Movie Chronicles

Bruce Campbell to get a bigger role in Spider-man 4? September 18th, 2009

It seems Raimi’s long time friend, Bruce Camp­bell, may be up for a much big­ger role in the fourth movie. They spec­u­late that this could be a vil­lain, per­haps Mys­te­rio. But that’s all con­jec­ture and noth­ing to take seri­ously. Which Spider-man char­ac­ter would Camp­bell play best?

The actor, who has a long rela­tion­ship with direc­tor Sam Raimi via his lead role in the “Evil Dead” tril­ogy, made mem­o­rable cameos in the first three “Spider-Man” films.

How­ever, he may have a big­ger role this time around. Bruce told Access that in the next install­ment in the super­hero fran­chise, he’s been told he has a major part – but didn’t yet know any­thing about his character

Awesome Transformers 2 concept art from Ben Procter September 18th, 2009

Trans­form­ers 2 art work from Ben Proc­tor reveals the robots that made the cut, and more inter­est­ingly, those that didn’t. Stealth boats, nuclear subs that take down air­craft car­ri­ers and alter­na­tive con­struc­ti­cons. We also get a look at the inner work­ings of many decep­ti­cons, includ­ing eye details on The Fallen, an early Dev­as­ta­tor design and pre­tender Alice, tongue and all.

Green Lantern supporting characters revealed in casting call September 18th, 2009

In August 2008 we revealed a char­ac­ter list of sup­posed vil­lains and allies that might appear in the movie (fol­low­ing a screen­play first draft read), just over a year later we’ve got some proof that it wasn’t far off.

Warn­ing: spoil­ers ahead.

The movie will fea­ture mul­ti­ple vil­lains, a trend that hasn’t bode well in the past (take Spider-man 3 for instance). Com­bin­ing this with an ori­gins story (assum­ing that’s what we get) could prove too much. I’ll remain scep­ti­cal for now.

Cast­ing Call

Hec­tor Hammond


27–35, Char­ac­ter actor who is aus­tere and imper­sonal, he is real “scummy.” He is a pathol­o­gist and also the son of a Senator.


Vil­lain and extra-terrestrial. Sine­stro is the for­mer men­tor of Hal Jor­dan and the arch-nemesis of the entire Green Lantern Corps.

Mid-30s to Mid-40s, he is smart, tough, intim­i­dat­ing and in great phys­i­cal shape.


Abin Sur

A mem­ber of the Green Lantern Corps, he recruited Hal Jor­dan as a Green Lantern. His role may not be huge, in the comics he presents the ring to Hal Jor­dan as he is dying.

Mid-30s to mid-40s, he is a great warrior.

Abin Sur

Carol Fer­ris

She is one of many supervil­lains who has used the name Star Sap­phire, and is a long-time love inter­est of Hal Jor­dan. The cast­ing descrip­tion doesn’t hint at a super alter-ego, so it’s not likely this sul­try vil­lain will appear, but in a sequel maybe?

[CAROL FERRIS] and pos­si­bly Star Sap­phire
26–32, a smart and attrac­tive woman with an MBA. She started as a pilot and now runs Fer­ris Air­craft. She is a work-a-holic…FEMALE LEAD

New Prince of Persia Dastan images surface September 18th, 2009

Mohammed Fathy has been in con­tact with some new images from the big screen Prince of Per­sia adap­ta­tion. You may recog­nise a cou­ple of these angles if you’ve watched the TV footage already.

New Official Iron Man 2 photo — Stark watching a film August 10th, 2009

A shot of Tony Stark sit­ting in a chair watch­ing what is pre­sum­ably a home movie. Pic­ture via Marvel.

Iron Man 2 comic-con footage leaks August 10th, 2009

The full 5 minute Iron Man 2 Comic-con footage has leaked online. In it we see the full court room scene, our first look at War Machine, Whiplash’s electro-whips, Scar­lett Johans­son as The Black Widow and much more. It matches per­fectly the descrip­tions we’ve read about from SDCC.

This is our first look at Iron Man 2 footage,

Halo movie resurfaces; Spielberg to helm? August 10th, 2009

IESB are report­ing that Steven Spiel­berg may be tak­ing up the Halo movie gig, a cou­ple years after his Tintin pal Peter Jack­son dropped the project. There’s no con­clu­sive proof and the rumor sources are “stu­dio exec­u­tives” and “close ties to CAA”; what do the rumors say?

“[Steven Spiel­berg is] cur­rently in active nego­ti­a­tions to develop the fea­ture film adaptation”

The story is hyped up with details of Spielberg’s video game hob­bies and sug­gested fas­ci­na­tion of the lat­est Stu­art Beat­tie “Fall of reach” script, aka a Mas­ter Chief back story orig­i­nally writ­ten in 2001 by Erik Nylund. We’re tak­ing this one with a grain of salt. BUT, it is good to see the Halo movie back in the lime­light — one day, maybe, it will hit the big screens.

IESB has learned exclu­sively (believe me this is solid and I’ve con­firmed it three times over with stu­dio exec­u­tives and our close ties to CAA) that one of the biggest pro­duc­ers in Hol­ly­wood his­tory is cur­rently in active nego­ti­a­tions to develop the fea­ture film adap­ta­tion and no it’s not Jerry Bruck­heimer or Peter Jack­son. It’s the man behind Jaws, E.T., Indi­ana Jones and Trans­form­ers, Mr. Steven Spielberg.

Spiel­berg is blown away by writer Stu­art Beattie’s take on the game in his script enti­tled HALO THE FALL OF REACH. This cou­pled with the fact that his Dream­works umbrella is look­ing for a big tent pole to help launch their newly inde­pen­dant stu­dio with dis­tri­b­u­tion over at Walt Dis­ney Pic­tures after los­ing Trans­form­ers to Para­mount in the sep­a­ra­tion, it’s the per­fect combination.

Gary Whitta worked on Warcraft movie script August 10th, 2009

Gary Whitta (screen­writer [Futu­rama episodes, Book of Eli, Live action Akira], author and game designer) has revealed that over the past two years he has been fer­vently work­ing, in secret, on the World of War­craft movie adap­ta­tion. How­ever, since Raimi has come on board, the film’s direc­tion has changed and Whitta is no longer involved. Whitta explains,

I had actu­ally been work­ing on this for the past two years. Had to keep it under wraps at the time but it doesn’t really mat­ter now.

I worked very closely with Leg­endary and Bliz­zard to come up with a screen­play that dis­tilled the sprawl­ing War­craft mythol­ogy into a nar­ra­tive that was eas­ily acces­si­ble to the non-player, and every­one was really pleased with the results — I per­son­ally thought my last draft of the script in par­tic­u­lar was really kick-ass and did a good job of intro­duc­ing the War­craft world to non-players while also sat­is­fy­ing hard­core play­ers who knew every nook and cranny of the uni­verse. When Sam expressed inter­est in the prop­erty, how­ever, he had his own pretty spe­cific vision of what he wanted to do story-wise so that’s the ver­sion they’re now pur­su­ing. I’m no longer involved but I wish them all the best with it; so far as I’m con­cerned Raimi is the best pos­si­ble direc­tor for this.

Thanks Márton Gazdig.

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