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Green Lantern

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Bradley Cooper the Green Lantern? May 6th, 2009

Chris Pine and Ryan Gosling have both been linked to the Green Lantern role, now another name has been thrown into the mix, one Bradley Cooper (The Hang­over, Alias, Wed­ding Crashers):

[…] I’ve just spent the last hour or so on the phones, track­ing down a rumor I heard, and Hit­Fix can exclu­sively report that Bradley Cooper is now one of the guys most likely to don the suit and slip on the power ring as The Green Lantern for direc­tor Mar­tin Campbell.

Let’s be clear: they have not hired him yet. But the process is far enough along that this is more than just a meet­ing or some spot on a wish list. Keep in mind that Camp­bell likes to see a lot of peo­ple when he’s cast­ing… and even when he’s screen-testing, he seems will­ing to explore as many options as pos­si­ble… but with the film set to shoot later this sum­mer, they’ve got to start mak­ing their choices, and now’s the time to put peo­ple in front of the cam­era and see who really works in the suit.

Green Lantern filming in Sydney, shooting begins in November April 16th, 2009

Update: Ear­lier today we men­tioned the con­firmed Syd­ney film­ing loca­tion for the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion. THR have divulged a lit­tle more infor­ma­tion, reveal­ing that the project will have an esti­mated $150m budget.

We’d pre­vi­ously com­mented on the Aus­tralian film­ing loca­tion and scout­ing reports in and around Syd­ney and New South Wales, but today The Aus­tralian con­firms the spe­cific Syd­ney locale. Shoot­ing is expected to begin in Novem­ber and is expected to take six to nine months, this start date is slightly later than the pre­vi­ously reported mid-September. Pre-production shall begin in July.

THE big-budget movie adap­ta­tion of comic super­hero Green Lantern will be filmed in Syd­ney, with pro­duc­tion to begin later this year.

The movie, pro­duced by DC Comics and Warner Broth­ers, will be directed by Mar­tin Camp­bell, the man behind the 2006 James Bond film Casino Royale.

It is expected to cre­ate around 500 jobs in NSW with pre-production to start in July and film­ing to begin in Novem­ber at Sydney’s Fox Studios.

The film­ing is expected to take six to nine months.

“Bring­ing Green Lantern to NSW is a major coup,” Pre­mier Nathan Rees said when mak­ing the announce­ment at Fox Stu­dios today.

“Films such as this invest heav­ily in the local econ­omy and the flow-on effects for local ser­vices such as trans­port, con­struc­tion and the hotel industry.”

Chris Pine rumored to be inline for Hal Jordan role March 19th, 2009

We pre­vi­ously reported that Ryan Gosling could be inline to play The Green Lantern, since then the ante on the movie has upped — with the WB plac­ing all its chips in the green bas­ket, given the hes­i­ta­tion and fail­ings of the Super­man and Jus­tice League fran­chises — sug­gest­ing that the Green Lantern role might need re-evaluating.

The IESB are now report­ing a short list of pos­si­ble actors to play the main role, head­ing the list is Star Trek star (Cap­tain Kirk), Chris Pine. Jon Hamm, Sam Wor­thing­ton and Nathan Fil­lion have also been men­tioned. The WB are look­ing for ‘a man’s man under 30′.

We’ll clas­sify this one as rumor for now, espe­cially as Pine’s agent has declined to com­ment, how­ever with film­ing set to begin in Sep­tem­ber it shouldn’t be too long before we see an offi­cial announcement.

Green Lantern to begin shooting in September March 19th, 2009

The WB are set to begin film­ing The Green Lantern in mid-September in Aus­tralia, report Pro­duc­tion Weekly. The Aus­tralian loca­tion doesn’t come as much of a sur­prise given the loca­tion scout­ing reports we com­mented on in Decem­ber. Mean­while the pro­duc­tion crew has cre­ated a base camp at the Tribeca West com­plex pro­duc­tion offices, sit­u­ated in West Los Angeles.

Update: @WarnerBrosEnt sched­uled to begin film­ing mid-September in Aus­tralia on “Green Lantern”

Donald De Line on Green Lantern March 9th, 2009

Com­ing Soon had the oppor­tu­nity to talk with pro­ducer Don­ald De Line (Body of Lies) about the direc­tion that Green Lantern is taking:

“Our story is the Hal Jor­dan ori­gin story, but cre­at­ing the char­ac­ter of Hal Jor­dan that is a real char­ac­ter that will res­onate with the fan­base is what we need to do. You have to make him cred­i­ble and some­body to care about and tell a good story, and I think if we do that, we’ll be okay.”

“It’s going to be a series of big stakes and big action, but it absolutely has a sense of humor,” he replied when asked about the humor quo­tient of the movie. “I think peo­ple accept real life, even with really seri­ous sit­u­a­tions, with humor as part of that sit­u­a­tion, as we expe­ri­ence in life, you have to have that. That’s how peo­ple cope, so they’ve done it so well in these other movies. I think that peo­ple are absolutely ready. It doesn’t have to fall on one side of the fence vs. the other.”

Lastly, we asked him to address the rumors about them delib­er­ately going younger with Hal Jor­dan, some­thing that came out of the bogus sto­ries about Anton Yelchin audi­tion­ing, but De Line denied the inten­tion to cast younger. “Not really, late ‘20s, early ‘30s.”

Green Lantern to be released December 17th 2010 March 1st, 2009

We have a date! Warner Bros. have announced a whole slew of movie release dates, included in this list was the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion which is set for Christ­mas 2010, 17th Decem­ber to be more accu­rate. This falls on the same date as Sony’s ani­mated Smurfs movie.

Martin Campbell may direct February 6th, 2009

Mar­tin Camp­bell, direc­tor of Casino Royale, Gold­en­Eye and Ver­ti­cal Limit is in talks to direct the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion, report Vari­ety. With WB’s big Super­man and Jus­tice League movie plans falling through it looks like Green Lantern is mov­ing to the top of the hit list; bring­ing with it Mar­tin Campbell’s tal­ent and expe­ri­ence and a renewed desire to make this much more than another super­hero fran­chise, espe­cially given the recent and phe­nom­e­nal suc­cess of that dark and emo­tional Bat­man movie.

Greg Berlanti was orig­i­nally inline to direct, he has since been attached to the movie, “This is where I leave you”, yet remains a strong influ­ence as one of the three writ­ers that penned the screen­play (the oth­ers being Marc Guggen­heim and Michael Green).

Location scouts in Australia December 20th, 2008

The Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald are cur­rently report­ing that New South Wales and Vic­to­ria are in a bid­ding bat­tle to attract the busi­ness of The Green Lantern movie production.

The film­mak­ers have been scout­ing loca­tions and inter­view­ing key crew in Syd­ney for a movie with an esti­mated bud­get of more than $150 mil­lion. Cen­tring on a test pilot who uses a magic ring to become a crime-fighting superhero.

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