Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

March 2009 ‘Unrealistic’ — Favreau June 17th, 2008

Given the recent remarks over a March 2009 shoot­ing date, Favreau has pub­licly com­mented that this is a lit­tle unrealistic:

“It’s been five weeks since the one and only phone call my reps have got­ten from Mar­vel. I know their hands are full with the Hulk and I’m sure they will get into it shortly, as they tell me they intend to. I ran into the Mar­vel guys at the Hulk pre­mière and every­one sounded eager to get to work on IM2.

I am con­cerned, how­ever, about the announced release date of April 2010. Nei­ther Robert nor I were con­sulted about this and we are both con­cerned about how real­is­tic the date is in light of the fact that we have no script, story or even writ­ers hired yet. This genre of movie is best when it is done thought­fully and with plenty of prepa­ra­tion. It might be bet­ter to fol­low the BB/DK, X/X2 three year release pat­tern than to scram­ble for a date. It is dif­fi­cult because there are no Mar­vel 09 releases and they need prod­uct, but I also think we owe it to the fans to have a great ver­sion of IM2 and, at this point, we would have less time to make it than the first one.”