Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Guillermo confirms his interest December 9th, 2005

Guillermo Del Toro has con­firmed in an inter­view with british movie mag­a­zine Empire that he has been hav­ing talks with Peter Jack­son, Bungie and Uni­ver­sal. He states:

“Well, Halo is very much an inter­est­ing project because it’s so full of mon­sters,” he said. “It’s a big temp­ta­tion. I’m in talks with them [Uni­ver­sal and Bungie Films] and Peter, but it’s not true that it’s on and Hellboy’s off. Hellboy’s on. If every­thing goes as planned, Hell­boy will go.”

He goes on to dis­cuss why he likes Halo, in very brief fashion:

“Most of the time games don’t have an uni­verse or crea­tures that inter­est me enough. And this one does. Mas­ter Chief [Halo’s mys­te­ri­ous hero] is such an iconic char­ac­ter and it’s very much a sort of a good ver­sion of [Hell­boy vil­lain] Kroenen.”

My per­sonal opin­ion is that this man would ruin the movie. Both Hell­boy and Mimic were lack­lus­ter aver­age films that started with great con­cepts and ended up as addled rub­bish, despite stel­lar casts. That atro­cious Paul W.S. Ander­son fan boy fetishism just oozes from him. The sac­ri­fice of sto­ry­line and arc devel­op­ment for poorly scripted and poorly exe­cuted CGI action-scenes is a trap just wait­ing for Halo. Del Toro will be right there to give it that final cat­tle prod of death. Del Toro, please stick to Hell­boy 2 and move on.

Comments 3 Responses to “Guillermo confirms his interest”

Ray­Beez July 21st, 2008

Are you com­pletely daft? Del Toro would be excel­lent for this. Have you no sense of taste? Hell­boy was great, the sequal is spec­tac­u­lar, Pan’s Labrynth was amaz­ing. Other than Mimic, you have no real basis for not want­ing him on this. And unless he wrote the script for Mimic then you really do have noth­ing. This man is keep­ing CGI where it needs to be, as an adda­tive and not the only form of spe­cial effects. His use of cos­tumes and ani­ma­tron­ics is, to say the least, the best ever. I don’t know if he would be the absolute best for Halo, but he would most defi­nately not be the tragedy you make him out to be.

FofR July 21st, 2008

Haha, the foun­da­tions of these com­ments were made on the qual­i­ties of the orig­i­nal Hell Boy and Mimic, which I still stand by as ter­ri­ble movies. Since 2005 Guillermo has really come along as a direc­tor. Pan’s Labyrinth was incred­i­ble, the Orphan­age was thrilling and Hell­boy II is meant to be excel­lent also. Per­haps he is at last being given the free reigns to do what he wants, rather than suf­fer the manip­u­la­tions of studios.

Look­ing at it again, I think I was pretty harsh, though I am very happy to be cor­rected this time around. Hav­ing seen Pan’s Labyrinth, Del Toro’s inter­pre­ta­tion of The Flood would I’m sure be noth­ing short of incredible.

Chrys­tal Lewis November 12th, 2008
