Movie Chronicles » Iron Man 2

Jon Favreau officially signs for Iron Man 2 July 10th, 2008

After much of a com­mo­tion about Mar­vel not offer­ing Favreau enough cash monies to make an Iron Man sequel, give the suc­cess of the orig­i­nal, a deal between the two has finally been struck — after the stu­dio offered Favreau a sig­nif­i­cantly bet­ter deal.

Now we can get on with mak­ing the movie…

Source: Dead­line Hol­ly­wood Daily

Comments 2 Responses to “Jon Favreau officially signs for Iron Man 2”

chris August 14th, 2008

great news a great vil­lian would be ultron. if done right he could be a really great vil­lain. have jarvis become self aware and down­load his a.i soft­ware into iron­mans armor and thats how he could come to be.

Audie Cham­bers November 12th, 2008
