

So Bob and Alex is it true. you wont be involved this time round.
It’s true.

Sorry to hear that Roberto, really I am. Are we in good hands with Mr. Kruger? Does he know his Trans­form­ers?
He does. He really did his home­work. He’s awesome.

Stellan Skarsgård cast in Thor October 11th, 2009

Stel­lan Skarsgård’s son, Alexan­der, was orig­i­nally con­sid­ered as a strong can­di­date for the Thor role, but in the end lost out to Star Trek man Chris Hemsworth. Swedish site Ystads Alle­handa report that Stel­lan has been cast in the movie, but his role is deeply secre­tive. So secre­tive in fact, the stu­dio wanted the actor to sign with­out read­ing the script; he refused until he received a copy (albeit an encoded version).

Ryan Reynolds talks Green Lantern October 11th, 2009

Ryan Reynolds recently appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fal­lon, where he talked very briefly about his upcom­ing role as Hal Jor­dan. The footage is on Hulu (you need to be in the US to watch this) and the gritty bit begins around the 21 minute mark. Video via SHH.

New photo of Tony Stark in the Iron Man suit October 11th, 2009

EW​.com have posted a new image show­ing Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit at a diner, pre­sum­ably Randy’s Donuts, which we’ve seen in film­ing. Accord­ing to the SDCC footage, which pre­ma­turely leaked on the inter­net, this scene will fea­ture Stark talk­ing to Nick Fury (Samuel Jack­son), Jack­son was also spot­ted in the vicin­ity of Randy’s Donuts dur­ing filming.

Don Cheadle talks Rhodey and War Machine October 11th, 2009

The sixth video from Enter­tain­ment Tonight’s exclu­sive Iron Man 2 set visit is now up. This time Don Chea­dle talks about his roles in the sequel, namely as Rhodey and the already infa­mous War Machine. Video after the break…
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Transformers 3: July 1st 2011! October 11th, 2009

Spec­u­lated as early as Decem­ber 2008, and more solidly in March this year, we heard a June/July 2011 release date for Trans­form­ers 3 was on the cards. How­ever, Michael Bay rebutted these remarks, sug­gest­ing he wanted a year off from mechan­i­cal beasts to work on some­thing a lit­tle different.

How­ever, Bay has now con­firmed via his blog that Trans­form­ers 3 will hit the­aters in July 2011. He also left a mes­sage for Megan Fox,

Well its offi­cial: We have a great Trans­form­ers 3 story. The release date is now July 1st 2011. Not 2012.

Today is Day One. This morn­ing started with an ILM meet­ing for five hours in San Fran­cisco. Cur­rently I’m fly­ing with writer Ehren Kruger to Rhode Island to talk to Has­bro about new characters.

P.S. Megan Fox, wel­come back. I promise no alien robots will harm you in any way dur­ing the pro­duc­tion of this motion pic­ture. Please con­sult your Physi­cian when work­ing under my direc­tion because some side effects can occur, such as mild dizzi­ness, intense nau­sea, sui­ci­dal ten­den­cies, depres­sion, minor chest hair growth, ran­dom inter­nal hem­or­rhag­ing and inabil­ity to sleep. As some direc­tors may be haz­ardous to your health, please con­sult your Doc­tor to deter­mine if this is right for you.

Pain and Gain is right after shoot­ing of Trans 3.

Harold Ramis talks Ghostbusters 3 October 11th, 2009

Talk­ing with MovieWeb, Harold Ramis gives an over­whelm­ingly pos­i­tive pic­ture of the newly penned script. To sum­marise, the link between the Office writ­ers Gene Stup­nit­sky and Lee Eisen­berg, Harold Ramis and ulti­mately GB3 was “con­ve­nient” to the stu­dios. No new actors have been approached or signed, for the time being.

How does Egon live in 2012, Ramis shares this thoughts,

I had two ini­tial first instincts. One was that Egon had become a shaved head Bud­dhist monk. That is not going to hap­pen. The thing that I pitched for my char­ac­ter is that he’s been liv­ing in Geneva, and he works for the Insti­tute of Imag­i­nary Sci­ence. The work we are doing doesn’t require any con­cep­tual, intel­lec­tual, spe­cial, or math­e­mat­i­cal mod­els for what we are doing. Even we don’t know what we are doing. It’s that theoretical.

And on the dif­fi­cul­ties of writ­ing the sequel,

I think we are just going to try and make a good movie. The inten­tion of a sequel is not to give an audi­ence more of what they didn’t get enough of the first time. It’s to give the audi­ence some­thing that is new. We want them to feel that they are hav­ing a new expe­ri­ence of some kind. That becomes a tightrope. Yeah, we def­i­nitely are intro­duc­ing new Ghost­busters. That much is for sure. And there will be inter-dimensional crea­tures vis­it­ing New York. And we will deal with it. That’s all I am allowed to say at this point.

Scarlett Johansson and Gwyneth Paltrow Iron Man 2 interview videos October 11th, 2009

ET keep pimp­ing their Iron Man 2 exclu­sives, and why shouldn’t they? Next up are two video inter­views with Gwyneth Pal­trow and new­comer Scar­lett Johans­son. Again, videos embed­ded after the break because of the awful player.

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