Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Another Leaked Script December 6th, 2005

Ram​pancy​.net has just recently pub­lished two arti­cles per­tain­ing to a suposed gen­uine and leaked Halo script. It bears sim­i­lar resem­blances to the Latino review although the ver­sion itself, if reli­able, is an ear­lier ver­sion: “While the two scripts might not be exactly the same, and either ver­sion might not be the one that ends up being shot, the review and the script itself have con­vinced me, solely by their con­tent, that at the very least they are work­ing ver­sions of the script for the Halo film,” take this as you will.

The first arti­cle enti­tled “Halo Film Script A Con­vinc­ing Adap­ta­tion” dis­cusses the author’s approach, the impli­ca­tions of such an arti­cle and finally spe­cific moments and clip­pings from the script: “So what I pro­pose to do is peri­od­i­cally post small details from the scripts as discussion-starters; points of com­par­i­son where the film diverges (even if only slightly) from the games and the nov­els, to see how the com­mu­nity feels about them. Who knows– if this script is, in fact, legit­i­mate, and any­one involved in actu­ally mak­ing the film sees these dis­cus­sions, it might serve as food for thought.” Such issues raised include the por­trayal of Cor­tana and the Pil­lar of Autumn cutscene.

A sec­ond arti­cle, “Are you talk­ing to me?” goes on to con­sider new scenes from the script, regard­ing in par­tic­u­lar the open­ing Halo 1 scene and Mas­ter Chief’s killing techniques.

Do not in any way deduce that these arti­cles pur­port to fact. They should we read as rumor and noth­ing more at this stage. Also be wary of both game and movie spoil­ers. With that in mind, here are the links:

Halo Film Script — A Con­vinc­ing Adap­ta­tion
Are you talk­ing to me?

Comments One Response to “Another Leaked Script”

Myr­tle Hurst November 12th, 2008
