Movie Chronicles

The Fallen confirmed as main villain for TF2 July 29th, 2008

In an inter­view with MTV con­cern­ing the Trans­form­ers 2 pre­quel comic, pub­lisher IDW con­firmed that they would be pro­vid­ing a wealth of back­ground infor­ma­tion on the new main vil­lain, The Fallen.

“[We’re going to] explore the back­ground of The Fallen — the main vil­lain of the movie — as well as expand on the ‘Reign of Starscream’ story that we’re doing and tie every­thing in to what this next movie is going to be,” explained writer Chris Mowry, who part­ners on the book with artist Alex Milne. “The next movie starts out with just tons of action and there’s obvi­ously going to be a lot of ques­tions, so we’re hop­ing to answer some of those beforehand.”


“Des­tiny” will estab­lish much of the sec­ond before fans are intro­duced to an increas­ingly com­plex sto­ry­line with mul­ti­ple new robots. “We’re def­i­nitely tak­ing every char­ac­ter that we can from the sequel,” said Mowry. “So you’ll see some Sec­tor 7 involve­ment and how they devel­oped into a new group that will be intro­duced. The same thing with some of the new char­ac­ters, we’ll explain how they get to Earth. Because like I said, [the sequel] starts out with this giant bat­tle so peo­ple will be won­der­ing ‘Hey, where did that guy come from?’”

This is reit­er­ated in an inter­view with Simon Fur­man at CBR,

“I’ve never really had the chance to lay down the defin­i­tive story around [the 13] and what role they played in what came after them. Over the years for var­i­ous pub­lish­ers in var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions, I’ve laid seeds of this group called The 13 and hinted about who some of them might be and how they play into the big­ger mythos. I think this is where we’re find­ing answers to all the big ques­tions. We’re work­ing very closely with Has­bro in this series so that what­ever we do in ‘The 13′ is very much tied in to the whole Trans­form­ers Uni­verse. They want to get all of their irons in the fire ready and in the right order for 2009, which is the 25th anniver­sary. We’re all work­ing hope­fully to get a defin­i­tive, cohe­sive Trans­form­ers Uni­verse in terms of the back story.”

The writer added that the threads intro­duced in “The 13″ will even­tu­ally pay­off in cur­rent series and plots and pos­si­bly else­where within the Trans­form­ers fam­ily of media. “It’s inter­est­ing that the sec­ond movie is using this char­ac­ter called the Fallen, which is a char­ac­ter that we cre­ated back in the Dreamwave days for this big series called ‘The Dark Ages’ which tapped into what had gone before. So these names and insti­tu­tions like The 13 are rolling on into dif­fer­ent incarnations.”

The Fallen

For those not in the know, from Wikipedia:

Although the Fallen’s ori­gins are only sug­gested in his comic book appear­ance, they would be fully explained in Dor­ling Kindersley’s Trans­form­ers: The Ulti­mate Guide. One of the orig­i­nal thir­teen Trans­form­ers cre­ated by Primus, the robot who would become the Fallen betrayed his cre­ator by sid­ing with Primus’s dark twin, the malev­o­lent planet-eater, Uni­cron. In the final bat­tle between Primus and Uni­cron, the Fallen fell vic­tim to the same fate as his mas­ter, sucked through a black hole into another dimen­sion. How­ever, while Uni­cron emerged into another uni­verse, the Fallen was not so for­tu­nate, find­ing him­self trapped in the “under­space” between dimensions.

The Fallen made his only appear­ance in the sec­ond vol­ume of Trans­form­ers: The War Within — the Dark Ages. Around 6.5 mil­lion years ago, a test of the exper­i­men­tal “space bridge” matter-transport sys­tem on Cybertron lib­er­ated the Fallen from his prison, and he mate­ri­alised on Cybertron, where he quickly recruited the Chaos Trin­ity, three mystically-inclined Decep­ti­cons — Blud­geon, Mind­wipe and Bugly — into his employ. Abduct­ing Trans­form­ers that he iden­ti­fied as pos­sess­ing “genetic poten­tial” within their sparks — Grim­lock, Blitzwing, Jet­fire and Hot Spot — the Fallen planned to use their ener­gies to awaken Primus from his self-imposed slum­ber, thereby alert­ing Uni­cron to his loca­tion, allow­ing the world-eater to renew hos­til­i­ties with his old enemy. An attack from com­bined Auto­bot and Decep­ti­con forces led by Shock­wave and Prowl dis­rupted his plans, and Primus him­self reached out and promptly destroyed the Fallen.

The Fallen

Revenge of the Fallen at San Pedro July 29th, 2008

Opti­mus Prime, Iron­hide, the NEST vehi­cles and the Ice Cream truck have been spot­ted film­ing in San Pedro CA. The set very much resem­bles the Beth­le­hem Steel locale whilst Chi­nese sym­bols can also been seen dot­ted about the place — strongly sug­gest­ing that these scenes will link up some­how with the Beth­le­hem Steel shoot.

Source: TLAMB

Shia flips car with Isabel Lucas, arrested for a DUI July 29th, 2008

Shia LaBoeuf is an idiot. Any­one that dri­ves drunk deserves to be called an idiot and made a pub­lic mock­ery of. Below is the best tele­vi­sion report I can find on YouTube that cov­ers the inci­dent — well, the least sen­sa­tion­al­ist and the most infor­ma­tive. It con­cludes that Shia expects to return to work within the month. Shia man­aged to flip his green Ford when he made a left-turn too fast, crush­ing his left hand in the process and requir­ing exten­sive surgery. Celebri­ty­Fix reports that the female pas­sen­ger involved in the acci­dent was none other than Isabel Lucas, unin­jured she has returned to the set for filming.

Record #6: Fastest to reach $300m — only 10 days July 28th, 2008

This week­end looked like it would bring in more big num­bers for The Dark Knight, and that it cer­tainly did. After very strong mid-week sales of $18.4m and $16.5m on Wednes­day and Thurs­day respec­tively, the caped cru­sader added another $23.2m on Fri­day, mak­ing the $300m tar­get reach­able by the end of the week.

In its sec­ond week­end The Dark Knight grossed an esti­mated $75.6m in 4366 the­aters, the record for biggest sec­ond week­end ever (set by Shrek 2 — $72.2m), putting Bat­man at a whop­ping $314.2m after only 10 days — smash­ing the pre­vi­ous $300m record set by Dead Man’s Chest by 6 days.

The movie is now up to #23 on the domes­tic block­buster chart. Inter­na­tion­ally The Dark Knight added $65.6m in 7,143 the­aters across 43 loca­tions — reach­ing a for­eign total of $126.3m. In 12 days the world­wide gross has reached $440.5m, despite key Asian and Euro­pean mar­kets get­ting a delayed release in August.

Sources: Vari­ety, Box Office Mojo

Legendary Pictures joins Gears of War July 25th, 2008

Vari­ety are report­ing that movie stu­dio Leg­endary Pic­tures will be co-financing and co-producing the Gears of War movie adap­ta­tion, to be directed by Len Wiseman.

It’s the first New Line project that Leg­endary has signed onto since the mini-major was folded into Warner Bros. ear­lier this year. Leg­endary has a deal to co-finance and co-produce at WB.

“Gears of War” has been set up at New Line since early last year with Marty Bowen and Wyck God­frey pro­duc­ing through their Tem­ple Hill ban­ner. “Gears” lead designer Cliff Bleszin­ski is exec pro­duc­ing and con­sult­ing for devel­oper Epic, which owns the rights.

Len Wise­man is direct­ing with Chris Mor­gan writ­ing the script. First draft was penned by Stu­art Beattie.

The Joker Chauffeur Scene July 25th, 2008

Dur­ing the viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign we were given this image of The Joker being chauffeured:

Chris has pointed out that this was not in the movie — maybe there are some more Joker scenes wait­ing for us on the DVD release, or a director’s cut? We can only hope. Where do you thing this would have fit into the movie?

Read the rest of this entry »

Record #5: Fastest to reach $200m! July 24th, 2008

The Dark Knight has utterly smashed the record for reach­ing $200m the fastest, the pre­vi­ous record was eight days — by three films — Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Spider-Man 2 and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith; all big name con­tenders. The Dark Knight has achieved this in five days, knock­ing a whole 3 days off the record. That’s phenomenal.

On Mon­day the movie took $24.5 mil­lion (a best ever non-holiday Mon­day) and Tues­day it added a fur­ther $20.87 mil­lion (sec­ond best ever to Trans­form­ers).

SSH has a nice sum­mary of The Dark Knight’s major accom­plish­ments so far:

Widest release (4,366 the­aters), biggest mid­night open­ing ($18.5M), biggest open­ing week­end ($158.4M), biggest July opener ($158.4M), biggest PG-13 rated open­ing ($158.4M), biggest sin­gle day ($67.2M), biggest open­ing day ($67.2M), biggest Fri­day ($67.2M), biggest Sun­day ($43.6M), biggest IMAX open­ing ($6.3M) and fastest to $200M in five days ($203.8M).

Source: Media by Num­bers, Thanks Keith

New Transformers 2 Logo July 22nd, 2008

Transformers 2 Logo

The offi­cial Trans­form­ers web­site has updated to include a new Revenge of the Fallen logo.

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