Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie


International Prince of Persia trailer November 4th, 2009

A sec­ond offi­cial Prince of Per­sia movie trailer has been released, this time it’s the inter­na­tional ver­sion. It is slightly dif­fer­ent with the odd new glimpse, although it doesn’t show Ben Kingsley.

Official Prince of Persia movie trailer November 3rd, 2009

Thanks to all those that sent this one in!

We’ll have an analy­sis for you shortly.

New Prince of Persia movie footage May 10th, 2009

Our first exten­sive look at the Prince of Per­sia movie has come via ABC, in a fea­ture that inter­views PoP pro­ducer Jerry Bruck­heimer. The footage, which bears the text ‘this film is not yet rated’, could be the snip­pets of an unfin­ished trailer; it appears to be edited in a fash­ion that matches a trailer. We get to see Jake Gyl­len­haal train­ing to become the Prince, Ben Kings­ley, numer­ous shots of Jake bat­tling top­less, the expan­sive Moroc­can set and Gemma Arter­ton as Tamina.

“Great adven­ture and won­der­ful action“

Ben Kings­ley

Jake Gyl­len­haal as Dastan

Gemma Arter­ton as Tamina

Mor­ro­can Set

Did you catch the Prince of Persia poster? March 3rd, 2009

If any of you decided to watch Con­fes­sions of a Shopo­holic you may have missed the Prince of Per­sia movie poster flash­ing in the reflec­tion of the cab, do not fret, TTeba has con­tacted us with a clip show­ing that very scene. The poster itself looks very rem­i­nis­cent of the video games.

The por­trayal of the Prince in the movie seems to be an inter­est­ing com­bi­na­tion of pre­vi­ous games, as one reader points out — the movie is enti­tled ‘Sands of Time’ — in the first look video we see Jake dressed in a white robe — sim­i­lar to the 1989 prince and we also see clips of him donned up in the War­rior Within prince out­fit. And now in this poster there is a hint of the Two Thrones char­ac­ter portrayal.

Jake interview and first video footage November 19th, 2008

ET Online have posted a video inter­view with Jake Gyl­len­haal, show­ing quick snip­pets of action, Jake hav­ing some fun and Jerry Bruck­heimer. It’s pretty laid back, and, as media movie scoops tend to go, this one is pretty good.

Note the quick pan­ning shots of Morocco, the two sworded action scenes.

Pic­tures from the video

Thanks Mal!