Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie

First pictures of the Moroccan Movie Set August 31st, 2008

Our first glimpses at the con­struc­tion of the Prince of Per­sia movie set have come to us via Kor­ben & Rocho. These pic­tures were taken at Ait Ben Had­dou in Morocco; it looks like they are cre­at­ing a full town with streets et al. It is also inter­est­ing to com­pare them to the con­cept art that was released in April 2007.

Comments 19 Responses to “First pictures of the Moroccan Movie Set”

/gamer » Blog Archive » More Pic­tures from the Set of the Movie Prince of Persia September 1st, 2008

[…] Thanks to moviechronicles […]

pica­dilly September 1st, 2008

This is great! But I want to see pic­tures of the actors at work!

sherv September 1st, 2008

Shouldn’t they be using source mate­r­ial to repli­cate Perse­po­lis or Elam.

Top Gamer Blog » Archive » Scraps: Nick Chester is too busy to do this any­more edi­tion (9/1/2008) September 1st, 2008

[…] Some pho­tos have emerged of exte­rior sets for the Prince of Per­sia film. [MovieChronicles] […]

Jue­gos: Primeras fotos del set de “Principe de Per­sia” — Ecetia September 2nd, 2008

[…] First pic­tures of the Moroc­can Movie Set | Vía: Destruc­toid ← Ante­rior | Ini­cio | Sigu­iente → Com­parte esta anotación […]

Butaca 13 September 2nd, 2008

[…] Enlace (Con más fotos): First pic­tures of the Moroc­can Movie Set […]

Malachi September 3rd, 2008

Uh… the film is set in Baby­lo­nia, they got the ‘desert’ feel right… but they could’ve done a bet­ter job… looks a lit­tle shit Hollywood…

Ten­shu September 8th, 2008

Hey, haven’t you all played the whole tril­ogy game?
Sands of time: India (the sands belongs to them, Per­sia attacked India to get them of the sands of time !)
War­rior Within: Time Island
Two Thrones: Persia

The place is great, and all the vir­tual envi­ro­ment that will be placed there will bring a much bet­ter real­ism of that age!

Jekyll Grim Payne September 9th, 2008

Actu­ally, SoT is not in India. India is only the first chap­ter of the game — get­ting The Dag­ger of Time, which was kept in indian maharaja’s cas­tle. All the game after this part takes place in The Palace of Azar, Per­sia. WW really takes place on The Island of Time, but as for T2T — not Per­sia too. The Tower of Baby­lon has noth­ing to do with Per­sia, and actu­ally it existed (if it did) long before Per­sia even appeared. I don’t know how Ubisoft invented plot about Prince of Per­sia in Baby­lon, but… well, it’s kind of a fairy-tale…

As for pic­tures, these places look nice, but how are they going to recre­ate the atmos­phere of that fan­tas­tic huge mag­i­cal cas­tles, etc.? I hope they won’t make the Prince jump on the rooftops for the whole movie…

Jekyll Grim Payne September 9th, 2008

Well, per­haps I’m wrong about T2T, as Baby­lon after Baby­lon­ian period really was turned to one of per­sian empires. But the tower shown in T2T seems to be a ref­er­ence to bib­li­cal Baby­lon Tower, which in Bible existed at the period when there were to sep­a­rate coun­tries and no Per­sia… again, it’s a fairy-tale. And still, there really were high tow­ers in Babylon.

Malachi September 12th, 2008

Well… it is Dis­ney, so expect it to be shit :)

Links & Sug­ges­tions # 4: space worms, stingy ISPs, Google and the ancient Per­sia | Sir Arthur’s Den September 19th, 2008

[…] The ancient Per­sia takes shape on set. After the first stolen images of the moronic face of Jake Gyl­len­haal, the indis­cre­tions on what should be the next Dis­ney block­buster and, hope­fully, a videogame license exploited in a decent way, bring the nth series of photo shots from the dis­tance. In Marocco, near the for­ti­fied city and World Her­itage Aït Ben­had­dou, the major is rebuild­ing an entire city with all its streets and mag­nif­i­cent palaces, an ideal back­ground for the movie adven­tures of Prince of Per­sia. First pic­tures of the Moroc­can Movie Set. […]

Link & Seg­nalazioni # 4: space worm, ISP dal brac­cino corto, Google e antica Per­sia | Sir Arthur’s Den September 19th, 2008

[…] L’antica Per­sia prende forma sul set. Dopo le prime immag­ini rubate della fac­cia da idiota di Jake Gyl­len­haal, le indis­crezioni per quello che dovrebbe essere il prossimo block­buster Dis­ney e, augura­bil­mente, una licenza dai videogame sfrut­tata in maniera decente, pro­ducono l’ennesima serie di scatti fotografici a dis­tanza. In Marocco, nei pressi della città for­ti­fi­cata e Pat­ri­mo­nio dell’Umanità Aït Ben­had­dou, la major sta ricostru­endo un’intera città con tanto di strade e palazzi son­tu­osi, sfondo ide­ale delle avven­ture cin­e­matogra­fiche di Prince of Per­sia. First pic­tures of the Moroc­can Movie Set. […]

zaza September 28th, 2008

per­sia is per­sia. per­sia is not morocco not eng­land not … per­sia just likes per­sia. you under­stand? you know per­sia really?

alexan­dar October 7th, 2008

your choice for the prince sucks veeeeery much it’s the biggest mis­take ti pick this shity actor. jason scott lee is the real man for this roll

buy­clo­mido August 30th, 2009

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zine­dine November 11th, 2009

Ouarza­zate (called The door of the desert), is a city and cap­i­tal of Ouarza­zate Province in the Souss-Massa-Draâ of southern-central Morocco. As of 2004 it had a pop­u­la­tion of 56,616. Ouarza­zate is located at an alti­tude of 1,160 m in the mid­dle of a bare plateau, south of the High Atlas Moun­tains. To the south of the town is the desert. The town is chiefly inhab­ited by Berbers, who con­structed many of the promi­nent kas­bahs and build­ing for which the area is known for. Ouarza­zate is one of the impor­tant hol­i­day des­ti­na­tions in Morocco as a nodal point for excur­sion across the Draa Val­ley and desert in the area. The for­ti­fied vil­lage (ksar) of Ait Ben­had­dou has been declared a World Her­itage Site by UNESCO.

The town and sur­round­ing area is also a noted film-making loca­tion, with Morocco’s biggest stu­dios invit­ing many inter­na­tional film com­pa­nies to shoot their films. Films such as Lawrence of Ara­bia (1962), Star Wars (1977), The Liv­ing Day­lights (1987), The Last Temp­ta­tion of Christ (1988), The Mummy (1999), Glad­i­a­tor (2000) and Mar­tin Scorsese’s Kun­dun (1997) were shot in the Ouarazate area
and now Prince of Persia

Breene January 22nd, 2010

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