Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Two Face shall not return, Joker would have September 8th, 2008

In all the debate about the sequel to The Dark Knight, a lot of peo­ple sug­gested the pos­si­ble return of Har­vey Dent and the Two Face char­ac­ter. In an inter­view with Com­ing Soon, Aaron Eck­hart has con­firmed once and for all that Har­vey Dent is dead. It is also inter­est­ing to hear that the orig­i­nal plan was to bring The Joker back for the third movie, whether that will still hap­pen is highly debatable.

CS/SHH!: Is Har­vey Dent alive?
Aaron Eck­hart: No. He is dead as a door nail.

CS/SHH!: So he’s not com­ing back?
Eck­hart: He ain’t com­ing back baby!

CS/SHH!: I was hop­ing he would.
Eck­hart: No. I asked Chris [Nolan] that ques­tion and he goes, “You’re dead” before I could even get the ques­tion out of my mouth. “Hey Chris, am I?” “You’re dead!” Alright, cool.

CS/SHH!: That’s not a prob­lem in comic book movies. You could still come back.
Eck­hart: I think in con­tract nego­ti­a­tions it’s a problem.

CS/SHH!: So you were never signed on for another film?
Eck­hart: No, I’m not com­ing back. I think unfor­tu­nately, Heath [Ledger] was sup­posed to go on and that didn’t work out. I’m nobody. I’m a cog. I have no say over this sort of stuff. I’m sure that there’s so many other char­ac­ters that they could whip together. I heard Angelina Jolie was going to be Cat­woman or some­thing like that. I thought that was a great idea. I’d like to be in that one.

Would you want to see a Joker played by some­one other than Heath Ledger?

Comments No Responses to “Two Face shall not return, Joker would have”

destruct26 September 9th, 2008

joe­sph gor­don levitt. one look at his face, and you will see why.

DAVID S. September 9th, 2008

What a load of crap!

KayosHy­brid September 11th, 2008

I’m dev­as­tated Heath Ledger is dead, and the force behind poten­tially the best vil­lain­ous por­trayal of the cen­tury has faded away. His Joker per­for­mance was of another world. I’m dying to see Joker again (though it’s not going to hap­pen) but I’m dis­gusted by some­one else play­ing as him. This is how it works:

They per­form worse than Heath = It’s an insult
They per­form bet­ter than Heath = INSULT.
They per­form exactly like Heath = Dead insult.

Heath Ledger will own that role for eter­nity. The next TDK film will be empty with­out him.

batmanfreak91 September 11th, 2008

I definetely dont want to see another Joker, Heath just did to good of a job to change the actor. That is like hav­ing some­one other then Chris­t­ian Bale play Batma.

Now I hope Two Face isnt really dead because I really think he would be per­fect to have in a riddler/catwoman movie. I per­son­ally belive he isnt dead and they faked his death to the pub­lic so they wouldnt have to know that the now crim­i­naly insane Har­vey is being held in Arkham. It would be per­fect, he breaks out, basi­cally takes over Maro­nis posis­tion and turns into the most infa­mous mob boss in Gothams his­tory. Because I really dont think the Rid­dler or Cat­woman would be able to have their own movie with­out some seri­ous sup­port. But thats just me.

WTF September 11th, 2008

u guys r just freaks
any­one could play joker you guys just say dat cuz hes dead

WTF September 11th, 2008

u guys r just freak any­one could play joker
u just say dat cuz hes dead
i think its cuz the direc­tor is why he was so good

Kleina September 14th, 2008

It’s more so the actor Mr. WTF, Heath Ledger pre­pared for the role, he acted the role, not Mr. Nolan.

For Two-Face. Wow, Nolan, BAD MOVE, it’s like how Venom is in Spider-Man 3. Does he hate Two-Face?

JC October 16th, 2008

I would love to see a movie about other vil­lains. Hear me out though…

Near­ing the end, you hear ledger’s voice (say­ing some­thing like he cre­ated all the chaos), then he comes out of the dark, you wait to see who he is (actor­wise) and it sends chills down your spine when it is actu­ally LEDGER!. Yeah!, they must have out­takes, prac­tice ses­sions, alter­nate stuff, don’t waste that on bonus fea­tures on the dvd or blu-ray, use it to sur­prise the audi­ence at the end of part 3!

Ale­jan­dro October 22nd, 2008

No one shall or can replace heath ledgers per­for­mance in bat­man. his per­for­mance is one of a kind and out­stand­ing. His untimely death was sad and shock­ing to us all. we were left won­der­ing who is gonna replace him in the next sequel, like i said no one can replace him but as the say­ing goes( the show must go on) It would take months of research and study of every move of heath ledger portreyal of the joker. and in trib­ute and honor to his portreyal, i think either jake jylen­hall or josh brolin could play the part of the joker.

Dustin December 18th, 2008

As much as I hate to say it, I think the joker has to be in the next movie. The dra­matic effect his char­ac­ter had on Gotham makes a Gotham sud­denly with­out him less believ­able. And while no one can ever play the Joker exactly like Ledger, putting a lit­tle spin on him isn’t such a bad thing. There are ways to tweek the char­ac­ter while stay­ing true to Nolan’s dark style. This might sound crazy but I would love to see Mark Hamill give it a try. You not think so but just from a voice stand­point he’s the first voice I envi­sion when think­ing of the joker and his char­ac­ter could be a nice mesh of his car­toon ver­sion and Nolan’s darker version.

ARK ANGEL January 22nd, 2009

heath was absolutely fan­tas­tic as the joker and one of the best per­for­mance i have ever seen (and i can judge as i act myself) but not to bring the joker back would be an insult to his mem­ory. ledger wouldnt want the char­ac­ter he will be most remem­bered for to be faded away with him. bringin the joker back would also raise aware­ness of the orig­i­nal char­ac­ter in this ver­sion of the bat­man series. con­tra­dictin myself a lit­tle bit here, we’re all just pre­sumin what heath would want, but life goes on.
bring back the joker, but not yet…
r.i.p heath ledger

ARK ANGEL January 22nd, 2009

also the actress for rachel dawes was changed, dif­fer­ent cir­cum­stances yes, but never-the-less there may be an actor out there who can pay trib­ute to ledgers bril­liant per­for­mance as mag­gie gyl­len­haal took over in fan­tas­tic fash­ion from katie holmes. but what­ever hap­pens its the direc­tors choice and if we are all fans here then we will respect his decision.

letanya January 22nd, 2009

wow, I wish peo­ple ( movie mak­ers ) would do their research before mak­ing or even updat­ing a movie. these new bat­man movies are bad, they don’t go with the old ones. two face is not dead, he wasn’t even blond, and if you ask me Tommy Lee played him bet­ter, the make-up was bet­ter in the new movie I’ll give them that. As for the way he became two face was way off as well. As for Bruce, he did not become bat­man until after the death of his par­ents not before. Any­way if you ask me I think they should have two face come back just so they can join up the miss­ing link between the dark knight and bat­man for­ever. As for the joker, I feel Heath Ledger did an amaz­ing job as the joker, he would have made Jack Nichol­son proud, he really did his home­work on the facial expres­sions, there will be no bet­ter joker then him. I hope they leave joker out of the next one, he was caught, hes now in the asylum.

ToZ February 8th, 2009

I’ve been reread­ing a bunch of the old comics lately (Dark Vic­tory to be exact) and I think that the whole inter­view say­ing that har­vey dent is dead could be just play­ing on a whole theme in Dark Vic­tory. Two-Face says through­out the whole story that har­vey dent is dead, and that two face has taken over. When Eck­hart says “No. He is dead as a door nail” he could mean fig­u­ra­tively H.D. is dead because two face has tru­ely taken over him men­tally. But then again it could be lit­eral. That’s my two cents.

Also by the way i would love to see Rid­dler in the story since there are really so many things you can do with the character.