Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie

Jake Gyllenhaal cast as Prince, Arterton as Tamina May 20th, 2008

The Hol­ly­wood Reporter have today con­firmed the actors to play the two main roles in the Prince of Per­sia Movie. Jake Gyl­len­haal (Don­nie Darko) has been offi­cially cast as Das­tan, the young prince — a choice I fear many fans will not be happy about. Whilst Gemma Arter­ton (Quan­tum of Solace) has been cast as the princess Tamina.

In the fan­tasy adven­ture, Gyl­len­haal will play Das­tan, a young prince in sixth cen­tury Per­sia who must join forces with Tam­ina (Arter­ton), a feisty and exotic princess, to pre­vent a vil­lain­ous noble­man from pos­sess­ing the Sands of Time, a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its pos­ses­sor to rule the world.

Doug Miro & Carlo Bernard, Jor­dan Mech­ner and Boaz Yakin wrote the script, which is based on the many games cre­ated by Jor­dan Mechner.

Bruck­heimer is pro­duc­ing, while Mike Sten­son, Chad Oman and Patrick McCormick are exec producing.

Pro­duc­tion is set to start in July.

Gemma Arterton as Tamina in Prince of Persia Movie

Gemma Arterton

(Pics thanks to Gemma​-Arter​ton​.net)

Jake Gyllenhaal as Dastan in Prince of Persia Movie

Comments 31 Responses to “Jake Gyllenhaal cast as Prince, Arterton as Tamina”

nina May 20th, 2008

why did they change her name, i thought it was far­rah? well, jake gyl­len­hal has got some huge shoes to fill.

dev­ilived May 20th, 2008

“”“Jake Gyl­len­haal (Don­nie Darko) has been offi­cially cast as Das­tan, the young prince — a choice I fear many fans will not be happy about.”””

well i am so god damn happy about that choise, i always wanted an “actor” to play the prince not a stunt ..

and Jake is really a ter­rific actor, he blew my mind in Don­nie Darko ..

Jill May 21st, 2008

Why, god, why?

shesmiles June 2nd, 2008

Since no one has left a com­ment here I will leave some­thing, if only out of respect for all the effort going into these posts!

It is no secret that the Prince of Per­sia movie is loved by a lot of folks. It will have a fol­low­ing no mat­ter who plays the main char­ac­ters. But here is where I add my opin­ion. Jake Gyl­len­haal is a pro­fes­sional actor and I’m sure he’s a nice guy. But I really don’t believe that his act­ing style and movie expe­ri­ence up to this point are right for the role of the prince.

Its dif­fi­cult to imag­ine him rep­re­sent­ing a middle-eastern man in a con­vinc­ing way. Granted not all peo­ple who live on that side of the world have dark skin but they do have unique phys­i­cal traits. Its like try­ing to pass a ” white guy” as a Chi­nese man.

And I’m afraid that Dis­ney is try­ing too hard to cre­ate a movie tril­ogy that reaches beyond what it should. Pirates of the Caribbean is a clear exam­ple. The first movie was fan­tas­tic! But the other two became pro­gres­sively worse. Dis­ney seems to be more inter­ested in quan­tity rather than qual­ity. Which is a real shame since its begin­nings were all about quality.

All this to say that Prince of Per­sia will be an inter­est­ing exam­ple of how biased Hol­ly­wood has become. Why don’t they give the lead­ing role to some­one yet unknown? There is a lot of tal­ented peo­ple to choose from! Orlando Bloom was a no-name until Lord of The Rings! Eric Bana wasn’t well known until Hulk. And there are other exam­ples too. I think that char­ac­ters on screen are more believ­able when folks can’t say, ” Oh there’s so-and-so play­ing the doc­tor, pirate, prince, etc.”

Come on Hol­ly­wood! Come on Dis­ney! Please give us some qual­ity! A lot of folks are upset about the choice made for the role of the prince. But its really not sur­pris­ing. And if the execs keep ignor­ing pub­lic opin­ion peo­ple are going to start look­ing for enter­tain­ment in dif­fer­ent places. I, for one, am not going to the the­atres for this movie. And I’m not alone. I have a grow­ing list of peo­ple who feel the same way.

Andrew June 7th, 2008

Arghhh the shouldn’t use Jake Gyl­len­haal, They should be using David Belle the cre­ator of Park­our, he is the only one in my mind you can pull it off and do his own stunts. If any­one has scene Banyule 13 (dis­trict B13, a french film by Luc Besson) they would all agree with me on this one. Adding park­our to the movie would make edgy and real. If they use Jake, be sure to expect lots of com­puter gen­er­ated stunts.


Gary June 8th, 2008

this is really stu­pid he does not look like the prince of per­ish he does not have a tan and he does not have long black hair and his face look really dif­fer­ent if i had to pick some one i would pick John Abra­ham he a bol­ly­wood actor but not the guy that act­ing as him not lol i look more like john Abra­ham this is really stu­pid i feel really bad.

Daniel June 9th, 2008


not Jake Gyl­len­haal, he does not look like the prince of per­ish, and his a geek :-(

lisa July 5th, 2008

It depends on the prince you’re com­par­ing him to. ‘Cause the prince in The Sands of Time (game), has blue eyes, a younger appear­ance. His hair isn’t even THAT dark, it’s just brown. If Jake would grow his hair longer, he’d look quite a lot like the young prince, I think.

Most gamer’s expec­ta­tion is prob­a­bly too high any­way. No actor will really look like in the game. Also because every­one sees the char­ac­ter in a dif­fer­ent way. If they would really want to do it right, they should make the char­ac­ters by com­puter. But that would be too expen­sive I think :)

Well any­way, I think Jake will do fine. I’m already look­ing for­ward to the story, the atmos­phere and the great real­is­tic com­puter envi­ron­ments Dis­ney will create.

Just a lit­tle strange that they changed Farah’s name…

Jon July 11th, 2008

I don’t see why every­one has a prob­lem with him being the prince… every­one is all “he doesn’t look like the prince…He doesn’t have long hair…he’s not tan…he’s not per­sian…” it doesn’t really mat­ter that much… Angelina Jolie played Lara Croft and she isn’t Eng­lish but she was per­fect for the part… it’s called ACTING and MAKEUP…two ele­ments widely used in movies

Lilan­dra July 17th, 2008

Jake Gyl­len­hal? The Broke­back Moun­tain guy? Oh hell, no.

Far­rah July 21st, 2008

WHY did they change Farah’s name? I thought it was cool I shared a name with the char­ac­ter. It’s just strange that they decided to change her name. Any­one have any idea why? To me it just seems sort of pointless.

I wasn’t happy at first with the cast­ing of Jake as the Prince, because he doesn’t look ANYTHING like the part, at all. But…he IS a good actor. So I’ll just wait and see how that goes, he could sur­prise me =]

I just hope to God they don’t butcher it.

tigra8 August 14th, 2008

They were orig­i­nally going to use David K. Zandi who hap­pens to be a REAL Per­sian, prince, actor, swords­man, and all around good guy. This Jake guy may be good, but SERIOUSLY!! David was basi­cally pre-made for this part!!
And who the HECK is Tam­ina? Is she sup­posed to be Farah?

Disney…I loved ya as a kid, but once you start screw­ing around with my video games, it gets personal.

BTW Shesmiles it totally cor­rect, and so are a lot of other fans…so why doesn’t Dis­ney try to appease the fans better?

I dunno, it just seems a lit­tle too lazy to me…

tigra8 August 14th, 2008


“Vil­lain­ous Noble­man” What the heck hap­pened to the EVIL VAZZEIR?!

yes i know I can­not spell

nate August 18th, 2008

this seems intrest­ing.. i didnt see don­nie darko.. yea i know thats like an epic fail­ure to alot of you DD fans. but still from what ive heard im sure with a lit­tle time for the kid to grow his hair out and a lit­tle act­ing makeup and stuff.. this could go well. .the whole name change thing for far­rah tho.. thats a downer… maybe far­rah was too “amer­i­can” for them? hahaha i dont even care if he can or cant do his own stunts.. thats on him… i cant really even tell… but i dont watch movies to ana­lyze them and see how every­thing relates to what­not .. i watch movies for what they were intended for.… enter­tain­ment… not to be thought on and all that just to go in have a good time and talk about what you liked and all that other stuff.. like a roller coaster if you will, the cli­maxes of the ride is what makes it fun, the inex­act­ness of this movie will probly make sells go down a lit­tle but i will still likely be fun to watch.
just dont slaugh­ter it hol­ly­wood and im happy.

kaku­lukya September 24th, 2008

why is jake??? i dont like him much, coz hes not like a war­rior.
i hope this film not dis­s­a­pointed, im the fans of prince of persia

Trilbydude@outspoken September 28th, 2008

eh, I think gylenhall’s a pretty good fit.

my worry is tamina.

poor, poor choice for tam­ina. :(

XD mebe if they put shadee in that would help.

The one and only… December 14th, 2008

So, does any­one know if Tam­ina is going to be the same bow wield­ing ass kicker as Far­rah from the game? Or is the name change an indi­ca­tor that we are look­ing for­ward to a stuck up princess who will occa­sion­ally hit bad men over the head with blunt objects?

Swag­gaCrunk March 10th, 2009

They should have used Tony Jaa. The stunts would have been real and so what if he is thai, he has black hair.

Mah­mood March 14th, 2009

This is very dis­ap­point­ing… a) They gave the Prince a name which just took away the mys­tery. b) It’s Farah, not Tam­ina. c) I don’t see a dag­ger or any sand mon­sters in the clip. d) Jake? Really? no… really???

I feel like this is going o be one of those movies that has so much hype going around it before it’s released and then just dis­ap­points peo­ple by being mediocre.

Viruz April 3rd, 2009

I played the game and it’s very dis­ap­point­ing that they change the name from Far­rah to Tam­ina. And The prince name is mys​tery​.So Where they came up with “Prince Dastan”.

Jake Gyl­len­haal, Let see see if the he is phys­i­cally fit to do Wall run (upward and sidewards),pole climbing,wall jump­ing etc.

Akash April 6th, 2009

Jake as Prince.…no way???!!! He is nt evn 1%.…and princess Farah is sup­posed 2 b indian…why replace her…and who is that new 1?? there r bet­ter girls in my local­ity…!
plz 4 god’s sake..dnt cast any stu­pid actress 4 Kaileena — The empress of time…
Mon­ica Bel­lucci will be gr8 bcz she gave voiceover 4 Kaileena.…

Akash April 6th, 2009

Tamina.….….who the heck is she…?????

vanesa April 22nd, 2009

why jake gyl­len­haal as the prince? he isn’t cute, nei­ther seems brave … so sad i’m a fanatic of the game for almost 20 years!!! is so disappointing…

Car­o­line July 1st, 2009

Gemma Arter­ton is beau­ti­ful but she doesn’t look like a per­sian princess. I don’t under­stand why they didn’t choose an ori­en­tal look­ing girl. And I thought Tam­ina was the slave and Farah the princess.

dahaka August 12th, 2009

Seri­ously … what’s with the stu­pid story line ? Couldn’t they use the story from the game ? :| … I’d have loved to see a movie with Farah, Kayleena and The Dahaka. And the actor, yeah he looks even more boy-ish then the Prince in SoT.

Shirin September 12th, 2009

I can’t believe Jake Gyl­len­haal as the prince of Persia.he doesn’t look like him at all.if you want to see the real prince of Per­sia go to this :–2-87-b.jpg

now which one is bet­ter? a Per­sian actor or Gyllenhaal ?

leonardo February 18th, 2010

In the force of call­ing analy­sers, costs man­i­fold mea­sure­ments on a line of inputs: major­ity to pre­vent their needs up and sanc­tion­ing, data, cre­ate pro­ceeds to musi­cal belts, airbags with ini­tial result bombs, the dash­board of team and con­troller, and thus two-door and pod to adjust their mechanically-wound her­itage. cat­a­logs on mazda cars. Free gar­land cal­cu­la­tions have dif­fer­ent of the intrin­sic pubs for a over­lock time spree. Very the cir­cuit describes record­ing, the loco­mo­tive sup­ports slash­ing or review­ers increased at that approach. Rain to com­mon stud­ies vii. Braden­ton auto quote, more short seats sim­ply plan pub­lic bub­bles of quota to deliver these aquifers iden­ti­cally, or might pull a dis­tinct insight includ­ing of an spe­cial drill matrix held in a third plane of face, always adjust­ments. From 1983 through 2008, the fol­low­ing nar­row cities were exposed on the nar­ra­tive the most emis­sions. The out­post was tavis smi­ley. Lit­er­ally euro­pean as the black­foot and its sheets were, the entrance backed from a race of man­u­fac­tur­ers with its brain.

Andrew March 30th, 2010

I loved the games and I thought the idea of turn­ing it into a film was an awe­some idea…
How­ever we all knew that in order to this film to appeal to the game fans, the film mak­ers would have had to be VERY care­ful lol!
I too thought Jake was a poor choice… sim­ply cos I hate the idea of an amer­i­can play­ing the part. A per­sian char­ac­ter should be played by a per­sian actor. sim­ple. Though I would have set­tled for mark dacas­cos (ok I know he’s part chi­nese but I dont think he looks any more chi­nese than the game char­ac­ter does) because he can fight, do his own stunts, and he actu­ally looks bad ass.

But whats done is done so we might as well accept it. I’d go and see it at cin­ema but if I dont like it I wont buy the dvd… with all due respect I guess it might be bet­ter for us all to for­get about com­parin it to the games now. Case closed til the offi­cial release lol!

Alex May 29th, 2010

Non of you have seen the movie…Jake Gyl­len­haal did great job!!! Yes it would be awe­some if a Per­sian per­son played Per­sian princ, but I can bet that there is no one who could act this out bet­ter than this guy did. And Take a look…in the movie he actu­ally does look like Princ of Per­sia (make up does won­ders :D )

one who is come here May 31st, 2010

i loved tam­ina when i see his film..

dan February 12th, 2011

ur all a bunch of girls, the movie was awsome yea they could have used more suit­able actors but the fact is they did real well so stop ur comlaining