Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie

Disney releases Prince of Persia concept art April 17th, 2007

Three con­cept images and a “logo treat­ment” were released to the pub­lic, the last of which looks might­ily impressive.

Comments 19 Responses to “Disney releases Prince of Persia concept art”

Graf­fiK November 1st, 2007

I‘m one of the biggest fans of Prince of Per­sia and I can‘t wait for the movie to come out.

wall­hop­per November 5th, 2007

I’m really look­ing for­ward to this one. And wow! The con­cept art is beautiful.

Nice site btw :)

g_dog_cris November 25th, 2007

i’ve been wait­ing 3 years for the movie…i can’t wait…good luck

the kidd January 15th, 2008

Finally the prince of per­sia movie the actor bet­ter be on point coz thats a del­i­cate role his gettn. otger­wise kudos 2 yall 4 the site its jus wat i was lookn 4.

Ghan­shyam­sinh parmar January 17th, 2008

Hello this is very nice and the look of india is to cool as orig­i­nal really loved this stuff and wait­ing for more.

Randa January 26th, 2008

I played all pop-games and I’m also look­ing for­ward to the movie!!!!!! xD

Sas­san February 11th, 2008

Prince of India then?!

I’m a Per­sian myself, and here’s what I think about these concepts:

Pic1: Logo

Dark, brown. Sand, and darkness.

Per­sian ide­ol­ogy: Spread light and hap­pi­ness. The world is con­sist of a fight between good and bad, the light and the dark­ness. Sad­ness comes from evil and hap­pi­ness comes from the unique God, the Ahu­raa­maz­daa (Eng: the wise lord )

Using black and brown is %100 despite what Per­sian ide­ol­ogy, Per­sian cul­ture, Per­sian lit­er­a­ture, Per­sian peo­ple, and all the Per­sian things are say­ing through­out history.

Pic2: Boat and the Indian man

1st. %100 Indian clothes which has noth­ing to do with any kind of Per­sian clothings.

2nd. Dark skins. Persian’s eth­nic back­ground is Aryan race, ok noth­ing racist! no Hitler’s the­ory at all, no Nazi over here, ok?. Per­sians are white peo­ple migrat­ing around 5000 years from Sib­era in Rus­sia to the present Iran. Mix­ing with indige­nous peo­ple and many tribes who were migrat­ing along with the slik road; Per­sian are not a bit , JUST A BIT, less white than Euro­peans. That’s all!! no pale skin, no black. And again I’m not racist! just try­ing to make some facts as clear as possible.

Pic3: Sol­diers and building

%100 Indian stuff, with just some Sas­sanid Per­sian uni­forms. Only the first solider ( from right ) seems Per­sian, the other two are definitly non-Persian, as they didn’t grow a beard, which was a very impor­tant until some cen­turies ago, includ­ing the time when PoP story hap­pens. They all had curly beards, the longer beard they had, the higher level they belonged to could be rec­og­nized. Just as an exam­ple, Kings had the longest pos­si­ble beards; of course not like Bin Laden’s! a curly one with a lot of per­fume and some­times Hanaa ( a herbal mix­ture which makes hairs red and includes many vit­a­mins ) were used to make it more attractive.

Also, no scowl! as said before, sad­ness comes from evil. So, a Per­sian with scowl would be con­sid­ered as a bad one. This is also why many Greeks loathed Per­sians as they were happy all the time.

Pic4: Crowd and the buildings

Fic­tional archi­tec­ture. It’s really bet­ter to study Per­sian lit­er­a­ture, Per­sian archi­tec­ture, Per­sian rugs, and any Per­sian stuff around. There’s more joy in them which makes peo­ple watch your movie Really really no need to go that much fic­tional; not even nec­es­sary? is it? maybe Zack Sny­der is read­ing my com­ment ? :D

Ok bud­dies, hope­fully I’ll find a way through Dis­ney and pre­vent them from mak­ing another dis­as­trous movie like 300, Alexan­der, or even the Trans­form­ers ( They’ve renamed Per­sian Gulf. Called some sci­en­tists “too wise to be Iran­ian!” ! Thanks Michael Bay, good racist stuff, heil Lin­coln! what a world! )


Matt March 23rd, 2008

Sas­san, Per­sian thought does say that light equals hap­pi­ness, but the story of the Sands of Time isn’t exactly happy, so I think Dis­ney should get off the hook for the brown and black logo. But I have to agree with you com­pletely on the archi­tec­ture. although in the game, set in Azad (wher­ever that is) the archi­tec­ture was a mix between Per­sian and Indian, there is ZERO Per­sian influ­ence in the con­cept art. They need to deal with that. The sol­diers with the sort beards could be merely too young to have a long beard. It hasn’t grown in yet.

Leon April 12th, 2008

Hmm, Sas­san, you seem to know your stuff very well, i admire that, i wrote some­thing like what you wrote, acci­den­taly on the wrong page (click link to next page Name: GonnaKil­luifth­is­f­sup) i was just pissed, i will repost my post here:

“Man, oh man… I am really freaked out, about all of this. First off, why change the name Farah, to Tam­ina, Farah is a lot bet­ter. Sec­ondly Dont change the story, we all have come to know and love the story of the games, and if that gets taken away, peo­ple are just going to walk out of the movie the­atre, dis­s­a­pointed. And Please, this is my main prob­lem, Please DO NOT paint the actors black (brown etc.) Think­ing that is the orig­i­nal colour of per­sians, IT’s NOT! Orig­i­nal per­sian are of the Arian race, white, we are not black, and I am defi­natly not being racist to black peo­ple, I love all colour, races, cul­tures, but if u want to make a movie about PERISA, then get things right. If this all becomes a mess like the movie 300, I am going to be very upset, and mad, so some­one send this to Jerry Bruck­heimer, and tell him to read this 100 times: GET THE FACTS RIGHT, AND LEAVE THE STORY ALONE, JUST DO WHAT YOU DO BEST AND CREATE THE MOVIE, NOT YOUR OWN POP”

I did not back up my fact like you did, but all Per­sians know what were talk­ing about. I was mostly wor­ried about the colour of skin (NOT being racist). Sas­san, maybe if we put our heads together, some­way, some­how! we may be able to change many of the prob­lems, with what they have released so far. Im a HUGE fan of the Pop tril­ogy, and I do not want it to fall apart. It is NOT to late to do some­thing, if you are inter­ested, post your email, and I shall respond, if we try we may come up with and idea, to change many things. If not, and if your want to do this by your­self, I am fine with it, just please some­one out there send this to dis­ney, and pre­vent them, from mak­ing these mistakes…

TG May 17th, 2008

WOW! I’m sooo excited. I’ve loved POP since I played the orig­i­nal ver­sion on my Grandma’s com­puter ages ago. I think i’ve been wait­ing for the movie since then LOL Can’t wait!

I’ve go tmixed feel­ings about Dis­ney being in charge though. National Trea­sure seemed alright but it dpends on the Directer really…

Jue­gos: Primeras fotos del set de “Principe de Per­sia” — Ecetia September 2nd, 2008

[…] Ben Had­dou en Mar­rue­cos y si bien aun no podemos ver nada tan mar­avil­loso como las imá­genes de ese primer arte con­cep­tual que dieron a cono­cer en abril la cosa pinta bastante […]

Server Jue­gos — Noti­cias, infor­ma­ción y novedades » Primeras fotos del set de “Príncipe de Persia” September 3rd, 2008

[…] Had­dou (Mar­rue­cos), y si bien aún no podemos ver nada tan mar­avil­loso como las imá­genes de ese primer arte con­cep­tual que dieron a cono­cer en abril la cosa pinta bastante […]

Blue Dreams September 5th, 2008

It’s not Persia,it’s INDIA.
is it so hard to a buy book about Persia,even take a look
at the POP Game,Im not agree with this.uuuuaaaaaagh !!!

Oop September 16th, 2008

I’ve played all the POP games at least a hun­dred times, and though I’ve only got a scrap of actual knowl­edge of Per­sia, I do know that I never saw a black per­son in the game (also not being racist). That isn’t to say that black peo­ple couldn’t be there. Just because they have made col­ored sol­diers in the art doesn’t mean all of them will be col­ored. Like some­one said– peo­ple migrated on the Silk road, as well as many other roads. It’s per­fectly plau­si­ble that peo­ple with col­ored skin could have moved into Persia.

So don’t get your panties in a bunch yet, peo­ple. Just give it some time. One pic­ture isn’t going to deter­mine the entire movie. I under­stand where every­one is com­ing from, but just have a lit­tle bit of faith.

As far as the archi­tec­ture goes, I wouldn’t know.

Also, I think that, though the beards would be more accu­rate, it would be strange for every­one to have really long beards. Per­son­ally, that would bother me, sim­ply because where I’m from, a beard is a strange thing to see.

I believe that this movie has poten­tial, and I’m still look­ing for­ward to it.

Everett Rose November 12th, 2008


Priti December 10th, 2008

To Dis­ney Author­ity…
plz, dnt add any­thing unusal in da movie.
Dnt ruined our view of da prince.

Make da movie per­fectly.
We’er waitin 4 da day.…

First pic­tures of the Moroc­can Movie Set (Prince of Per­sia: Sands of Time — The Movie) December 15th, 2008

[…] they are cre­at­ing a full town with streets et al. It is also inter­est­ing to com­pare them to the con­cept art that was released in April […]

raghu kalyan May 19th, 2010


imran June 3rd, 2010

mar­velous film i would eat it with sum jam :)