Movie Chronicles » Evangelion Live Action Movie


Newtype Japan hypes Evangelion Scoop August 11th, 2006

UPDATE: The issue, although not out yet, has sur­faced on the inter­net with full page scans, albeit in japan­ese of course. Whilst no live action movie scoop, the news is still very big and con­cerns a “rebuild­ing” of Evan­ge­lion in the form of 4 new movies, the first due out next Sum­mer (in Japan). A large amount of new mate­r­ial is expected in this project enti­tled “Evan­ge­lion Shin Gek­i­jou Ban”. Check out our forum thread for all the details: New­type Scans Discussion

Just a quick note to say that the next New­type issue will con­tain a big scoop con­cern­ing Evan­ge­lion (or so is adver­tised in Japan’s Sep­tem­ber issue), whether this per­tains to the live action movie is unsure. How­ever given that a big announce­ment is due it is quite pos­si­ble we may hear some sub­stan­tial and impor­tant news con­cern­ing the movie within the next month. Let’s cross our fingers.

Some spec­u­la­tion as to what else it could be includes a pos­si­ble new Hideaki Anno project as rumored at ANN.

For fur­ther rumors and dis­cus­sion con­cern­ing the “scoop” Eva Mon­key makes some good points with par­tic­u­lar ref­er­ence to the pos­si­bil­ity of new Evan­ge­lion animé.