Movie Chronicles

Dark Knight Viral Package on Ebay, $1000 April 9th, 2008

I have just been con­tacted by Brian, a lucky par­tic­i­pant of the bowl­ing ball mar­ket­ing cam­paign — though his cir­cum­stances have taken a turn for the worse and he now wishes to sell his beloved prize.

Sorry to propo­si­tion you like this but you were a big pro­po­nent of me being the first to grab the DARK KNIGHT April 1st Viral cam­paign pack­age and I just was won­der­ing if you could send a post for me.

The end of last week I had ter­ri­ble fam­ily emer­gency and we’re going to need all the help we can get money wise. So I decided to Ebay my Dark Knight pack­age. I saw the last one go for $11,520 and if we could get any­where close to that, it’d be an amaz­ing help to my fam­ily. It’s always hard giv­ing out mem­o­ri­bilia that you win, but I know there were a ton of peo­ple inter­ested if there’s just one who has the money to spend it’d change lives. So please, think about it post­ing, if not there’s no hard feel­ings. I left the ebay page as my web­site. Thanks, again.

The Ebay Auction

This is the text from the ebay listing:

On April Fool’s we all watched as one by one the loca­tions were stamped! This is an offi­cial Dark Knight Viral Bowl­ing Pack­age. This was taken from Glen­dale NY at exactly 11:27 April 1st, 2008. It’s an amaz­ing pack­age and I’m being torn asun­der by friends and loved ones to Ebay this awe­some movie tie-in.

The Full Contents

Brown Bowl­ing Bag (in which all the con­tents were found within)

Green and Pur­ple Bowl­ing Ball — Now, the ball holes are large for a good sized hand, I was expect­ing some throw away kids ball or even a fake bowl­ing ball, but this is the real deal. Not only is it a great ball, but it is cus­tomized with your “clown thug” name and the phone num­ber you were sup­posed to call when you picked up the package.

Evi­dence Bag — Another touch of genius the rest of the good­ies were wrapped in an evi­dence bag sealed, no joker face paint though…

Cell Phone — It’s a pretty nice Nokia that has been pre­paid and was used to report you’d received the ball.

Note — From the head clown himself…

Joker Card — This really is the jewel in the crown if you will, these joker cards are beau­ti­ful and creepy at the same time. I’m pretty sure everyone’s get­ting a dif­fer­ent one but mine has an anti­quated feel that just makes it perfect.

PLEASE, bid respon­si­bly. I’m only let­ting this go because of some bad breaks and the price tag reflects me not want­ing to part with the pack­age, I will be happy to keep this, but I know there are those of you who want it more than me, some of you might even deserve it more.

Good luck, and I’ll see you all July 18th…

Do You Believe in Clowns Against Dent? April 8th, 2008

Given the three clown videos posted on the Maiden Avenue Report, a num­ber of peo­ple have sug­gested these may merely be fan cre­ations, despite appear­ing on an offi­cial viral web­site. The new Clowns Against Dent video seems to be address­ing this. Pre­pare for more creepiness:

Thanks Jackie!

Orlando Bloom NOT the Prince April 8th, 2008

Rumors have started cir­cu­lat­ing the net that Orlando Bloom had landed a $40m deal to star as the Prince in the Per­sia tril­ogy. These have spread like wild­fire across our dig­i­tal lands amidst uproar at the pay pack­age and the choice of actor.

Com­ing Soon, wise as ever, did the clever thing of con­tact­ing Dis­ney. Their response? These rumors are plainly false — and Orlando Bloom shall not be fea­tur­ing in the tril­ogy.

Clowns Against Dent April 7th, 2008

The Maiden Avenue Report has updated with some results from the polls, putting Har­vey Dent at a low low 9%, with rumors that he shall with­draw from the race. But more excit­ingly, on the right of the page there are three links with the descrip­tion “Clowns against Dent” — which link off to YouTube and three creepy clown videos declar­ing war against Har­vey Dent.

Thanks Jackie Chavez!

Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit April 7th, 2008

This new viral site links in with the Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems mes­sage where the Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit was unveiled with logo. The URL was dis­cov­ered very close to the time but the site hadn’t gone live, today it has:

GPDMCU: www​.gpdmcu​.com

The site lists a con­tact email address (which was orig­i­nally incor­rectly point­ing to a .org address), contact@​gpdmcu.​com.

Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit

Rachel Dawes supports Harvey Dent April 7th, 2008

Sorry for the delay in post­ing this and thanks to every­one that sent it in. This is our first piece of viral mar­ket­ing that actively includes the stars of The Dark Knight. In this case it is Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal as Rachel Dawes, air­ing her sup­port for Har­vey Dent in a press con­fer­ence. This video orig­i­nated at the Maiden Avenue Report.

Down­load the Quick­time Ver­sion (2mb) : View at Gotham Times

Official Warner Bros. Updates April 5th, 2008

Warner Bros. have released their lat­est press pack­age for Sum­mer 2008, within it comes infor­ma­tion about The Dark Knight. Most of which we already knew, but inter­est­ingly their plot syn­op­sis has updated:

“The Dark Knight” reunites direc­tor Christo­pher Nolan with star Chris­t­ian Bale, who returns to con­tinue Batman’s war on crime. With the help of Lieu­tenant Jim Gor­don (Gary Old­man) and Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent (Aaron Eck­hart), Bat­man sets out to destroy orga­nized crime in Gotham for good. The tri­umvi­rate proves to be effec­tive, but they soon find them­selves prey to a ris­ing crim­i­nal mas­ter­mind known as the Joker (Heath Ledger), who thrusts Gotham into anar­chy and forces the Dark Knight ever closer to cross­ing the fine line between hero and vigilante.

They have also offi­cially released two new images, (some of you may have seen these before when they were leaked with 17 oth­ers):

Robot Speculation: Constructicons and Devastator April 5th, 2008

The IESB have thrown out their Trans­form­ers 2 robot roll call, and with it they state that the Decep­ti­cons shall have the help of the Con­struc­ti­cons in the sec­ond movie.

In the car­toons, their names were Scrap­per, Bonecrusher, Scav­enger, Mix­mas­ter, Hook and Long Haul. And what do we get when they all com­bine and form one huge ass robot? That’s right boys and girls, we are going to see DEVASTATOR on the big screen!

… I’ll re-iterate that. Dev­as­ta­tor is big.

Here’s a pretty awe­some fan mock-up of what Dev­as­ta­tor may look like in the movie, cre­ated by Rise Stu­dios. A cin­e­matic adap­ta­tion of this char­ac­ter shall prob­a­bly appear a lot more com­plex than this, to fit in with the style already set out by the first movie.

Transformers 2 - Devastator

As for the human side of the argu­ment, IESB have posted up a prospec­tive char­ac­ter list which is now wait­ing to be cast:

[CHUCK] 19–25 yrs., Sam’s room­mate at Prince­ton. He runs a con­spir­acy the­ory web­site. Funny in an irrev­er­ent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his con­spir­acy the­o­ries come to life. (2nd Lead)

[U.S. MILITARY LEADER] Late 20s/early 30s, African Amer­i­can with a great sense of humor and a tough mil­i­tary pres­ence. (Sup­port­ing lead)

[UK SPECIAL FORCES LEADER] British, in his early to mid 30s, smart and capa­ble. Can be Cau­casian, Black, East Indian. (Sup­port­ing lead)

[GALLOWAY] Early 40s-early 50s, male, National Secu­rity Advi­sor and pres­i­den­tial liai­son. A curt man who is tightly wound. (Sup­port­ing Lead)

[PROFESSOR COLAN] 40s, Sam’s physics pro­fes­sor at Prince­ton. He’s a self-satisfied intel­lec­tual who com­pares him­self to Ein­stein, and is arro­gant enough to wear leather pants to look cool. (1 Scene)

[THERESA] Early 30s; she’s Sgt. Epps’ wife, has 4 kids, sassy and sexy, good with com­edy. Sub­mit African Amer­i­can actresses only

[MOMMA SIMMONS] This NY Momma is in her late 60s / early 70s. She runs a deli/ butcher shop with her son in Brook­lyn. Tough and sar­cas­tic. (1 Scene)

[MASSIVE DYNAMICS CEO] 50s, male, this Cor­po­rate CEO appears in front of con­gress to tes­tify. (1 speech/scene)

[TEXAS CONGRESSMAN] 55–65 yrs., on a Con­gres­sional Com­mit­tee inves­ti­gat­ing the pur­pose of the “Auto­mated Defen­sive Ini­tia­tive” devel­oped by Mas­sive Dynamics.

[FBI DIRECTOR] Mid 50s, male, giv­ing a press release assur­ing the pub­lic they will be safe against attacks. (1 speech/scene)

[CNN REPORTER] Report­ing on mis­sile strikes and bomb­ings in var­i­ous cities. Sub­mit male / female, all eth­nic­i­ties (1 speech)

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