Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Batman Returns Batmobile for Sale August 20th, 2008

The authen­tic Bat­man Returns Bat­mo­bile is being auci­toned off at the 38th Kruse inter­na­tional auc­tion on Labor day. View the auc­tion.

“Other less valu­able non-movie pro­mo­tional Bat­mo­biles have sold for as much as $550,000.00! This authen­tic movie mas­ter­piece is expected to bring a record price. The Warner Bros. & DC Comics sales approval agree­ment clearly authen­ti­cates that this is the num­ber “3” “Movie” Bat­mo­bile. All inter­ested Bat­mo­bile bid­ders should notify Kruse Inter­na­tional 1– 800 968‑4444 ASAP. This is your chance of a life­time to become the owner of this awe­some piece of movie his­tory. BILL OF SALE ONLY FROM WARNER BROTHERS.”

Thanks to /Film

Comments 3 Responses to “Batman Returns Batmobile for Sale”

Andrew Horn­ing June 9th, 2009

I have one of these, and I’m not very happy with it. It’s ter­ri­ble for most shop­ping trips (espe­cially hardware/lumber!), and my dog hates the fact that he can’t put his head out a win­dow. Oh, and my wife says I look stu­pid get­ting in and out of it, espe­cially in cos­tume. She won’t get in the thing at all. My kids love it, but I’m still think­ing of either jack­ing it up into a 4X4, or just sell­ing the darned thing. Be warned.

jake honor August 16th, 2009

if you sell yours man sell it to me or just give it to me cause im broke dont got a job and my par­ents wont buy me a car and im 16 so i really need to start get­ting a car so please tell me if you sell it

price January 31st, 2011

have you sold it yet?