Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie

Did you catch the Prince of Persia poster? March 3rd, 2009

If any of you decided to watch Con­fes­sions of a Shopo­holic you may have missed the Prince of Per­sia movie poster flash­ing in the reflec­tion of the cab, do not fret, TTeba has con­tacted us with a clip show­ing that very scene. The poster itself looks very rem­i­nis­cent of the video games.

The por­trayal of the Prince in the movie seems to be an inter­est­ing com­bi­na­tion of pre­vi­ous games, as one reader points out — the movie is enti­tled ‘Sands of Time’ — in the first look video we see Jake dressed in a white robe — sim­i­lar to the 1989 prince and we also see clips of him donned up in the War­rior Within prince out­fit. And now in this poster there is a hint of the Two Thrones char­ac­ter portrayal.

Comments 5 Responses to “Did you catch the Prince of Persia poster?”

mar­shall revell March 4th, 2009

i find this all very inter­est­ing. the movie is sands of time, but in the first look movie, we see him wear­ing a white robe rem­i­nis­cent of my beloved 1989 prince, plus he also looks like the war­rior within prince, and in this poster he looks like two thrones prince.

i can’t wait to see a pic­ture of the actual poster

Not Wanted From Russia March 5th, 2009

It‘s very cooll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alfonso Maruc­cia March 22nd, 2009

Uhm, it should be “Con­fes­sions of a Shopa­holic”, not “Shopo­holic” :-P


smoky December 9th, 2009

a dis­ney movie REALLY omg been bet­ter if it was a lion­s­gate film walkin walls ect

alvien June 7th, 2010

i like movie prince of persia