Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie

Sands of Time Script Review June 1st, 2007

Latino Review is a web­site infa­mous for its early pre­views, pub­li­ca­tions and reviews of in-development first draft scripts. This time they have done it again with a review of Bruckheimer’s Prince of Per­sia adap­ta­tion, with screen­play writ­ten by Jor­dan Mech­ner and Jef­frey Nach­manoff. Their conclusion?

Rat­ing: A-, Almost Per­fect

What does that mean in real terms? Not a lot really, but it is encour­ag­ing. To sur­mise the fairly lengthy review:

  • Expect a lot of Park­our (remem­ber that scene in Casino Royale?) — Per­son­ally I feel that this film is per­fect for some park­our exhi­bi­tion­ism, meld­ing seam­lessly with the sub­ject mat­ter: “Park­our is a phys­i­cal art of French ori­gin, the aim of which is to move from point A to point B as effi­ciently and quickly as pos­si­ble, using prin­ci­pally the abil­i­ties of the human body.
  • The script begins with Nizam and the Per­sian Army inter­cept­ing some smug­glers. Dis­tan is intro­duced in a knife throw­ing contest.
  • Dis­tan is soon in pos­ses­sion of a cer­e­mo­nial dag­ger with a glass han­dle filled with sand and encrusted with stones.
  • By the end of act 1 the sto­ry­line of the film is setup (not revealed here) and the pow­ers of the dag­ger briefly unveiled.

And here is a prospec­tive movie poster:

Prince of Persia Movie Poster

Comments 26 Responses to “Sands of Time Script Review”

Takoon October 20th, 2007

Hon­estly, I don’t think that’s hope­ful at all. Park­our is fan­tas­tic, and that’s my one of my favorite aspects of Prince of Persia…except the story…which isn’t there.

That’s not even close to the orig­i­nal, and is almost shun­ning it. One of the main rea­sons I play this game over and over again is for the story, and if it’s not there then I’m not sure if I’d want to see it.

And maybe I’m a purist, but I don’t want him to have a name, and I think it would be quite sim­ple and beau­ti­ful to not have a name for him in the movie.

sui­cider November 7th, 2007

Hey, regard­ing the pic­ture: what the hell is the dag­ger­tail doing there? It not the part of the story at all!

Bleeding-Spaz November 10th, 2007

What’s So Bad About Start­ing The Story The Way They Started It In The Game. That’s What The Fans Would Want. The Only Thing i Don’t Want Is Some Holy­wood Bull­shit. There Bet­ter Be Wall­run­ning, Pole Jump­ing, Time Turn­ing, Sand Tak­ing, Farah F*cking, But­ton Press­ing, And Dis­ney Bet­ter Not Hold Back On All The Action.

b-bob-buddy December 7th, 2007

But The pic­ture is from prince of per­sia the two thrones (part 3 of the game)


Arok December 23rd, 2007

I hope dis­ney doesnt screw up this movie cause I am a fan of all the games

Arok December 23rd, 2007

If they take out action like the pirates movies ill hate it.

Graf­fiK December 31st, 2007

Why Is The Dag­ger­tail On The Poster Of The Sands Of Time Movie? That Doesn‘t Make Any Sense At All!

biggest­POP­fan January 5th, 2008

hay. i hear that your not hav­ing sand mon­sters in the movie. why not.…if its a movie on the game then have the same plot and sto­rie line and stuff as the game. i dont want and i dont think any­one else wants hol­ly­woods sec­ond best option we want the real POP stuff.

Vien_Du February 24th, 2008

We all love POP not only because of its game play but also its mean­ing­ful story line. When hear­ing the POP movie, I hope it could show spirit of the game. Please don’t ruin it, don’t break its struc­ture and image.

Thomas March 16th, 2008

WTF?! basi­cally
the orig­i­nal sto­ry­line is so strong and touch­ing
i mean seri­ously
can they not just leave things alone?
not anni­alate =)
they’re gonna end up with tomb raider all over again!
and that REALLY did my head in!
the orig­i­nal sto­ry­line was so good
and could’ve been devel­oped
but no
let’s make it “bet­ter“
also like res­i­dent evil =)
the only game adap­ta­tion so far that’s sim­i­lar
is ‘silent hill’… and that’s WAYYY off too =|
but w/e
if this film’s as bad as it’s shap­ing up
then i hope they fail try­ing to do what no one clearly wants =)

GonnaKil­luifth­is­f­sup March 26th, 2008

Man, oh man… I am really freaked out, about all of this. First off, why change the name Farah, to Tam­ina, Farah is a lot bet­ter. Sec­ondly Dont change the story, we all have come to know and love the story of the games, and if that gets taken away, peo­ple are just going to walk out of the movie the­atre, dis­s­a­pointed. And Please, this is my main prob­lem, Please DO NOT paint the actors black (brown etc.) Think­ing that is the orig­i­nal colour of per­sians, IT’s NOT! Orig­i­nal per­sian are of the Arian race, white, we are not black, and I am defi­natly not being racist to black peo­ple, I love all colour, races, cul­tures, but if u want to make a movie about PERISA, then get things right. If this all becomes a mess like the movie 300, I am going to be very upset, and mad, so some­one send this to Jerry Bruck­heimer, and tell him to read this 100 times: GET THE FACTS RIGHT, AND LEAVE THE STORY ALONE, JUST DO WHAT YOU DO BEST AND CREATE THE MOVIE, NOT YOUR OWN POP

Ramer April 13th, 2008

that’s just stu­pid, if they’re chang­ing pop then, why don’t they make an ani­ma­tion movie that looks almost real just like the cutscenes, thats bet­ter than an actor that can’t do these tricks at all.

I think ani­ma­tion would be better.

bibo May 1st, 2008

if they not fol­low the sto­ry­line of the game it’s bet­ter to change the title of the movie from “Prince of Per­sia” to Prince of all Stupid”

Ryan June 18th, 2008

I hope this is not all the tory of the movie. they bet­ter include the sand mon­sters. i hope that dis­ney does that for their own sake too, because oth­er­wise they’re gonna have me and thou­sands of other angry PoP fans out­side their stu­dio with torches and pitchforks.

Swifty May 13th, 2009

What the heck is up with you com­plain­ing about the prince hav­ing a name? He revealed his name in the final scene of POP:SoT. Although it’s not Das­tan, he does have a name.

Dag­gerin June 22nd, 2009

Do you have any other blogs sim­i­lar to this? I really like your writ­ing style.

sne­goviksuk­ablyat August 2nd, 2009

im new on this forum.…

Vida Stur­di­vant December 22nd, 2009

Knowles March 15th, 2010

Finally, got what I had been search­ing!! I’ve absolutely enjoy­ing every small bit of it. Ecsta­tic I stum­bled in to this post! and also I’ve book­marked to see fresh infor­ma­tion for your blog post.

Jonathon Riv­ette May 20th, 2010

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Sean­jay June 5th, 2010

“Prince of Per­sia, The Sands of Time” was prob­a­bly one of the movies which turned my dis­ap­point­ment other way around. To be hon­est when I entered the cin­ema I was expect­ing crappy story and not a lot of action. Those expec­ta­tions were destroyed when the movie started to with back story to prince and then a bat­tle scene. The bat­tle scene was made in really awe­some way and I was left pleased. Through out the whole story it was just ups and downs, they didn’t leave the watcher wait­ing for action or any other events for long, since the action scene just kept on com­ing on and on. The end­ing was pretty inter­est­ing and it wasn’t another mis­lead­ing and dis­ap­point­ing story. I just loved it.

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I agree with your Blog and I will be back to check it more in the future so please keep up your work. I love your con­tent & the way that you write. It looks like you’ve been doing this for a while now, how long have you been blog­ging for?

Les­ley Meszaros June 15th, 2010

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Free WOW Gold June 20th, 2010

Thank you for shar­ing, I ran across this par­tic­u­lar arti­cle while look­ing for info­ma­tion regard­ing my term report, use­ful com­ments and great points produced.

Koola­tron December 6th, 2010

I am study­ing on this some for a paper I am writ­ing great writ­ers like you make my owrk much easier.

Naked Girl­friends February 2nd, 2011

After a care­ful read I thought it was very enlight­en­ing. I appre­ci­ate you tak­ing the time to put this piece together. I once again find myself spend­ing way to much time both read­ing and com­ment­ing. But so what, it was still worth it!