Movie Chronicles » Halo Movie

The Silence December 16th, 2006

I have just fin­ished watch­ing Ing­mar Bergman’s “The Silence” and it seems like an apt title for the pro­ceed­ings of the Halo Movie. Since the announce­ment that this Halo adap­ta­tion was going on hold we have heard nigh pip nor squeak, except maybe a soli­tary arti­cle enti­tled “The 5 things you didn’t know about the Halo movie” which cov­ers every­thing we already know and noth­ing more.

The hope­ful announce­ment amidst the Wii and PS3 releases was that of a Halo 3 pub­lic beta and a now aired Halo 3 commercial:

Well, amidst this desert of media activ­ity I bid you Happy Christ­mas, “for one and all”.