Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

Halo Movie Officially Postponed October 31st, 2006

Well, given the pre­vi­ous state­ments con­cern­ing the movie’s con­tin­ued progress this is most def­i­nitely a shot to the gut. The offi­cial state­ment via Peter Jack­son and Microsoft’s WingNut Films goes like this:

As was pre­vi­ously con­firmed, we deeply regret that both Uni­ver­sal and Fox did not choose to move for­ward with financ­ing the Halo film under the orig­i­nal terms of the agree­ment. At this time Peter Jack­son and Fran Walsh, along with their part­ner, Microsoft, have mutu­ally agreed to post­pone mak­ing a fea­ture film based on the Halo video game uni­verse until we can ful­fill the promise we made to mil­lions of Halo fans through­out the world that we would set­tle for no less than bring­ing a first class film to the big screen. We are fully sup­port­ive of Direc­tor Neill Blomkamp’s vision of the film. Neill is a tremen­dously gifted film­maker and his pre­lim­i­nary work on Halo is truly awe-inspiring. While it will undoubt­edly take a lit­tle longer for Halo to reach the big screen, we are con­fi­dent that the final fea­ture film will be well worth the wait.

Please note POSTPONED does NOT mean can­celed. So many news arti­cles claimed Game Over for the Halo movie, it’s not over, it’s an unfor­tu­nate set back.

AintitCool’s Quint also has a com­men­tary on this predica­ment.
Com­ing­Soon — Fur­ther coverage.