Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie

More pictures of Jake as the Prince of Persia March 8th, 2009

The Huff­in­g­ton Post has nabbed some images of Jake Gyl­len­haal, top­less again, as Das­tan, the Prince of Per­sia. This is yet another look for the Prince, although Jake is once again look­ing buff, with a scar on left arm and abdomen. Which of the Das­tan video game por­tray­als do these images fit into? The descrip­tion that comes along­side the images, and reads as an offi­cial blurb, states:

“an adven­tur­ous prince who teams up with a rival princess [Tam­ina, played by Gemma Arter­ton] to stop an angry ruler from unleash­ing a sand­storm that could destroy the world.”

If you look closely, you can also see peo­ple behind Jake, pos­si­bly work­ing on the set, sug­gest­ing these shots are not lifted directly from the movie. These images link to two very large res­o­lu­tion ver­sions which come via Jake Gyl­len­haal .nl

Comments 49 Responses to “More pictures of Jake as the Prince of Persia”

Malachi March 8th, 2009


Malachi March 8th, 2009


Grinch March 9th, 2009

Prince Of Gays!!!

Graf­fiK March 14th, 2009

I must admit that I also had my doubts, when I learned about him in the title role, but… COME ON! Who else could you pic­ture play­ing the Prince of Per­sia?! He doesn’t look EXACTLY like him, but the movie itself won’t be a beat-to-beat adap­ta­tion of the game, so I think he is as close to the “per­fect choice” as it could get. STOP WITH THE HATIN’!

SYM810T3 March 14th, 2009

I am a gigan­tic fan of prince of per­sia the PC game. I am look­ing for­ward this movie, and when I sow your site, and this actor I got very dissapointed.

magere­hein March 16th, 2009

I’m really look­ing for­ward to this movie, i’m even a lit­tle impa­tience :D
we’ll have to wait with the deci­sion whether it was or wasn’t a good choice to cast him. but for it seems he’ll do just fine.

Mis­guided Angel April 2nd, 2009

Idk… i cant see him play­ing the prince
hon­estly, we need more of a MAN and this guy, well he’s an amateur

1st of all, he needs to be more mus­cle
2nd he looks.…gay… sorry
and last, but not least, he’s just not the bat­tle type

Ran­dom­DUDE April 3rd, 2009

I agree with Graf­fiK we cant expect the actor to BE the prince.

Mr.Turk April 4th, 2009

I fin­ished Prince of Per­sia War­rior Within 16 times (And I am going to con­tinue on hol­i­day). And I want to say that: the film of Sands of Time and The Two Thrones are never mind for me, but War­rior Within is dif­fer­ent. Actu­ally, Jake looks like the prince in War­rior Within a lit­tle bit. This is a good thing for me. But he doesn’t look like a war­rior. In our coun­try, we have got a char­ac­ter: Emrah. Emrah is a bas­tard, his mother is a bitch, and he always suf­fer. He always cry. And I think Jake can make a film as Emrah. Look at the photo, he is on the verge of tears!

Mr.Turk April 4th, 2009

I fin­ished Prince of Per­sia War­rior Within 16 times (And I am going to con­tinue on hol­i­day). And I want to say that: the film of Sands of Time and The Two Thrones are never mind for me, but War­rior Within is dif­fer­ent. Actu­ally, Jake looks like the prince in War­rior Within a lit­tle bit. This is a good thing for me. But he doesn’t look like a war­rior. In our coun­try, we have got a char­ac­ter: Emrah. Emrah is a b.stard, his mother is a b.tch, and he always suf­fer. He always cry. And I think Jake can make a film as Emrah. Look at the photo, he is on the verge of tears!

lisa April 5th, 2009

right every­one thinks tom welling should play the part as the prince well they are com­pletly wrong, Tom Welling is too intouch with his femenin side i mean com­mon he plays the part super­man in smal­l­ville. he must be girly! oh yeh and plus jake jil­len­haull will play the part flipin well he looks exactly like the price in the ps2 games and the x box they couldnt think of any­one per­fect enouph the the part. and i cant wait to see the film its gunna be flip­pin amaz­ing i am a bif fan of the games so i cant wait till it coms out!:) yay. shame it dosnt come out till 2010. but ya know?

GOS April 7th, 2009

i’m a big fan o PoP series too + i like the actor.Should be good at least

ololol­lolololo April 9th, 2009

cant wait for the movie to come but the names are all wrong like Tamisa lolollolololol

luthien1805 April 14th, 2009

i think he’s a good choise!
and just because he plaied the gay cow­boy, doesn’t mean that he always palys gay…
and come on more mus­cles? he’s not the hulk ;)
i think he looks quite per­fect, not exatly the same as in the game of course, but who would?
no mat­ter who would have been casted, there would always have been some peo­ple that din’t like the chois.
so what ever, i’m so look­ing for­ward to this movie. haven’t been wait­ing so badly for a movie to come out since the lord of the rings ;) )

Nel­lie April 15th, 2009

Ok, they so should’ve picked Jason Behr to play the Prince (who doesn’t and shouldn’t have a name. c’mon, if he didn’t need one in the game he doesn’t in the movie.) He looks exactly like him in Skin­walk­ers! Any­way the only other thing I’m upset about are the names. The Prince NEVER and I repeat NEVER had a name. And who the hell is Tamisa?! Its Farah peo­ple! FARAH! Geesh. One of the peo­ple on that movie set needs to play the game.

pR!n(3 April 19th, 2009

come on now.…somebody tell me that this is not going 2 be a roman­tic movie.…
he looks like a lover pos­ing 4 his BRIDE.….

haithe­man April 20th, 2009

he don’t looks like prince he is ugly

cgty April 21st, 2009

NOO!!!! That man must be Josh Hol­loway. WTF! this man scks !!

ste April 23rd, 2009

Per­fect !!!

Geor­giana April 25th, 2009

this movie will fail. Massively.

Alex April 27th, 2009

To the dimwit who said some­one on the set should play the game. Dude, the script was writ­ten by Jor­dan Mech­ner and if you don’t know who that is then there’s no way you are a Prince of Per­sia fan. If Jor­dan is ok with the cast­ing then I am ok with it, after all, he cre­ated the damn char­ac­ter and game.

Tazhin­dude April 30th, 2009

guys this guy really sucks for this movie .….….dre must be some one who really looks stronger and has a revn­gous antough face ‚.….……hes good lookin but not the maan for pop.….….….….….….….….….….….must cast some one who looks like the prince in the game.then tht will be the best movie evea.….….….….….….……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dodo May 2nd, 2009

omg the prince is blond wtf is this

Pesti­lence­Fan­girl May 3rd, 2009

*throws up into a bucket. a huge one*

PF-117 May 6th, 2009

Hey Guys…


Don’t be so dis­s­a­pointed !
I mean he’s not bad, i think he’s nearly perfect !

A new story refresh the whole story…

And the most impor­tand thing is how he play his role!

pearl May 7th, 2009

His job is to act. So before you hate a guy for a movie you haven’t even seen yet, judge him next year when the movie comes out. Remem­ber when Anne Rice judged Tom Cruise as Lestat before Inter­view With The Vam­pire was filmed, then she loved his act­ing later? Just wait and see!!!! Can you do a bet­ter job?

Free­man May 9th, 2009

Could they have picked a worse actor?
He needs more mus­cle.
They had bet­ter no screw this up.

and finally in Sands of Time…

Wellz May 29th, 2009

…(Coughs)…super gay lol. But seri­ously does dis guy always look like hes smil­ing. He doesnt have the look of a young ambi­tious and slightly naïve Prince or a hard­ened war­rior. With dis­ney in charge will we even see mon­strous blood thirsty sand demonds, blood and gore vio­lence, or even some FUCKING!! cool acro­bat­ics. I mean if i dont see him run along a fuck­ing wall i just might FUCKING MURDER SOMEBODY!!!.

alecx July 29th, 2009

i think Oded Fehr from the mummy and deuce bigal­low is much bet­ter to be the Princ of Persia.

Stephen Strange July 30th, 2009

Have any of you even played the game or looked at the prince? (Don’t answer, rhetor­i­cal ques­tion) I hate to tell you that Jake does not look gay (what­ever that means), the prince in SOT was not a big mus­cu­lar heman (like we would want that any­way) AND it WAS a romance on top of every­thing else.
Jeez! You haven’t even seen the movie and are already com­plain­ing and moan­ing because you think it doesn’t fit into your nar­row view of what it should be or what the prince of per­sia game was.
Ok, enough of me. I’m going to go play the lat­est one and will love it! Oh wait! That must be sac­ri­lege to the other POP games. It is so dif­fer­ent.……
Peo­ple, open your minds and stop criti­siz­ing oth­ers for what you can’t do. When you make a movie, I will be glad to com­pare them. Until then…

mehrdad August 18th, 2009

i think he must replace with josh holloway(halloway)

recep August 25th, 2009

I am faint­ing to this man
I fin­ished this all game
Film, a lot of, want,
Every­body is this admirer

Armi­nas September 4th, 2009


I’m also dis­ap­pointed… why Jake? Too roman­tic, too ‘good boy’, and too f’ing white man. :)
Oded Fehr would be so much bet­ter Prince. Or a rel­a­tively name­less, tal­ented actor.
But Jake has past now, with many roman­tic, so called ‘gay’ movies.

It’s just bad.. and that’s not fair. –_–

alex nor­rell September 12th, 2009

hey jake has pulled off some amaz­ing act­ing roles before. he might be able to pull this of.….but he def­fi­natly would not have been my first pick for the prince. please disny, dont mess this up.

Believer October 15th, 2009

You know what?
1– He looks like a girl. He may have mus­cles, but he doesn’t have the fierce look of the Prince of Per­sia (Ger­ard But­ler, from “300”, would do it much bet­ter and is in bet­ter shape) The Prince of Per­sia is a semi-dark char­ac­ter, and has also a dark side, so this guy won’t do it well in my opin­ion.
2– They should have done a more “lord of the ring adap­ta­tion” movie cuz they did it too “real­is­tic” (at less the bad guys don’t look like the bad guys in the game. So all the “fan­tasy” is lost.
3– What is the best of prince of per­sia? what do we all play it for? THE ACROBATICS — And guess what??? None of them are in the film!! He fights like Chuck Nor­ris, it is really a shame for the game, and for the cre­ator of Prince of Persia.

I guess some­day some­one will make a good remake of this.

Miguel November 15th, 2009

totally agree with Believer. the acro­bat­ics were always the great­est part of Prince of Per­sia. There­fore, the most obvi­ous choice would be DAVID BELLE!!! he looks just like the Prince, AND he invented Park­our. Can’t say fairer than that.

Ayhan March 1st, 2010

this man dont even look like per­sian .. and also a prince..

i will be bet­ter actor than him for this movie..

azijo April 29th, 2010

i don’t know why every one hates on jake.j he is a good actor he even got nom­i­nated for an oscar(i guess) and he trained espe­cially for this role ‚i think they’ve chose him caz he is a good class actor and they want to make the movie respectable not just an adap­ta­tion of a game so give it a break

Shabadoo­dles June 2nd, 2010

this man is hot…

zia Hangu June 4th, 2010

i think that the prince of per­cia actor is not good look­ing i think so it should be the world wrisler like CM PUNK. he is like the real prince of per­cia his hair style is like the real hero. and i think this hero is also good but not so. love you prince

WALLE June 4th, 2010

Jake Gyl­len­haal is a good actor!!!! and his ori­en­ta­tion does not mat­ter!! his a per­fect and tal­ented!! this film very inter­est­ing and keen!I am glad, that this film is not the replica of game!!!!it is my per­sonal opinion!)))

rincess of persia June 4th, 2010

you know whats funny?
i am from per­sia, & im keep hear­ing about the movie here & there..(i have not seen it yet)
i ve been told the movie is based on a video game, & when i read about the game & names & story, u know wat; it is exactly the same as our lit­er­a­ture book that we study at school!!

the book name is “shah­nama= book of kings”. it is about the adven­tures of a young prince “das­tan” who is in love with “tam­ina”, this book has 7 chap­ters.
also for your infor­ma­tion persia(iran) has a long bor­der line with rus­sia and turkey and we dont have dark skin!!!!! (in my area(north)blue eyes and fair hair is pretty common)

Princess of persia June 4th, 2010

you know whats funny?
i am from per­sia, & im keep hear­ing about the movie here & there..(i have not seen it yet)
i ve been told the movie is based on a video game, & when i read about the game & names & story, u know wat; it is exactly the same as our lit­er­a­ture book that we study at school!!

the book name is “shah­nama= book of kings”. it is about the adven­tures of a young prince “das­tan” who is in love with “tam­ina”, this book has 7 chap­ters.
also for your infor­ma­tion persia(iran) has a long bor­der line with rus­sia and turkey and we dont have dark skin!!!!! (in my area(north)blue eyes and fair hair is pretty common)

WALLE June 5th, 2010

sim­ply some peo­ple live by only the games!

Ethan June 26th, 2010

most peo­ple com­met­ing here really don’t know about his­tory. it’s because mostly, play­ers are teenagers and most of the com­men­tors here in this per­sia thread are. can­not blame them though. sooner they will dis­cover that per­sia is not ara­bia or india — with dark col­ors and the like. haha.

Ebin July 5th, 2010

**%$# Wat they hav gone with the nice story.….….**%$#?

Only they hav to do the story of game.…
Actu­aly the every gamer don’t the actual story of the game.….
If the action from game also they can copy
But all cre­ation of the movie is shit..

a unfor­getable story turned into a disaster..

The his­tory can link with India too…

The astronemy base will fit com­fort­a­billy with indian tradition

In the movie I didn’t under­stand the cli­max wat did they shown
wat is it meam

the hero and vilan doing the same thing and only hero got the hole time rewind

actions is also very poor.….…techinc

I can do it better.….….……

Don’t think this com­ment is worthless…

I’m a big fan of prince of prince of persia

When its released i travel about 3hour to watch this movie…

I’m totally disapointed

“please don’t change the face of prince of persia”

moviefan December 31st, 2010

After lis­ten­ing to Vizier the Prince advises the King Sher­man to exer­cise con­straint and he will go with Vizier to inves­ti­gate the fortress and will return with good news. The King liked the idea. The Prince trav­elled with Vizier to his King­dom and col­lected evi­dence against him so that he can prove him guilty. He finally reveals Vizier sins to the Princess’s Fathers’ when Vizier intro­duced Prince to his court. The King ordered the Vizier arrest. Vizier uses the power he gained from read­ing those books to mul­ti­ply him­self into many Vizier. The Prince fin­ishes them all in a bat­tle. He then returned dag­ger to Princess and bade good­bye to King and Princess and return back to his King­dom happily.

moviefan December 31st, 2010

When I played the game I thought it would be a nice story for a great movie and a new con­cept but the direc­tor screwed up all with a silly and crappy story. The story of sand cre­ation in movie is such a silly idea that I am not able to digest. They should have taken most of the story from the video game itself. The story should have many twists and turns so as to reveal the power of sands of time. I per­son­ally think the story should goes like that –
The Vizier (from a dif­fer­ent king­dom) vis­its the King Sherman’s court and advises him to attack his king­dom (Vizier’s king­dom) by nar­rat­ing him tales of rich­ness and wealth and by offer­ing never seen before dia­mond, jew­elry etc to the King. The King Sher­man then orders the attack and with the help of Vizier, he is able to win the King­dom. The King was killed and the Princess is taken as pris­oner. Prince finds the hour glass filled with sand; King Sher­man then asks Vizier about the hour glass and why it is kept in secret. The Vizier tells the story that the hour glass con­tains the mag­i­cal sand which can grant unimag­in­able power to the one who opens it but it can only be opened by a dag­ger hid­den in a sep­a­rate fortress guarded by the élite forces and died King’s loyal army. The Prince promises to bring the dag­ger as the army is tired after long and dev­as­tat­ing bat­tle. The King Sher­man then asks the Vizier, if the sand is so pow­er­ful then why the dead king didn’t claim the power for him­self and why he kept sand and dag­ger hid­den in such high secu­rity. The Vizier tells that the dead king trav­elled to a for­got­ten island with a huge army but returned alone with the sand and the dag­ger. Since then he is afraid of using its power. The dead king gave him some books which he got from the island to deci­pher it and he got to know about the secret of the sand from those books. King Sher­man ordered the Prince to fetch the dag­ger for him. When he returned the Vizier takes con­trol of the sit­u­a­tion and ask prince to hand over the dag­ger to him in return for the life of his father. The Vizier has grand plans to claim the power of sand and princess for him. The Princess then reveals to prince that the Vizier must not use the dag­ger. The prince then plunges it into the hour glass. This results in revert­ing the time to sev­eral years to a point when Prince was not born, with­out affect­ing the ages of Prince, Vizier and the Princess. King Sher­man now young didn’t rec­og­nize his son and order to arrest him and princess for the crime plot­ting to kill him.
Actu­ally revert­ing the time results in Vizier invit­ing the King Sher­man to attack the fortress that con­tains the dag­ger first as Vizier changed his strat­egy of attach this time. The Prince and Princess became friend in Jail. The princess tells that they can go to his father fortress and then reveal the plans of evil Vizier and pre­vent all this from hap­pen­ing. The Prince like the idea and plans to escape. The Prince and Princess escaped from the prison and while escap­ing the Prince got the oppor­tu­nity to steal the dag­ger once again. While steal­ing the dag­ger, he is inter­cepted by his father. While pro­tect­ing princess and in order to escape the Prince killed his father. The Prince and Princess now head Princess’s father’s fortress so that they can reveal the plan of Vizier.
Killing his father results in Prince dying a slow death and his body turn­ing into sand. The Prince must hurry as he has very lim­ited time left and will con­vert into a sand wraith soon. Tak­ing advan­tage of King Sherman’s death the Vizier sends his assas­sins to kill Prince and Princess and took the dead body of King Sher­man in front of Princess’s fathers to prove his loy­alty once again. He tells that he has killed the invad­ing King and now the King must muster his army to dis­place the invad­ing army. The Princess’s father asks Vizier why he grew so old, the Vizier said that he learned about the attack and went to pro­tect the fortress and was able to kill the invad­ing King with the help of dag­ger and this turns him old but now his son posses the dag­ger and plan­ning to launch an attack on this fortress, so the King must hurry and send all his army to attack the invad­ing army.
Mean­while the assas­sins killed the Princess and badly injured the Prince. The prince must now use the dag­ger to kill the assas­sins and save his life. He fills the dag­ger with the sand falling from his body, reverts the time and kills all the assas­sins. He is not able to bring the Princess alive because the dag­ger can only revert the time for a lim­ited moment as it con­tains lim­ited amount of sand.
The Prince reached the Princess fathers’ fortress and revealed the Vizier’s evil plot. But to his sur­prise it was the Vizier in the King’s gar­ments. The Vizier actu­ally killed the king and claimed his Thorn. Tak­ing advan­tage of shock the Prince is in, the Vizier stab the Prince with his knife and tells him that he killed count­less peo­ple to claim the sand’s power and now he turns the time to favor his des­tiny and today he finally going to taste the sand’s power and no one can stop him now. The prince laughed, he took the sand falling from his body, fills the dag­ger, reverts the time before he was killed and plunges the dag­ger in the hour glass result­ing in releas­ing the sand and for­ward­ing the time to a point when Vizier had come to King Sherman’s court to invite him.
After lis­ten­ing to Vizier the Prince advises the King Sher­man to exer­cise con­straint and he will go with Vizier to inves­ti­gate the fortress and will return with good news. The King liked the idea. The Prince trav­elled with Vizier to his King­dom and col­lected evi­dence against him so that he can prove him guilty. He finally reveals Vizier sins to the Princess’s Fathers’ when Vizier intro­duced Prince to his court. The King ordered the Vizier arrest. Vizier uses the power he gained from read­ing those books to mul­ti­ply him­self into many Vizier. The Prince fin­ishes them all in a bat­tle. He then returned dag­ger to Princess and bade good­bye to King and Princess and return back to his King­dom happily.

*KiKi* January 6th, 2011

for gods sake! this movie is not about the incred­i­ble hulk or ha man or fan­tastik fours “the thing” a man doesnt have to have good mus­cles to fight? all coments hat­ing the actor is total crap.. its amaz­ing to know that there are peo­ple who knows bet­ter than the direc­tors… and you peo­ple call jake gay just because ha acted as a gay cow­boy, but then didnt the late Heath Ledger act in it too??? then what about (casanova,batman,lords of dogtown,brothers grim etc..) none of those were gay char­ac­tors.. duh how thick can peo­ple can get?? then in hair­spray John Tra­volta acted as a woman… what do you idiots call that?? as a per­son who resp­wct act­ing and who learnt it, it is sad the way you peo­ple judge an actor.. jake did it well and he is awsome in the movie and thats it