Movie Chronicles

Thor and his hammer — new picture July 25th, 2010

Mar­vel stu­dios have released another image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, this time pulling out his ham­mer Mjol­ner from a block of rock. This image first appeared in USA Today.

SDCC Captain America and Thor posters July 25th, 2010

New posters have been released as part of SDCC, click for larger versions.

Hall of Asgard revealed July 25th, 2010

The Thor images are pour­ing in now, and from the LA Times we get our first glimpse of the Hall of Asgard, with Fan­dral, Hogun, Frigga and hel­mets. In detail, you can see a kneel­ing Thor (Hemsworth), then also Fan­dral the Dash­ing (Josh Dal­las), Hogun the Grim (Tadanobu Asano) and Frigga (Rene Russo); you can also see Odin (Anthony Hop­kins) and Loki (Tom Hid­dle­ston) with their cer­e­mo­nial helmets.

Another new image of Odin and Thor July 25th, 2010

This comes via the SHH forums.

First image of Antony Hopkins as Odin, in Thor July 25th, 2010

The Gods of Thor have been revealed via the LATimes, in a report that con­firms the film will be released in 3D (although it wasn’t shot in 3D). Along­side Hop­kins are Hemsworth as Thor and Tom Hid­dle­ston as Loki.

No Ed Norton in The Avengers July 25th, 2010

Ed Nor­ton will not be play­ing Bruce Ban­ner in the upcom­ing Avengers movie. He would have joined Robert Downey Jr., Scar­lett Johans­son, Samuel L. Jack­son as Nick Fury, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Chris Evans as Cap­tain America.

Kevin Feige reports,

“We have made the deci­sion to not bring Ed Nor­ton back to por­tray the title role of Bruce Ban­ner in the Avengers. Our deci­sion is def­i­nitely not one based on mon­e­tary fac­tors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embod­ies the cre­ativ­ity and col­lab­o­ra­tive spirit of our other tal­ented cast mem­bers. The Avengers demands play­ers who thrive work­ing as part of an ensem­ble, as evi­denced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scar­lett, and all of our tal­ented casts. We are look­ing to announce a name actor who ful­fills these require­ments, and is pas­sion­ate about the iconic role in the com­ing weeks.”

This state­ment resulted in a kick-back from Norton’s agents and Nor­ton himself:

This offen­sive state­ment from Kevin Feige at Mar­vel is a pur­pose­fully mis­lead­ing, inap­pro­pri­ate attempt to paint our client in a neg­a­tive light. Here are the facts: two months ago, Kevin called me and said he wanted Edward to reprise the role of Bruce Ban­ner in The Avengers. He told me it would be his fan­tasy to bring Edward on stage with the rest of the cast at Comi­Con and make it the event of the con­ven­tion. When I said that Edward was def­i­nitely open to this idea, Kevin was very excited and we agreed that Edward should meet with Joss Whe­don to dis­cuss the project. Edward and Joss had a very good meet­ing (con­firmed by Feige to me) at which Edward said he was enthu­si­as­tic at the prospect of being a part of the ensem­ble cast. Mar­vel sub­se­quently made him a finan­cial offer to be in the film and both sides started nego­ti­at­ing in good faith. This past Wednes­day, after sev­eral weeks of civil, uncon­tentious dis­cus­sions, but before we had come to terms on a deal, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Mar­vel called to say they had decided to go in another direc­tion with the part. This seemed to us to be a finan­cial deci­sion but, what­ever the case, it is com­pletely their pre­rog­a­tive, and we accepted their deci­sion with no hard feelings.

We know a lot of fans have voiced their pub­lic dis­ap­point­ment with this result, but this is no excuse for Feige’s mean spir­ited, accusatory com­ments. Counter to what Kevin implies here, Edward was look­ing for­ward to the oppor­tu­nity to work with Joss and the other actors in the Avengers cast, many of whom are per­sonal friends of his. Feige’s state­ment is unpro­fes­sional, disin­gen­u­ous and clearly defam­a­tory. Mr. Nor­ton tal­ent, tire­less work ethic and pro­fes­sional integrity deserve more respect, and so do Marvel’s fans.

Day 5, Chicago — Explosions and autobot heads July 25th, 2010

The most inter­est­ing aspect of Day 5’s film­ing was the photo of an autobot’s head, a grey haired char­ac­ter sport­ing spec­ta­cles and stand­ing next to Bum­ble­bee. These cards are used to aid the actors with line of sight, etc. Who is this new auto­bot? What is his alt mode? The head of Sound­wave was also spot­ted (Pix­el­Rally got the shot), con­firm­ing his role in the movie.

The day also fea­tured a base jump from Trump Tower and scenes below, much of which has been cap­tured on film. Then of course there are explo­sions, wouldn’t be a Bay film with­out them. Cars flip­ping, Bum­ble­bee skid­ding around, para­chuters fly­ing in. The video playlist below has over 15 videos from the day’s shoot:

Day 4, Chicago — Datsun and autobots July 25th, 2010

Film­ing con­tin­ued on Sat­ur­day, and the ’72 Dat­sun sport­ing Bum­ble­bee colour­ing was spot­ted along­side Shia and Rosie in Chicago, prob­a­bly con­tin­u­ing from the scene in Mil­wau­kee. The auto­bots were also out in full col­ors and a truck sport­ing the word “NEST” has shown up, spark­ing rumors that it’s a mobile HQ unit.

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