Movie Chronicles

Hollywood unsure about Superman Sequel August 20th, 2008

Vari­ety blog­ger Anne Thomp­son has pro­vided a much needed but brief update about the sta­tus of the rumored Man of Steel movie:

Fans have been clam­or­ing all over the web–and on this blog–for a com­plete reboot. And within the halls of Warner Bros. the same debate rages on. They too believe that the last movie didn’t break the mold and wound up in some kind of mid­dle limbo. Today I was told that it is a pri­or­ity at the stu­dio to find the right direc­tion and if Bryan Singer is will­ing to do that, fine, but if he gets in the way, he may not stay on the project. There are no writ­ers work­ing on a Super­man script now. The stu­dio wants to fig­ure it out. “It might be bet­ter to start from scratch,” one exec admitted.

We’ll keep you posted.

Would you pre­fer a Super­man started from scratch?

Third “Fall of Reach” Concept Piece August 20th, 2008

Right on time, Latino Review have released their third con­cept image for the Halo — Fall of Reach movie:

Two more to go!

Pictures show Shia and Megan Fox return to set August 20th, 2008

X17Online have sniped some pho­tos of Shia LaBoeuf and Megan Fox on set, clearly show­ing Shia’s ban­daged left hand. Under the inglo­ri­ous ban­ner “Megan Fox adjusts her boobs”, this unhelp­ful arti­cle pro­vides no men­tion of a loca­tion or date.

Megan Fox and Shia LaBoeuf on Transformers 2 Set

Full Dark Knight Script Online August 20th, 2008

Joblo got the down and dirty with a full 167 page PDF of The Dark Knight script, as avail­able in the “Art of The Dark Knight” book.

Down­load The Dark Knight Script

(or down­load it from Joblo: Joblo Down­load)

Thanks jb/ysosrs!

Ice Cream Truck Video from San Pedro August 20th, 2008

Get­todeath, the fel­low that posted the pic­tures from San Pedro, has sent a video of the mys­te­ri­ous Ice Cream truck in action to TLAMB, which I have included below:

Possible Dark Knight DVD and Blu-ray details August 14th, 2008

/Film have posted what look like the first details about the spe­cial releases and lim­ited edi­tion ver­sions of The Dark Knight that will be avail­able when it comes out to own later this year. HOWEVER — they were sent in by a reader and could be com­plete fabrications.

None of this pro­mo­tion plays on the pop­u­lar­ity of The Joker which leaves me a lit­tle suspect.

2-Disc Bat­Pod Collector’s Edition

2-Disc Bat-Mask Edi­tion (this one has to be fake)

DVD and Blu ray covers

Fan Made “Dark Knight Returns” poster August 14th, 2008

On the scale of fan cre­ated works, this ranks very highly. Below you can find a fan’s pre­dic­tion of what the next Bat­man movie shall entail; com­bin­ing The Gotham Times, news­pa­per sto­ries and hints of The Rid­dler to cre­ate a tan­ta­liz­ing look into the future. The ques­tion mark fea­tur­ing the bat sym­bol, which played in a sim­i­lar vein as a mouth dur­ing the Why So Seri­ous cam­paign, is a nice and sub­tle touch.

Cre­ated by Chrisp85

Fall of Reach Movie Concept Art #2 August 12th, 2008

As promised, Latino Review have posted the sec­ond piece of Halo Movie con­cept art (in an angsty post). Enjoy, and remem­ber there will be a new one next week.

(View the first con­cept image)

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