Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Full Dark Knight Script Online August 20th, 2008

Joblo got the down and dirty with a full 167 page PDF of The Dark Knight script, as avail­able in the “Art of The Dark Knight” book.

Down­load The Dark Knight Script

(or down­load it from Joblo: Joblo Down­load)

Thanks jb/ysosrs!

Comments 6 Responses to “Full Dark Knight Script Online”

Boocher­hix August 21st, 2008

That snip­pet is some of the best dia­logue and bril­liantly per­formed!! Love it!!

Batgirl567 August 31st, 2008

Thanks so much for post­ing! This was so invig­o­rat­ing and inspi­ra­tional to read cover-to-cover. I did notice that it wasn’t the final ver­sion, though.

One Final Laugh.. October 22nd, 2008

I thought that Heath’s per­for­mance in the Dark Knight was the best and the one of the great­est per­for­mances and the one that the next Bat­man vil­lain will have to try their hard­est to pass or meet the per­for­mance.. and if any one else like the last Joker’s per­for­mance than that is a “bad joke”

WikidGurl December 20th, 2008

Every­one likes the “NEW” joker because it is Heath Ledger is under all the make-up. Now I am not hat­ing on him, but ever since the Dark Knight came out every­one started going OBSESSED with it. Hello!! Comics come before movies. Books become before movies. Heath Ledger plays a more intense,psyco joker. READ PEOPLE!!!…

Chahid December 18th, 2009

the joker is cool because he just a human but still so smart
and heath ledger is a great actor

cereal July 11th, 2010

@WikidGurl Every­one likes the “NEW” Joker because, the act­ing was sim­ply amaz­ing. I am not say­ing this because he is dead, it really was one of the best per­for­mances ever, espe­cially out of all the films that I have seen. Obvi­ously, if it wasn’t for the comics then the Joker would never have been invented, but Heath Ledgers por­trayal of him has really made the Joker some­thing special.