Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Peter Jackson confident about Halo Movie May 26th, 2007

In an inter­view with OnFilm, Peter Jack­son says that once Halo 3 hits, with the Halo pub­lic­ity machine run­ning and the hype boil­ing over the Halo Movie will soon see its devel­op­ment woes dis­ap­pear. He is also res­olute that Neill Blomkamp is the man to deliver Halo to the big screen.

“We wouldn’t want to do it with any­one else. It’s Neill’s call.”

For more Peter Jack­son news, The Hob­bit, Lovely Bones, Dam­busters etc, check out Cinematical’s arti­cle.

But I’m sure you guys are all too busy play­ing the Halo 3 beta to read this news post, let alone any links I point you to.