Movie Chronicles

Chevy Beat is named “Skids” October 15th, 2008

At long last the name of the Trans­former with an alt mode in the shape of a Chevy Beat has been revealed, “Skids”. Te dis­cov­ery was made via Jalop­nik and the pic­tures they received show­ing Bum­ble­bee the Beat and the Trax at the Bone­yard, the name is on the reg­is­tra­tion plate.

Skids Details in the Trans­form­ers Wiki

TV TF2 trailer during Oscars? October 15th, 2008

Vari­ety are report­ing that the rules pre­vent­ing movie ads from air­ing dur­ing the Oscars will be relaxed for the 2009 awards — with a lim­ited num­ber of spots open­ing up for movies due for release after the last week in April. This paves the way for large sum­mer block­busters to being their mar­ket­ing cam­paigns — specif­i­cally Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge of The Fallen.

Bumblebee sightings October 9th, 2008

Film­ing is cur­rently based at the Aero­space Main­te­nance and Regen­er­a­tion Group, Tuc­son, Arizona.  It is basi­cally a stor­age facil­ity for out of ser­vice mil­i­tary air­craft and is being used as the set for — the bone­yard.

There are reports of the bum­ble­bee being spot­ted, check out the pic­tures posted on Seib­ertron and Super­hero­hype.


Ryan Gosling likely Green Lantern/Hal Jordan October 9th, 2008

Latino review reported that accord­ing to their trusted source at WB, Oscar nom­i­nee Ryan Gosling will be wear­ing the ring in the movie.  These are yet to be con­firmed but my be on the table.

All is gear­ing up to start shoot­ing in the spring so watch this space.

Iron Man Blu-Ray best selling ever in 48hrs! October 5th, 2008

Iron Man Blu-Ray best sell­ing ever in 48hrs, or so Jon Favreau announced on Thursday’s Howard Stern Show.  This is yet to be con­firmed by offi­cial sources, but who wouldn’t believe him.  It cer­tainly isn’t surprising.

Pre-production to start in Feb 2009? October 5th, 2008

News reported by Pro­duc­tion Weekly (an indus­try pub­li­ca­tion), has indi­cated that it is expected that pre-production for bat­man 3 should start in Feb 09.  It also lists Christo­pher Nolan as dire­tor but this is yet to be con­firmed by Warner Bros. or indeed Christo­pher Nolan.  How­ever we would all be sur­prised if he isn’t gonna be involved.  We sit and wait for the offi­cial announcement.

Dark Knight wallpapers October 5th, 2008

Our atten­tion has recently been drawn to some cool Dark Knight wall­pa­pers on TVwall​pa​pers​.co​.uk.  Here are some exam­ples of the best ones:

Jon Favreau chats to Los Angeles Times October 3rd, 2008

Well, Los Ange­les Times, hosted a live chat with Jon Favreau.  Click the link for the tran­script.

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