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Halo – The Movie

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Official Short: Combat Part 1 August 28th, 2007

Neill Blomkamp and Weta are back, this time in true colour:

Still no high res­o­lu­tion HD down­load yet, but at least the colour is fixed. See a slightly higher qual­ity ver­sion here.

Halo Live Action Short Leaked August 23rd, 2007

The sec­ond live action short film cre­ated by Neill Blomkamp and Weta has been leaked by Gamer­Syde. The colour seems a lit­tle off and it’s not great qual­ity, but it’s the real deal. This time we get to see Warthog’s in action, Banshee’s and Covenant.

Down­load a higher res­o­lu­tion ver­sion here.

Doesn’t it just make you ache for a fea­ture film? Rumors are abound what with the forth­com­ing Halo 3 release, these short sequences and the Fox pub­lish­ing deal that the movie is being devel­oped in secret. As far as I am aware this is not true. We can still hope how­ever and I do believe this film will see the light of day.

More of that Life Sized Warthog August 18th, 2007

In this week’s Bungie update there has been posted a sec­ond full size, fully func­tion­ing Warthog pic­ture. This time with it’s sus­pen­sion raised and with a human, armour clad gun­ner on the turret.

Click the image for full size.

user posted image

And this is what they had to say about the upcom­ing Blomkamp short:

“The above image shows just how to scale the Warthog that WETA has been mak­ing is – that’s a real life human man­ning the gun. While there’s still not too much to talk about regard­ing the excel­lent work of Neill Blomkamp, the stu­dio did get a sneak peak of his next short ear­lier this week. It prompted a num­ber of “Wait, was that a…” and “ZOMGz” from the var­i­ous folks around here, and need­less to say, when it sur­faces next, you’re in for a gritty and delight­ful treat.

Look­ing for­ward to the next live action short. I am sure it will make us all sali­vate a lit­tle more about how great a fea­ture length Halo movie would be.

Shane Kim talks about the short movie July 31st, 2007

Can you explain what that Halo short movie was about? Was it real time?

It was live action. What you saw was a short film that’s not related to any movie. Neill Blomkamp is the direc­tor, with Peter Jack­son as exec­u­tive pro­ducer, and he wanted to work on the Halo movie. The Halo movie is not in pro­duc­tion. The stu­dios that were involved, for what­ever rea­son decided to back out of it, but we’re still very inter­ested in talk­ing to peo­ple in Hol­ly­wood about it.

In the mean­time, we’re going to use these film shorts to help pro­mote the Halo uni­verse and get the world super excited and crazy for Halo 3. Neill did an amaz­ing job on that short film. I’m a huge fan of the Halo uni­verse, and watch­ing that short film sent goose­bumps all over. That’s Halo com­ing to life in a way that I think I lot of peo­ple can really get into it, even if they’re not videogame play­ers. We think Halo can be one of those epic sto­ries like Star Wars. We still have work to do, there’s no ques­tion about that, but we believe that Halo has the potential.

Source: Game­Pro

Life Size, Fully Functioning Warthog July 21st, 2007

We have all, by now, seen Neill Blomkamp’s brief E3 trailer which had been made in part­ner­ship with Weta Work­shop. Now we can reveal the full life size replica, fully func­tional Warthog that Weta cre­ated for Blomkamp to use in his shorts. This is a thing of beauty.

Click for full size image

user posted image

Via Bungie​.net

Halo 3 Arms Race July 21st, 2007

From the offi­cial press release,“A col­lab­o­ra­tion between Bungie Stu­dios, direc­tor Neill Blomkamp, WETA Work­shop and Origami Dig­i­tal LLC, brings the first dig­i­tal short depict­ing humanity’s strug­gle to save Earth.“This is our first offi­cial look at the cre­ative bril­liance that comes about when you com­bine the inno­v­a­tive think­ing of Neill Blomkamp and the artis­tic tal­ent of WETA. Just imag­ine throw­ing Peter Jack­son into the mix. The Halo movie, if it ever gets going again, will be some­thing truly special.

A vision of The Halo Movie…

Down­load Large HD versions

And, if you some how missed it, the newest Halo 3 trailer:

Halo Movie still on hiatus June 19th, 2007

Many mis­lead­ing reports have been filed about the pur­ported re-firing of the Halo Movie engines. These reports assumed that a Halo GAME and FRANCHISE dis­tri­b­u­tion deal, made by Fox, extended to the movie. This is not the case and NO MOVIE DEVELOPMENT plans have as YET been confirmed.

This deal does how­ever look favourably on the Halo movie process and could ini­ti­ate the future devel­op­ment. Though, as it stands, we are still not mov­ing any­where, our igni­tion is firmly set to off.

Peter Jackson confident about Halo Movie May 26th, 2007

In an inter­view with OnFilm, Peter Jack­son says that once Halo 3 hits, with the Halo pub­lic­ity machine run­ning and the hype boil­ing over the Halo Movie will soon see its devel­op­ment woes dis­ap­pear. He is also res­olute that Neill Blomkamp is the man to deliver Halo to the big screen.

“We wouldn’t want to do it with any­one else. It’s Neill’s call.”

For more Peter Jack­son news, The Hob­bit, Lovely Bones, Dam­busters etc, check out Cinematical’s arti­cle.

But I’m sure you guys are all too busy play­ing the Halo 3 beta to read this news post, let alone any links I point you to.

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