Movie Chronicles

Prince of Persia movie not in 3D September 23rd, 2009

Just to clar­ify, Dis­ney recently announced a slew of “Dis­ney Dig­i­tal 3D” movies com­ing out in 2010. Prince of Per­sia was included in that list. It’s inclu­sion has since been con­firmed as a mis­take by Walt Dis­ney Pic­tures contacts.

Prince of Per­sia was filmed in 2D and will be pre­sented in 2D, there are no plans to dig­i­tally adapt it into 3D, a process many dis­agree with.

Thanks Nick.

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Keanu Reaves gives update on Cowboy Bebop movie September 23rd, 2009

Speak­ing to MTV at a recent press event, Keanu Reeves revealed a bit about the progress of the Bebop movie. The first draft of the adap­ta­tion is com­plete, and although described as ‘fan­tas­tic’, it was ulti­mately too expen­sive to make. It is being reworked into some­thing a bit more producible.

“There’s a draft of the script, but the writer did such a great job [that] in order to make the movie, you would need half a bil­lion dollars.”

How­ever, Reeves indi­cated that the writer’s adher­ence to the galaxy-spanning adven­ture of the full entire series might prove a lit­tle daunt­ing for production.

“So the stu­dio went, ‘This movie is fan­tas­tic and it would cost half a bil­lion dol­lars,” laughed Reeves, “so he’s doing a rewrite.”

“The only chal­lenge was to make a sat­is­fy­ing west­ern nar­ra­tive out of the kind of sto­ry­telling that hap­pens,” he added. “There’s a great draft, so we’re just try­ing to pull it back a lit­tle bit now.”

Thanks Nick!

Jaimie Alexander and Colm Feore join Thor cast September 23rd, 2009

Thor has recruited two more cast mem­bers, Jaimie Alexan­der (Kyle XY) and Colm Feore (Face/Off). Jaimie Alexan­der will play Sif, an Asgar­dian war­rior that can, “hold her own against any man”. She’s also one of Thor’s loves and spends a lot of her time search­ing for him. She is skilled in hand to hand com­bat and the use of mêlée weapons. Colm Feore will play an unknown vil­lain, the details of which are being kept a tight-lipped secret.

Jaimie Alexan­der

Colm Feore

Third Ghostbusters 3 draft script finished September 18th, 2009

In August Akroyd stated the new Ghost­busters 3 script wasn’t quite ready yet. Speak­ing to the press in Bal­ti­more he casu­ally men­tioned that the script had been com­pleted and that he’d be read­ing it shortly. The project is still mov­ing along, bit by bit. Let’s hope the script is good and the film picks up some pace.

Will Slimer be mak­ing a cameo in the upcom­ing Ghost­busters movie?
I’m going to see the script in the next few hours, I’m about to read the third script, I’ve been sub­mit­ted it and we’ll see what happens.

Iron Man 2 première tickets in eBay charity auction September 18th, 2009

Bid­ding to meet Scar­lett Johans­son at the pre­mière of Iron Man 2 has started, in sup­port of Oxfam Amer­ica. At the time of writ­ing they are going for $3,500 with 11 bids.

More Oxfam auc­tions are also up for grabs, includ­ing lim­ited edi­tion Scar­lett Johans­son vinyl and signed photos.

A: You are bid­ding on tick­ets for two (2 seats) to the U.S. pre­mière of IRON MAN 2, the oppor­tu­nity for you and your guest to meet Scar­lett Johans­son, and a com­pli­men­tary hair & makeup/grooming ses­sion at Christophe Salon (for 1 per­son). Please note: All travel, hotel, and any local trans­porta­tion arrange­ments are the respon­si­bil­ity of the win­ner and are not included in this auction.

A: The pre­mière is cur­rently sched­uled for May 2010 in Los Ange­les. Early arrival at the pre­mière is rec­om­mended. The date and loca­tion are sub­ject to change, but the win­ner will be given an oppor­tu­nity to attend the changed date/location should that occur. The seller will not reim­burse any travel costs incurred due to a changed date/location.

No plans for a new Superman movie September 18th, 2009

After the sud­den and total col­lapse of Bryan Singer’s Super­man fran­chise and palaver over who might direct the next one, the next Super­man movie has been in doubt for a while. With the emer­gence of DC Enter­tain­ment, it was thought that a Super­man movie might be a flag­ship offer­ing, it seems this isn’t the case, Diane Nel­son says (via MTV),

“We actu­ally don’t have any cur­rent plans for Super­man,” said Nel­son when asked if the new envi­ron­ment (and the recent legal deci­sion regard­ing the char­ac­ter) made a “Super­man” movie more or less likely in the near future… We’ve obvi­ously done a lot of great things behind the prop­erty in our his­tory, and it’s a key part of the fam­ily, but we don’t have cur­rent plans behind Super­man,” she said.

Transformers 3, summer 2011 or 2012? September 18th, 2009

Nel­son has left a brief update on Michael Bay’s blog; Bay has met with Steven Spiel­berg and Ehren Kruger to dis­cuss Trans­form­ers 3–an announce­ment shortly? We’ll prob­a­bly have to sweat it out a bit more first.

* He will be meet­ing later this week with Steven Spiel­berg, and Ehren Kruger to dis­cuss ideas for Trans­form­ers 3. By the end of the week he should have an idea if Trans­form­ers 3 will hit your local cine­plex in the sum­mer of 2011 or 2012.
* In the mean­time “Pain & Gain” is look­ing very pos­si­ble as is…
* …Bad Boys 3. Either film com­ing to a the­ater near you before or after Trans­form­ers 3.

Spider-man 4 released on IMAX, May 5th 2011 September 18th, 2009

IMAX and Colum­bia pic­tures have con­firmed that Spider-man 4 will be simul­ta­ne­ously released in stan­dard and IMAX the­aters on May 5th, 2011. The film will be “dig­i­tally re-mastered” into the IMAX expe­ri­ence, it’s unlikely scenes will be natively shot in the IMAX format.

“The last two ‘Spider-Man’ releases have been avail­able in IMAX the­aters, and we’re very much look­ing for­ward to our return to a wider IMAX the­atre net­work with this excit­ing new chap­ter in the con­tin­u­ing adven­tures of Spider-Man,” said Rory Bruer, Pres­i­dent, World­wide Dis­tri­b­u­tion for Sony Pic­tures Releas­ing. “The addi­tion of so many new IMAX loca­tions will give even more fans of Spider-Man an oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence the action and adven­ture in a unique way.”

“‘Spider-Man’ con­tin­ues to be one of the world’s most pop­u­lar motion pic­ture fran­chises, and we are very excited to include the lat­est chap­ter as part of our 2011 slate,” said IMAX CEO Richard L. Gel­fond. “Our net­work has grown sig­nif­i­cantly and we con­tinue to roll-out new the­atres vir­tu­ally every week, giv­ing more movie­go­ers the oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence the movie in IMAX.”

“We’re so excited to once again work with our friends at Colum­bia Pic­tures, Sony and Mar­vel to bring this beloved super­hero back to IMAX the­atres,” said Greg Fos­ter, Chair­man and Pres­i­dent of IMAX Filmed Enter­tain­ment. “The ‘Spider-Man’ fran­chise has been so impor­tant to the growth of our net­work and fan base over the years and we’re cer­tainly look­ing for­ward to re-teaming with the entire cast and pro­duc­tion team to bring this next chap­ter to movie­go­ers worldwide.”

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