Movie Chronicles

Universal Transformers Ride October 27th, 2008

ENI have recently reported a Trans­form­ers themed ride may be mak­ing an appear­ance at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios parks around the world, with the Sin­ga­pore ride set to hit first in 2010, LA fol­low­ing in 2011.

The attrac­tion will fuse 3D-HD media, mega spe­cial effects and stun­ning robot­ics with a ride sys­tem that will trans­form per­cep­tions of theme park expe­ri­ences. The rides are sched­uled to make their debuts in early 2011, first at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios Sin­ga­pore and then at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios Hol­ly­wood. In “Trans­form­ers,” Earth’s humans are caught in the mid­dle of an inter­galac­tic war between the friendly Auto­bots and the evil Decep­ti­cons, which are able to change into a vari­ety of objects, includ­ing cars, trucks, planes and other tech­no­log­i­cal creations.

In the media cir­cu­la­tion some sup­port­ive quotes from Michael Bay have been uttered, it seems these are a fal­lacy as Bay him­self has recently come out to rebuke them:

The shoot­ing in the Mid­dle East is ground break­ing — an awe­some time had by all the crew.

The Trans­former Ride at Uni­ver­sal mak­ing all the press rounds — not sure yet — they had me in a press release say­ing I sup­ported it — but Uni­ver­sal has a long way to go in my mind. I don’t sup­port it — I’m not involved and not sure the story of the ride works, and I know Opti­mus is not going to just show up to be directed by some new peo­ple that have never worked with him. I hate when peo­ple bull­shit a quote from me that I never said.

I’ll keep you informed. Maybe the guy mak­ing the rides at Uni­ver­sal will direct Trans­form­ers 3????


Jon Voight with a president cameo? October 27th, 2008

In an inter­view with Jon Voight, MTV have revealed that the actor is very much inter­ested in a quick cameo appear­ance as the pres­i­dent; if some­one lets him that is!

But what about Jon Voight, who played the Sec­re­tary of Defense John Keller? When we caught up with Angelina Jolie’s dad at the pre­mière of his film, “Pride and Glory,” he told us that while he has yet to film any­thing for “Trans­form­ers 2,” there’s still time to get in a quick appearance.

“I should be able to make a cameo,” Voight said. “That’s a good idea. Let’s talk to those guys about that.” And he even has a suggestion.

Voight said doing the first “Trans­form­ers” was “really a lot of fun,” that direc­tor Michael Bay “did a bril­liant job,” and LaBeouf, who he had worked with pre­vi­ously on “Holes,” was “won­der­ful,” so he’d be happy to come back. But how?

“It all depends on the plot, of course,” he said, “and what the plot needs, you know. But the Sec­re­tary of Defense, we want to know what hap­pens to him. Was there a new admin­is­tra­tion that came in? Maybe he ran for pres­i­dent. Maybe he became president.”

Con­sid­er­ing that “Trans­form­ers 2” will be com­ing out fol­low­ing an elec­tion year, it could work. (Voight him­self, as you might guess from his work in “An Amer­i­can Carol,” sup­ports John McCain).

“I don’t know [if they’ll green-light a ‘Trans­form­ers’ cameo],” Voight said. “But I enjoyed being in that movie. It would be fun.”

Filming at the Pyramids in Egypt October 27th, 2008

On the week­end end­ing 23rd Octo­ber Trans­form­ers 2 was spot­ted film­ing around the pyra­mids in Egypt, as reported by Wax­word and TLAMB scooper Dan:

Set report from Wax­Word:

A major mile­stone qui­etly passed last week­end: the first major Hol­ly­wood film in decades filmed in the heart of the Mid­dle East. “Trans­form­ers II” turned its cam­eras at the Pyra­mids in Egypt, and again in the upper Egypt­ian town of Luxor, near the famed Val­ley of the Kings. This is sig­nif­i­cant for many rea­sons but mainly because it rep­re­sents a rare move by two Hol­ly­wood stu­dios, Para­mount and Dream­Works, to con­nect to a coun­try and cul­ture that is per­ceived to be hos­tile the United States.

I say ‘per­ceived’ because my guess is you’d prob­a­bly find no more avid fans else­where in the world than those clus­tered around Shia LeBeouf, the star of the film, in this part of the world. But after years of anti-American images in the Mid­dle East, and years of entrenched mis­trust, this is the kind of inter­ac­tion – and pub­lic­ity — that makes a dif­fer­ence. I hear from sources within the stu­dio that Dream­Works was “pet­ri­fied” when pro­duc­ers got clear­ance to shoot at the pyra­mids and in Luxor, and that LeBeouf was hes­i­tant but decided to take the leap. (I agreed to hold this news until pro­duc­tion had been safely completed.)

In the end, “Trans­form­ers II” shot for sev­eral days, bring­ing together a crew of 150 Amer­i­cans and sev­eral dozen local Egyp­tians for an effort that pro­ducer Lorenzo di Bonaven­tura, who called from a cell­phone while stand­ing beside the pyra­mids, told me was “remark­ably smooth.”

Dan’s report:

Hi there, I’m not a fan of Trans­form­ers but I can con­firm after vis­it­ing the Pyra­mids sec­tion in Cairo last Fri­day (17th oct) that there was indeed a film crew film­ing on the third pyra­mid in the Giza area (can’t remem­ber the name, but for those of you that know, its the Pyra­mid with half of one side that looks like it’s been dug out. They were film­ing some scene late in the after­noon before sun­set (when the heat was less intense) and it was quite amaz­ing because my girl­friend and I sat on some rocks 20 metres away from it all and man­aged not to get sussed out by the secu­rity crew (who were all wear­ing T2 badges…one of the crew was tying up his shoelace behind me and con­firmed to me it was T2)about 40 peo­ple on site, the locals were try­ing to get their camels and don­keys in the scenes, which involved one of the cast climb­ing part of the pyramid.….

Ben Kingsley in full costume October 15th, 2008

Defamer have revealed the first image of Ben Kings­ley in full cos­tume as Nizam!

Thanks Lucinda and hobo123!

Prince of Persia Extras in Outfits October 15th, 2008

The French site Cloneweb has posted shots of extras form the Prince of Per­sia movie adap­ta­tion in full cos­tume, some­where near Mar­rakech in Morroco.

Thanks Kyle!

Boneyard Bumblebee Video October 15th, 2008

YouTube user TSMD has posted a video from the Bone­yard depict­ing the Trax, Beat and Camaro under­cover before switch­ing to some shots of Bum­ble­bee dri­ving around to please the fans.

Soundwave Alt Modes revealed? October 15th, 2008

Rumors are sug­gest­ing that Sound­wave will have two alt modes, in space this will take the form of a satel­lite and on earth it shall be a pickup truck. These reports come via one of TFW2005’s “trusted sources”.

Boneyard Set Report October 15th, 2008

An Anony­mous source has sent Seib­ertron a set report from the Bone­yard along with a few images of the vehi­cles in stor­age show­ing the Chevy Volt and Chevy Centennial.

Dear Seib​ertron​.com,

Me again — I have some follow-up infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the “Bum­ble­bee Sighted” arti­cle that you pre­vi­ously posted. I vis­ited the 309th AMARG again today for their last day of film­ing; and let me tell you, it was busy. Lots of new pho­tos, includ­ing a bumper shot of ‘Side­swipe’ and a lit­tle snip­pet of a pic­ture of what I believe to be the blue Chevy Volt (how­ever, dur­ing the time I was present this vehi­cle was never actu­ally taken off the trailer; nei­ther was Side­swipe to my knowl­edge). No pic­tures of Shia or Megan; but, as I was informed by plenty of sol­diers (con­cern­ing Fox, any­ways); the two were def­i­nitely on set. I apol­o­gize for some of the pic­tures that came out some­what small and rounded; I actu­ally had to snap those cer­tain shots through a pair of binoc­u­lars. Iron­i­cally enough, the pic­tures I took of Bum­ble­bee (yel­low 2009 con­cept Camaro) and the red and green Chevy Trax & Beat (the ‘Twins’, I think?) were actu­ally on my way off the set. Lucky me!

Some­thing else I don’t know if you would be inter­ested in or not — but I’ll add it on here any­ways, just in case. The scene that I wit­nessed them film­ing con­sisted of a long, large sheet of metal (maybe a cover up for some­thing of some sort?) being stood up by the side of one of the planes in The Bone­yard, and lots of loud gib­ber­ish shout­ing com­ing from what I believe to be one of the trans­form­ers. Keep in mind this scene was watched from about 200 meters away — but why I think its impor­tant is because of the loud, boom­ing voice we heard from over 200 meters away. We couldn’t make out what he was say­ing; but what we could iden­tify was that it was male, and very Decep­ti­con sound­ing — mean­ing a very deep, bari­tone sort of sound to it but with a sharp, man­i­festly evil edge. In my own opin­ion (and those of all of the sol­diers that accom­pa­nied me on the “tour”) this was the voice of Mega­tron — def­i­nitely evil, def­i­nitely loud. Then again, it could have been that ‘Jet­fire’ char­ac­ter that I’ve heard a lit­tle bit about — the plane where the sound orig­i­nated from wasn’t the exact air­craft he’s been described as, but then again I wasn’t up close and per­sonal with it so it’s a tough one to call. Alas, I wouldn’t be sur­prised if this mys­te­ri­ous voice did belong to Mega­tron — had a sort of, feel to it, you know?
Some­thing like, “Damn, that guy is pissed.“
Mega­tron or not, whoever’s voice that belonged to def­i­nitely wanted some sort of Revenge

Well, that’s all the news I have so far. If I hear or (hope­fully) see any­thing else con­cern­ing Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen; I’ll be sure to update you guys!


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