Movie Chronicles » Green Lantern Movie

Green Lantern

Green Lantern

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Ryan Reynolds talks Green Lantern October 11th, 2009

Ryan Reynolds recently appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fal­lon, where he talked very briefly about his upcom­ing role as Hal Jor­dan. The footage is on Hulu (you need to be in the US to watch this) and the gritty bit begins around the 21 minute mark. Video via SHH.

Green Lantern movie to shoot in Mexico? October 11th, 2009

The orig­i­nal plan was to shoot the Green Lantern adap­ta­tion in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia — with shoot­ing set to begin in Novem­ber. Inside Film report that pro­duc­tion is expected to move to Mex­ico, cit­ing cur­rency changes as the pri­mary cause. This also over­rides another sug­gested change that would have seen the movie shoot­ing in Louisiana.

Shoot­ing in Aus­tralia would now add $20m to the film’s pro­duc­tion costs.

Warner Bros is under­stood to be prepar­ing to shift its Green Lantern pro­duc­tion to Mex­ico from Aus­tralia, where the boom­ing cur­rency has blown out costs.

The lat­est pro­posal over­rides recent plans to shift the film to the US state of Louisiana (as reported in the Octo­ber issue of INSIDEFILM) although a final deci­sion has yet to be made.

If the shoot does pro­ceed at Fox Stu­dios Aus­tralia it would add more than $US20 mil­lion to pro­duc­tion costs due to the ris­ing dol­lar, accord­ing to sources.

Green Lantern supporting characters revealed in casting call September 18th, 2009

In August 2008 we revealed a char­ac­ter list of sup­posed vil­lains and allies that might appear in the movie (fol­low­ing a screen­play first draft read), just over a year later we’ve got some proof that it wasn’t far off.

Warn­ing: spoil­ers ahead.

The movie will fea­ture mul­ti­ple vil­lains, a trend that hasn’t bode well in the past (take Spider-man 3 for instance). Com­bin­ing this with an ori­gins story (assum­ing that’s what we get) could prove too much. I’ll remain scep­ti­cal for now.

Cast­ing Call

Hec­tor Hammond


27–35, Char­ac­ter actor who is aus­tere and imper­sonal, he is real “scummy.” He is a pathol­o­gist and also the son of a Senator.


Vil­lain and extra-terrestrial. Sine­stro is the for­mer men­tor of Hal Jor­dan and the arch-nemesis of the entire Green Lantern Corps.

Mid-30s to Mid-40s, he is smart, tough, intim­i­dat­ing and in great phys­i­cal shape.


Abin Sur

A mem­ber of the Green Lantern Corps, he recruited Hal Jor­dan as a Green Lantern. His role may not be huge, in the comics he presents the ring to Hal Jor­dan as he is dying.

Mid-30s to mid-40s, he is a great warrior.

Abin Sur

Carol Fer­ris

She is one of many supervil­lains who has used the name Star Sap­phire, and is a long-time love inter­est of Hal Jor­dan. The cast­ing descrip­tion doesn’t hint at a super alter-ego, so it’s not likely this sul­try vil­lain will appear, but in a sequel maybe?

[CAROL FERRIS] and pos­si­bly Star Sap­phire
26–32, a smart and attrac­tive woman with an MBA. She started as a pilot and now runs Fer­ris Air­craft. She is a work-a-holic…FEMALE LEAD

Ryan Reynolds cast as The Green Lantern July 16th, 2009

After sev­eral rounds of cast­ing rumors that fea­tured Bradley Cooper, Chris Pine and Ryan Gosling, we have the semi-official announce­ment that Ryan Reynolds (The Pro­posal, Wolver­ine) is Hal Jordan.

Appar­ently Reynolds, who looks the part, screen tested along­side Bradley Cooper and Jared Leto, but the deci­sion between the three proved dif­fi­cult with direc­tor Mar­tin Camp­bell, pro­ducer Don­ald De Line and the stu­dio each hav­ing dif­fer­ent favorites.

We pre­vi­ously reported that shoot­ing would begin as early as Sep­tem­ber this year, it seems this has been pushed back to Jan­u­ary 2010, though still plan­ning on main­tain­ing the announced June 17th 2011 release date. The bud­get hasn’t yet been final­ized but is believed to be around $150m, the movie is set to film in Syd­ney, Australia.

A fan made image

This is fan art cre­ated by Josh MC. This is not real, it is fan art!

Thanks Greg!

Marc Guggenheim talks Green Lantern movie June 19th, 2009

Green Lantern screen­writer Marc Guggen­heim has just com­pleted his lat­est draft based on Greg Berlanti and Michael Green’s script. He took a few moments to talk to SciFi Wire about the writ­ing process and where the movie is at.

“You know I really can’t [say any­thing],” he said. “I’ve sworn a blood oath of secrecy in rela­tion to the project. But, you know, the thing I can tell you is that it is a very lov­ing and respect­ful approach.”

“The goal here is to do the best cin­e­matic rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the Green Lantern char­ac­ter. You know, there’s no desire on anyone’s part to com­pletely change the char­ac­ter and just call this other char­ac­ter Green Lantern and try to … draft off the name recog­ni­tion. This is all about ‘How do we bring the best ver­sion of this char­ac­ter to the sil­ver screen?’”

“We’ve drawn heav­ily from … a lot of dif­fer­ent sources in terms of the comic books. … The char­ac­ter … is sev­eral decades old, so … we’ve really had an incred­i­ble amount of source mate­r­ial to cherry-pick from.“

Signing with Green Lantern writer Marc Guggenheim in LA June 11th, 2009

Edward, owner of Collector’s Par­adise, has writ­ten to inform us of a sign­ing event with Marc Guggen­heim to take place this Sat­ur­day June 13th. Marc Guggen­heim is one of the writ­ers work­ing on the Green Lantern movie adap­ta­tion. He has also worked on CSI, Broth­ers & Sis­ters and Law & Order.


Collector’s Par­adise
7131 Win­netka Ave
Win­netka CA 91306

Excellent fan made Green Lantern trailer June 2nd, 2009

With Nathan Fil­lion fic­tion­ally cast as Hal Jor­dan in the Green Lantern movie, this fan made trailer, cre­ated by Jaron Pitts, is an awe­some vision of what the fran­chise could be:

Green Lantern delayed six months until June 2011 May 7th, 2009

Mar­tin Campbell’s Green Lantern adap­ta­tion has been pushed back by six months, from Decem­ber 17th 2010 (announced in March ’09) to June 17th 2011. As far as we know, this has not affected plans to begin pro­duc­tion down under this fall. Rea­sons for the alter­ation haven’t been cited, some sug­ges­tions include more time for Campbell’s spe­cial effects or the WB’s new focus on the fran­chise — pitch­ing the big­ger project at a more com­pet­i­tive sum­mer block­buster date.

Green Lantern now appears to be in direct com­pe­ti­tion with the big 2011 releases; this move shines the Emer­ald light between the gaps cre­ated by Spider-man 4 and Marvel’s new­com­ers Thor and Cap­tain Amer­ica. Sum­mer 2011 looks like quite the super­hero overload.

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