Movie Chronicles » The Avengers


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Avengers to begin shooting in February August 11th, 2010

Super­hero Hype have learnt that The Avengers is set to start film­ing in Feb­ru­ary 2011, to meet a May 4th 2012 release date. Shoot­ing loca­tions haven’t been revealed, but LA is a good guess.

1950s fan made trailer

A fan has cre­ated a teaser trailer for a fic­ti­tious 1950s ver­sion of The Avengers. Com­bin­ing clas­sic sci-fi movie clips, this mash-up is a worth­while watch.

Joss Whedon talks about casting Ruffalo and Renner July 29th, 2010

A mem­ber of the audi­ence at SDCC cap­tured the com­plete Joss Wheon Expe­ri­ence on video and kindly upload it all to YouTube — not a huge amount on The Avengers, but worth a watch. We’ve embed­ded a playlist below.

Whe­don has also been talk­ing to MTV about cast­ing Mark Ruf­falo as Bruce Ban­ner and Jeremy Ren­ner as Hawkeye.


The thing about Hawk­eye, he’s got his bows and arrows, you need some­body who’s very very down to earth, who’s very grounded, and who’s going to be the kind of guy who, you see him, and you under­stand why he likes to be far away from things and then shoot at them.

Bruce Ban­ner

Mark was my first and only choice for Bruce Ban­ner. I’m stunned that we landed that, just stunned. He has what I remem­ber lov­ing about the show, that qual­ity of, you just look at him and you go through it with him, he invites you in in a way that [no] other per­former has since Bill Bixby. He is a guy who’s been beaten up by life, but not defined by that. That’s what I want from Bruce Ban­ner, is a guy who’s still get­ting it done, even though he has his problem.

Iron Man direc­tor Jon Favreau has also com­mented on the recast­ing at Comic-con:

“It’s tricky,” the Iron Man direc­tor said. “I know Edward, and I dig the guy’s tal­ent tremen­dously. He’s always been a very great guy… I’m sure that how­ever this comes out, it’s going to be some­thing that’s amenable to both the film­maker and the stu­dio. I know that we faced the chal­lenge of recast­ing with Don Chea­dle and Ter­rence Howard, and although I think break­ing con­ti­nu­ity is always a chal­lenge and should be avoided when­ever pos­si­ble, it is the real­ity of the movie busi­ness that some­times things don’t work out.”

Watch The Avengers cast at Comic-con July 26th, 2010

Two videos of the on-stage Avengers get together are now online. Watch them if you want to be part of the pal­pa­ble excite­ment of see­ing the cast together for the first time.

Avengers cast assemble on stage at SDCC July 25th, 2010

At the end of the Thor panel at SDCC, Kevin Feige dimmed the stage and a large ‘A’ appeared on screen, with the voice-over of Samuel L. Jack­son as Nick Fury explain­ing the for­ma­tion of the world’s biggest super hero team. Then Jack­son came on stage and intro­duced the cast, one by one.

The pic­ture, from left to right: Robert Downey Jr. (Iron man), Clark Gregg (Agent Coul­son), Scar­lett Johans­son (Black Widow), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans (Cap­tain Amer­ica), Samuel L. Jack­son (Nick Fury), Jeremy Ren­ner (Hawk­eye), Mark Ruf­falo (Bruce Ban­ner), direc­tor Joss Whe­don and pro­ducer Kevin Feige.

Joss Whedon is officially directing The Avengers July 25th, 2010

At this year’s SDCC Joss Whe­don, whilst on stage with J.J.Abrams, offi­cially con­firmed that he will be helm­ing the Avengers movie adap­ta­tion, set for release in 2012. The movie is still in the out­line phase and in the process of rework­ing the story.

“The thing I love about it is how com­pletely counter-intuitive it is. These peo­ple should not be in the same room, much less the same team. The very def­i­n­i­tion of family.”

In other news, Nathan Fil­lion will NOT be play­ing Ant Man in the adap­ta­tion, Whe­don jok­ingly announced Fil­lion would be play­ing the role, but that Ant Man wouldn’t be in the film. All very confusing.

More solidly, Whe­don has con­firmed that Jeremy Ren­ner will be tak­ing on the role of Hawkeye.

No Ed Norton in The Avengers July 25th, 2010

Ed Nor­ton will not be play­ing Bruce Ban­ner in the upcom­ing Avengers movie. He would have joined Robert Downey Jr., Scar­lett Johans­son, Samuel L. Jack­son as Nick Fury, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Chris Evans as Cap­tain America.

Kevin Feige reports,

“We have made the deci­sion to not bring Ed Nor­ton back to por­tray the title role of Bruce Ban­ner in the Avengers. Our deci­sion is def­i­nitely not one based on mon­e­tary fac­tors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embod­ies the cre­ativ­ity and col­lab­o­ra­tive spirit of our other tal­ented cast mem­bers. The Avengers demands play­ers who thrive work­ing as part of an ensem­ble, as evi­denced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scar­lett, and all of our tal­ented casts. We are look­ing to announce a name actor who ful­fills these require­ments, and is pas­sion­ate about the iconic role in the com­ing weeks.”

This state­ment resulted in a kick-back from Norton’s agents and Nor­ton himself:

This offen­sive state­ment from Kevin Feige at Mar­vel is a pur­pose­fully mis­lead­ing, inap­pro­pri­ate attempt to paint our client in a neg­a­tive light. Here are the facts: two months ago, Kevin called me and said he wanted Edward to reprise the role of Bruce Ban­ner in The Avengers. He told me it would be his fan­tasy to bring Edward on stage with the rest of the cast at Comi­Con and make it the event of the con­ven­tion. When I said that Edward was def­i­nitely open to this idea, Kevin was very excited and we agreed that Edward should meet with Joss Whe­don to dis­cuss the project. Edward and Joss had a very good meet­ing (con­firmed by Feige to me) at which Edward said he was enthu­si­as­tic at the prospect of being a part of the ensem­ble cast. Mar­vel sub­se­quently made him a finan­cial offer to be in the film and both sides started nego­ti­at­ing in good faith. This past Wednes­day, after sev­eral weeks of civil, uncon­tentious dis­cus­sions, but before we had come to terms on a deal, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Mar­vel called to say they had decided to go in another direc­tion with the part. This seemed to us to be a finan­cial deci­sion but, what­ever the case, it is com­pletely their pre­rog­a­tive, and we accepted their deci­sion with no hard feelings.

We know a lot of fans have voiced their pub­lic dis­ap­point­ment with this result, but this is no excuse for Feige’s mean spir­ited, accusatory com­ments. Counter to what Kevin implies here, Edward was look­ing for­ward to the oppor­tu­nity to work with Joss and the other actors in the Avengers cast, many of whom are per­sonal friends of his. Feige’s state­ment is unpro­fes­sional, disin­gen­u­ous and clearly defam­a­tory. Mr. Nor­ton tal­ent, tire­less work ethic and pro­fes­sional integrity deserve more respect, and so do Marvel’s fans.

Jon Favreau will not be directing The Avengers October 16th, 2009

From the bumpy golf buggy, Jon Favreau shared some Avengers infor­ma­tion with MTV. First up, he will not be direct­ing The Avengers movie. Sec­ondly, Ed Nor­ton will not have a cameo appear­ance in Iron Man 2.

“We want to rein­force a lot of the stuff we started to tip off,” Favreau told MTV News. “‘The Avengers’ is a much larger con­cern for Mar­vel and Kevin Feige, who runs Mar­vel. They’re going to be doing ‘Thor’ and ‘Cap­tain Amer­ica,’ and the way we might start to tease those things in this movie, some of it is stuff that we’ve dis­cussed [and] some of the stuff you do last-minute as you fig­ure out how that stuff is com­ing together.”

“It’s an evolv­ing, amor­phous thing,” he explained. “If we decide and com­mit too early, the secret always gets out.”

“They’ll have to [find a dif­fer­ent direc­tor], because I’m not going to be avail­able,” he explained. “It’s some­thing I’m being the exec­u­tive pro­ducer on, so I’ll def­i­nitely have input and a say.”

“It’s going to be hard, because I was so involved in cre­at­ing the world of Iron Man and Iron Man is very much a tech-based hero, and then with ‘Avengers’ you’re going to be intro­duc­ing some super­nat­ural aspects because of Thor,” he con­tin­ued. “How you mix the two of those works very well in the comic books, but it’s going to take a lot of thought­ful­ness to make that all work and not blow the real­ity that we’ve created.”

“That’s why it’s good that you have the guys from Mar­vel like Kevin Feige, who knows the books well and has been involved with the mak­ing of all the movies, and he’ll be very involved with ‘Thor’ and ‘Cap,’” said Favreau. “You need some­body who has the per­spec­tive of all the dif­fer­ent fran­chises to bring them together. I have the myopic vision of just know­ing and lov­ing Iron Man.“

This opens up the ques­tion, who should direct the Avengers movie?

The Avengers movie about “saving the world” June 6th, 2009

Some press folk were lucky enough to visit the Iron Man 2 set recently, and in doing so had a long chat with Kevin Feige, Mar­vel Stu­dios pro­ducer. A tran­script from this talk from UGO reveals a few things about upcom­ing Mar­vel movies.

Zak Penn, Avengers screen­writer, shall begin pen­ning the script next week. The movie itself shall revolve around the team sav­ing the world, with a much dif­fer­ent focus to the indi­vid­ual super­hero movies. It shall be global and epic in its scale, a threat that one sin­gle hero can­not han­dle. As such, the bud­get will likely be larger. Kevin Feige would also like to see The Hulk as part of the team, hope­fully with Ed Nor­ton play­ing the role.

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