Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Green Lantern Movie Concept Art September 3rd, 2008

Illus­tra­tor Brian Mur­ray has posted some of his Green Lantern con­cept piece that he pitched for the movie adap­ta­tion; they were pre­sented to direc­tor Greg Berlanti’s “Berlanti Tele­vi­sion” as part of a pack­age. The images show Legion, Hal, a cos­tume change, Carol and Oa being flown towards.

Via C2F

Comments 2 Responses to “Green Lantern Movie Concept Art”

TJ January 7th, 2009

Hey why can’t it be John Stew­art…
Henry Sim­mons from NYPD(as Detec­tive Bald­win Jones) & Shark on CBS(as Isaac Wright)!

Check him out!!

I think it would be nice to have at least one African amer­i­can super­hero, when the Jus­tic league move finally comes out!!‘
And, Hand­cock doesn’t count!!

Every­body knows that John Stew­art was the best one too!!

Faust777 April 1st, 2009

yeah…no, John Stew­art was not the best! Hell, I hate Guy and I still think he’s alit­tle bit above John, he was the replacement’s replacement…just terrible…