Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Small set report from Italian Market, South Philly June 10th, 2008

Power​.tv were on loca­tion to catch Michael Bay, Shia and Megan Fox strut­ting their stuff in a cou­ple of scenes, although there’s noth­ing too spec­tac­u­lar here.

Finally I got to where the action was, and of all places it was Cappucelli’s Meats (a butcher shop). As you can see the crew was tak­ing up a whole block on Kim­ball St. between 8th & 9th. I saw a few extras walk­ing the same path over and over and over and the same 4 or 5 cars kept dri­ving by. Took me a few min­utes to real­ize though that the scene they were shoot­ing was inside the shop, and the extras and cars were just back­ground to be seen through the windows.

Via /Film