Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Guillermo Del Toro to Direct? December 4th, 2005

Rumors abound, this name has been float­ing about con­sis­tantly across the inter­net. Now Harry at Aint it Cool has some more details. In a recent arti­cle he men­tions that Peter Jack­son and Del Toro have been in talks about the Halo movie, for roughly two months now and states, rather unhelp­fully: “As of now, I haven’t heard if Guillermo is offi­cially signed yet, but he’s prob­a­bly pretty darn close.”.

Harry goes on to explain the likely prob­lems with hav­ing Del Toro direct the Halo movie. Pri­mar­ily, Microsoft want to begin the movie’s pro­duc­tion as early as March 2007, yet Del Toro wants to remain ‘avail­able’ to over­see the cre­ation of his love child, Hell­boy 2.

For those not in the know, Guillermo Del Toro is respon­si­ble for the likes of Blade II, Hell­boy and Mimic.

This weeks bungie update also pays homage to the ongo­ing and highly antic­i­pated process of sign­ing a direc­tor. Frankie can’t get any­thing out of those involved but he does say this:“Joe Staten says he can’t say squat […] I can tell you per­son­ally that he looks very happy, smug even, this week.”

Source: Aint it Cool
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