Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Filming to start March 2009 June 9th, 2008

Ter­rence Howard has revealed to Mil​i​tary​.com that film­ing for Iron man 2 will begin in March 2009.

The arti­cle goes into a lot of depth about Howard’s per­cep­tion of and expe­ri­ences with the Air Force as he pre­pared for his role as James Rhodes:

“The char­ac­ter of Colonel Rhodes reflects our war­rior ethos and the pro­fes­sion­al­ism that is so impor­tant to our Air Force cul­ture,” said Lt. Col. Stephen Clutter.


“As a civil­ian you have a ‘me men­tal­ity,’ but in the Air Force it’s a ‘we men­tal­ity.’ Mr. Howard said. “To get out of the ‘single-person place’ I’ve been in all my life, that’s a hard thing to do. To become an actor is more ego­cen­tric, so becom­ing part of a unit, an orga­ni­za­tion, was some­thing I’d never expe­ri­enced before.”