Movie Chronicles

More candid TF2 footage — parents running January 27th, 2009

Our first clips of this came ear­lier in the year from Philadelphia’s Chan­cel­lor Street (though it’s meant to be Paris), with footage of Sam’s par­ents run­ning down a nar­row street away from some invis­i­ble but deadly threat later to be CG’d in. This video pro­vides an excel­lent new angle of that scene, start­ing with Michael Bay and end­ing with Julie White and Kevin Dunn run­ning towards us:


Missile Mania game featuring Megatron January 27th, 2009

The pack­ag­ing for a Revenge of the Fallen Mis­sile Mania game fea­tures a redesigned Mega­tron on its front cover, despite sup­pos­edly not being in the movie:

For more clues on Megatron’s return we need only turn to the back of the toy boxes:


The moment his sen­sor net reg­is­tered Mega­tron going offline, Starscream knew that bat­tle was over and the Allspark lost. He con­verted to vehi­cle mode and boosted for outer space, hop­ing to buy enough time to rally the Decep­ti­con sur­vivors. Return­ing from Cybertron bear­ing the marks won dur­ing his reign over the Decep­ti­con army, he is cocused on con­quest. With a new army behind him, he has the strength to pur­sue his own goals, and per­haps, when the time is right, bring Mega­tron back.

Not to men­tion the Mega­tron Tank mode

Further Voyager Revenge of the Fallen toy pics January 27th, 2009

The-Arker have posted some close up shots of the new Bum­ble­bee toy along with the Sam Witwicky action fig­ure as well as box art for Opti­mus Prime and Starscream. Note the side of the box promi­nently fea­tur­ing Sam Witwicky and Mega­tron, rumored to reap­pear in the movie:

Batman sequel due in 2011 January 26th, 2009

New Jersey’s Courier Post spoke to Bat­man Begins and The Dark Knight exec­u­tive pro­ducer Michael Uslan. He expects the third Chris Nolan Bat­man movie to make an appear­ance in 2011. This seems log­i­cal to us, fol­low­ing a sim­i­lar time frame as Begins to Knight — it gives the cre­ative team a chance to flesh out some ideas whilst allow­ing Nolan to have a break from the fran­chise for a year or so, per­haps to work on other projects (such as The Pres­tige).

Uslan will be onboard as exec­u­tive pro­ducer for the “Dark Knight” sequel, which he esti­mates will be [in] the­aters by 2011. As for the iden­tity of the next round of Batman’s supervil­lains and love inter­ests, Uslan remains tight-lipped. “It’s one of those deals where if I told you, I’d have to kill you,” he says with a chuckle.

Heath Ledger wins “Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Role” at Screen Actors Guild Awards January 26th, 2009

Last night was the 15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, usu­ally seen as a very good indi­ca­tion of who the Oscar win­ners shall be. Heath Ledger’s The Joker pulled through fend­ing off com­pe­ti­tion from the likes of Downey Jr. and Josh Brolin:

Out­stand­ing Actor In A Sup­port­ing Role

Heath Ledger — The Dark Knight
Phillip Sey­mour Hoff­man — Doubt
Dev Patel — Slum­dog Mil­lion­aire
Robert Downey Jr. — Tropic Thun­der
Josh Brolin — Milk
WINNER: Heath Ledger — The Dark Knight

The signs are look­ing good, and given TDK’s Best Pic­ture and Best Direc­tor snubs, all our chips and Heath Ledger’s are in on this one.

TDK also brought home a sec­ond award from the SAGs for “Out­stand­ing Per­for­mance by a Stunt Ensem­ble in a Motion Pic­ture”.

New Poster to appear in “Confessions of a Shopoholic” January 25th, 2009

The new poster for the Prince of Per­sia movie will first be appear­ing in a rather unusual place, the rather cheeky Jerry Bruck­heimer has put it into his new movie, “Con­fes­sions of a Shopo­holic”, which’ll be the first place you can see it, so report MTV:

Fans look­ing for a first look at the poster art for the upcom­ing, “Prince of Per­sia: The Sands of Time” will have to head to the movie the­ater to see it, though it won’t be in the place they might expect.

Mega-Producer Jerry Bruck­heimer has hid­den the poster inside his lat­est film, “Con­fes­sions of a Shopa­holic”, appear­ing as a Times Square adver­tise­ment about halfway into the film. It joins posters for a num­ber of other Bruck­heimer pro­duc­tions, includ­ing the upcom­ing “G-Force”, though “Per­sia” is unique in that it marks the first time the films’ art­work has been seen anywhere.

Promi­nently fea­tured on the poster is lead actor Jake Gyl­len­haal in full-costume as Prince Dastan.

Voyager class ROTF toys in their packaging January 25th, 2009

The-Arker has more pic­tures of the Revenge of the Fallen voy­ager class mod­els of Bum­ble­bee, Opti­mus Prime and Starscream, the shots of Iron­hide have been included in the pre­vi­ous post — with pic­tures of the toy and its much enhanced big gun! Mean­while Bum­ble­bee is joined by a minia­ture Sam Witwicky character.

ROTF Ironhide Toy Pics January 25th, 2009

The-Arker have posted new images of the Revenge of the Fallen Voy­ager class Iron­hide toy. The model has been altered slightly since its last outing:

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