Movie Chronicles

Pics from Laurel Cemetery shoot June 11th, 2008

John Von reports that a video shoot took place yes­ter­day at the Lau­rel Hill Ceme­tery near to Fair­mount Park, PA — he return with videos and pic­tures of the film­ing as well as the base camp. The green Chevy Beat con­cept car is vis­i­ble at the base camp, whilst the video shows the heli­copter used to cap­ture the scenes.


Optimus Prime, Bumblebee at Fairmount Basecamp June 11th, 2008

Trans­form­ers 2 pro­duc­tion cur­rently resides at The Dairy Fields in Fair­mount Park, which are reserved for film­ing. Braden has been on loca­tion, scout­ing for us fans, to find what­ever scoops he can. He has noted that the actor trail­ers and cam­era equip­ment can be found off North 33rd street, close to the UPENN cam­pus. The vehi­cles how­ever are being kept in a sec­ond loca­tion, close to Walt Whit­man Bridge.

On his stum­blings he came across Opti­mus Prime, Iron­hide, Bum­ble­bee, an uniden­ti­fied grey con­cept car — prob­a­bly a Chevro­let (ZR1, C7?). You can find pic­tures below.


UPENN filming details June 10th, 2008

Emails have been sent out to employ­ees at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia, warn­ing of film­ing that will be tak­ing place next week,

To the Penn Community:

Dream­Works Pro­duc­tions will be film­ing scenes for the upcom­ing movie “Trans­form­ers 2″ on Penn’s cam­pus this week. The film­ing will take place in the Quad and both inside and out­side the Psi Upsilon (Cas­tle) fra­ter­nity on Locust Walk. Both Penn and Dream­Works staff will be on hand to help guide peo­ple around the area dur­ing film­ing in an effort to min­i­mize any inconvenience.

Setup, film­ing, and set decon­struc­tion are sched­uled for the Quad from June 10 through June 12 and for the Cas­tle fra­ter­nity from June 10 through June 15.

Via /Film

Plans to film in New Mexico June 10th, 2008

KVIA are report­ing that the Trans­form­ers pro­duc­tion team will return to Alam­ogordo, New Mex­ico where pro­duc­tion has been prepar­ing since April, with plans to shoot in the fall.

Michael Bay will return to New Mex­ico to film major sequences for Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen, Gov­er­nor Richard­son announced Mon­day. The next install­ment of the box office hit Trans­form­ers is expected to hit the­aters next summer.

Small set report from Italian Market, South Philly June 10th, 2008

Power​.tv were on loca­tion to catch Michael Bay, Shia and Megan Fox strut­ting their stuff in a cou­ple of scenes, although there’s noth­ing too spec­tac­u­lar here.

Finally I got to where the action was, and of all places it was Cappucelli’s Meats (a butcher shop). As you can see the crew was tak­ing up a whole block on Kim­ball St. between 8th & 9th. I saw a few extras walk­ing the same path over and over and over and the same 4 or 5 cars kept dri­ving by. Took me a few min­utes to real­ize though that the scene they were shoot­ing was inside the shop, and the extras and cars were just back­ground to be seen through the windows.

Via /Film

Gotham Cable News goes live June 9th, 2008

Looks like the viral cam­paign is ramp­ing up again, excel­lent. The Gotham Cable News (GCN) web­site has now gone live, a long time after we first dis­cov­ered it. On the left there are sec­tions to the site, “Politices”, “Lifestyle”, “Gotham Tonight”, “Crime” and “Archives”.

Gotham Tonight is set to pre­mier on Fri­day Night:

Watch for an all-new episode of Gotham Tonight this Fri­day!
GCN’s hard-hitting, high-profile news pro­gram takes on the biggest news in Gotham.
Fea­tur­ing world-renowned jour­nal­ist Mike Engel [Antony Michael Hall] — who helped bust the Gotham “squid killer” — and the GCN news team.
Gotham Tonight. Gotham never stops, and nei­ther do we.

Gotham Cable News

The Arti­cles




The scrolling news:

Death of promi­nent local physi­cian ruled a sui­cide, despite absence of a note. ‘
Sec­ond teenager sought in rob­bery and stab­bing of a cab dri­ver in Nar­rows.
Fines to be levied against con­trac­tors who were found to under-report cost esti­mates to win bids for GCR Destruc­tion Zone recon­struc­tion work.
Grand­mother killed in 2-alarm blaze on Mer­chant Isle.
Mayor Gar­cia announces plan to pro­vide shel­ter for the home­less in Har­low Park.
New “one-bin” recy­cling pro­gram kicks off this week.
Local favorite Wal­ter Fer­n­dale, 89, resigns as artis­tic direc­tor at the Gotham The­atre Com­pany after 34 years.
Red tide comes to Gotham, shell­fish beds threat­ened.
Police Offi­cer wounded in shoot-out with drug deal­ers in Stevens­burgh ware­house, sus­pects still at large.
Pub­lic smok­ing ban goes to City Coun­cil for vote.
7th annual Flag Day Parade sets new route to avoid newly dan­ger­ous neigh­bor­hoods.
After $10 mil­lion ren­o­va­tion, Welling­ton Race­track pre­pares for annual Welling­ton Derby. Large crowds expected.
Mayor pro­poses new edu­ca­tion bill to help under-funded pub­lic schools by rais­ing prop­erty taxes .5%.
Shoot­ing ram­page at uptown shop­ping mall leaves three dead and four injured.
Masked group of ban­dits rob Gotham City Rail Yel­low Line. No one harmed. Said one elderly rider, “There\‘s noth­ing quite like an old-fashioned stick up.“‘
Coun­cil­man Larry Doraff intro­duces mea­sure to man­date uni­forms at all Gotham Uni­fied schools. Says school super­in­ten­dent, “This will help make all schools more con­ducive to learn­ing.“‘
Dinger­ling Sis­ters Cir­cus animal-free cir­cus comes to town next week with “pup­pet parade” planned.
Gotham\‘s own Rock­adoo­dle Dums give free con­cert at the South City Park Band Shell this week­end.
Long­time Gotham candy mak­ers Tango Creams decides to close fac­tory after declin­ing prof­its.
Trans­porta­tion chief announces new recharge­able “Scan Cards” to be used on all Gotham pub­lic busses and trains.
Patrons of Gotham area dry clean­ers report burn­ing and itch­ing sen­sa­tions after wear­ing recently dry cleaned clothes.
The Gotham Youth Sym­phony presents the music of Berlioz at Gotham Hall next Tues­day.
Win­dow falls out of 30-story high rise office build­ing. No one inured, but con­trac­tor inves­ti­ga­tion sparked.
U.S. Corps of Engi­neers to sur­vey all Gotham bridges this sum­mer amid safety con­cerns.
Truck­load of mar­bles over­turns on Gotham free­way. “Not as funny as you would think,” says motorist caught in 10-hour jam.
Man causes com­mo­tion at Laun­dro­mat. “The thing ate my quar­ters and my clothes didn\‘t dry,” he shouted as police took him into cus­tody for dis­turb­ing peace.

Vote in the Gotham Elections June 9th, 2008

The Gotham City elec­tion for dis­trict attor­ney has begun at the Gotham Elec­tion Board. Results are out June 13th!

Gotham Elec­tion Board


The Gotham Elec­tion Board is charged by the City of Gotham to ensure fair­ness and accu­racy in all city­wide elec­tions. As part of this man­date, the board has imple­mented a new elec­tronic vot­ing sys­tem acces­si­ble from any com­puter with an Inter­net connection.

Impor­tant reminder: City­wide elec­tion results announced on June 13
Vot­ing Ordi­nance 198.182.v4 now in effect.
New vot­ing equip­ment installed at the Dun­can Avenue polling sta­tion.
New fine-tipped punch­card sty­lus reduces voter error.
Elec­tion Board wel­comes new mem­ber, Direc­tor Penny Charring.

Reg­is­ter to Vote

Thanks to Jason!

Dark Knight products appearing on Amazon June 9th, 2008

Rodrigo Vilaça has kindly pointed out to us that Ama­zon has listed three new Dark Knight related prod­ucts. Art of The Dark Knight and two edi­tions of the Hans Zim­mer soundtrack:

Art of the Dark Knight (with com­plete script!)

Art of The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Soundtrack

Dark Knight Soundtrack

Dark Knight Sound­track Spe­cial Edition

Dark Knight Soundtrack - Limited Edition

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