Movie Chronicles

TF2 First Draft Completed April 27th, 2008

In a Star Trek ques­tion and answer ses­sion with Roberto Orci, a small tid­bit about the Trans­form­ers 2 script was revealed,

Orci and Kurtz­man were released from ‘Michael Bay Jail’ (which turns out to be a lux­ury hotel on the Pacific Coast) on Fri­day, after fin­ish­ing the first draft for Trans­form­ers 2

There is at least one Star Trek ref­er­ence in Trans­form­ers 2

Filming set for Philly and Bethlehem, PA April 27th, 2008

The Greater Philadel­phia Film Office have recently con­firmed, via KYW radio, that Trans­form­ers II will be shoot­ing their in the near future,

That’s just a pos­si­bil­ity still. “Dream of the Romans” has been shoot­ing. ‘Tenure”, “Happy Tears”, and “Marly and Me” are upcom­ing as is Trans­form­ers II. But won’t giant robots wreck the place????

“Ha, ha. Let’s just say the destruc­tion part is going to be dig­i­tally enhanced.”

The Philadel­phia Inquirer have hinted, giv­ing weight to some ear­lier rumors, that the Trans­form­ers sequel will be film­ing in the Beth­le­hem PA area:

Neat twist sur­round­ing the action movie Trans­form­ers 2, whose pro­duc­tion will be based in Philly for the bet­ter part of June. I hear that direc­tor Michael Bay and crew also will shoot in Beth­le­hem, Pa., which will dou­ble as a city in the Far East. (A twist in the notion of send­ing Amer­i­can jobs overseas.)

Why So Serious Update — 3 Days April 26th, 2008

The count­down on “It’s all part of the plan” has gone down to three days, but now all the pres­i­dent por­traits are click-able. Click­ing each one reveals a larger image with a flash count­down, geo­graph­i­cal co-ordinates and these instructions:

Gather with 300 of your clos­est friends at this exact spot on April 28th.

You’ll need to be in con­tact with a partner-in-crime who has online access to relay your instruc­tions once you’re there. These instruc­tions will give you the TRAIL to fol­low, but be sure to look both ways when cross­ing the street; we wouldn’t want you to make an unsched­uled visit to the ER now, would we?

Put on a smile and plan to spend about an hour or so bond­ing with your fel­low clowns.

Check back here often for updates or changes.

Note the TRAIL-ER.

Boston | New York | Los Ange­les | Kansas City | Philadel­phia | Toronto | Chicago | San Fran­cisco | Dal­las | Lon­don | Seat­tle | Sao Paolo

Con­tinue read­ing our cov­er­age of the Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt with vaults and codes

More Viral Updates April 25th, 2008

Bryan has been in con­tact to inform us of a large num­ber of updates to assorted viral sites.

Ibelievein­har­vey­dent has updated with a mes­sage from Har­vey Dent for his sup­port­ers that stuck with him through­out the slur cam­paign. Down­load Audio Mes­sage. Zdravko has also told us about an email he received from the Har­vey Dent campaign:

What a dif­fer­ence a week makes.

Last week, our cam­paign looked like it was on its last legs. The media was bury­ing us, and urged us to with­draw for the sake of Gotham City. The smear cam­paign, with its vicious lies against Har­vey Dent, spread fear, uncer­tainty, and doubt about the one man who can save Gotham.

But now - thanks to peo­ple like you - things look very dif­fer­ent. Thou­sands of peo­ple gath­ered in the Dent for DA head­quar­ters for its reopen­ing. And I saw some­thing dif­fer­ent in the crowd. Some­thing has changed. The “White Knight Inci­dent,” as it has become known, is allow­ing peo­ple to see Har­vey Dent dif­fer­ently. Not just as a man with the guts and the tough­ness to change Gotham. But as a sym­bol of the best of Gotham City - a Gotham we almost for­got existed.

But that Gotham City does exist. It’s a Gotham where ordi­nary peo­ple can walk out their door at night with­out fear­ing for their lives. It’s a Gotham where the good can tri­umph over the evil. It’s a Gotham where jus­tice isn’t just for the rich and pow­er­ful, but for everyone.

With your help, we’ll bring back that vision of Gotham. On Elec­tion Day, every­thing changes. Har­vey Dent will take back Gotham City — thanks to the hard work of peo­ple like you.

See you on elec­tion day!

Allan Cypes

Media Man­ager, Har­vey Dent for Gotham DA

Maid­e­nAv­enueRe­port com­ments on the cap­tured and extra­dited cops, a tele­vi­sion inter­view from the hostage saved by Har­vey Dent, a miss­ing GCN reporter and the huge swing in sup­port for Dent. Polit­i­cal cam­paigner Dana Wor­thing­ton has added news to her site. Glenn Barhyte has new email and the forums at Cit­i­zens for Bat­man have also been updated. Con­tinue read­ing to see the updated arti­cles from I Believe in Har­vey Dent…

Read the rest of this entry »

It’s all part of the plan — New Dark Knight Poster! April 24th, 2008

Oper­a­tion Slip­knot has completed:


Oper­a­tion Slip­knot is com­plete. Even though three sus­pects remain at large, your work rep­re­sents a huge step for­ward in clean­ing up our beloved city.

The fugi­tives are being arrested, hand­cuffed, and extra­dited back to Gotham for prosecution.

Doesn’t it feel bet­ter to be on the right side of the law for once?

Thanks to you, Gotham can hold its head high once again. But do me one favor… stay out of trouble.


Click­ing each of the sus­pects shows how they were caught. Shortly after the com­ple­tion (despite three missed sus­pects), par­tic­i­pants received a phone call from Jim Gor­don (DOWNLOAD).

humanresources@whysoserious then sent out a text to the mobiles in the pack­ages received — point­ing us towards a new Why So Seri­ous Page: “It’s All Part of the Plan”.

There’s a four day count­down and a lever in the top right — click­ing the lever reveals a brand new Dark Knight Poster: “Wel­come to a world with­out rules” (Down­load Super Hi Res­o­lu­tion Image)

Sam­ple of the high res­o­lu­tion poster:
High Resolution Dark Knight Poster Sample

Operation Slipknot Packages Arrive April 24th, 2008

Pack­ages handed out to the lucky few involved in Jim Gordon’s covert Oper­a­tional Slip­knot have today received their travel packages.Those with the details on the fugi­tives have been slowly fill­ing in the gaps and the cor­rupt offi­cers are going to be “apprehended”:

The enve­lope itself con­tains a joker card, tele­phone (as expected), a Gotham city dri­ving license, a for­eign lan­guage phrase book, a Gotham City bank bond, a let­ter from Joseph Can­do­loro, a travel con­fir­ma­tion let­ter from Kinsly Travel and an itin­er­ary for ticket-less travel.

Andriz­zle, upsince­four, gob­ru­tus and RawWulf at Super­hero Hype have kindly posted detailed pic­tures of the package:

Enter­ing the flight details at Kinsly Travel for GAL/2567:

Depar­ture City: Chicago
Depar­ture Time: 0745
Des­ti­na­tion City: Ban­ga­lore
Arrival Time: 0215
Sta­tus: On Time


Depar­ture City: St. Louis
Depar­ture Time: 0543
Des­ti­na­tion City: Dus­sel­dorf
Arrival Time: 0235
Sta­tus: On Time

The Assign­ment also updated:


Within the last twenty-four hours, many of your col­leagues inter­cepted pack­ages intended for the 30 fugi­tives pic­tured here.

These infor­mants are now receiv­ing this crit­i­cal evidence.

MCU is stand­ing by. We need the infor­ma­tion in the pack­ages to be uploaded AS SOON AS IT IS RECEIVED. We will process the infor­ma­tion and imple­ment our final apprehension/extradition plans by 6:00 pm.

Time is of the essence. Do not let these sus­pects escape the long arm of Gotham City jus­tice at the last minute. Upload the infor­ma­tion immediately.

Operation Slipknot (Gotham Major Crimes Unit) April 23rd, 2008

Today Jim Gor­don sent out a new email to the Acme Secu­rity System’s Delos crowd:

OK friend, you’re up to bat now. You have your­self a new assign­ment: Oper­a­tion Slipknot.

Link­ing to a new Gotham Major Crimes Unit page ded­i­cated to “Oper­a­tion Slip­knot”.

Click­ing each of the police images reveals details about the indi­vid­u­als. The assign­ment states,


Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit, in coöper­a­tion with the GPD Inter­nal Affairs Divi­sion, needs you to help track down numer­ous offend­ers that are fugi­tives from jus­tice. Inter­est­ingly, we’ve tracked all of these indi­vid­u­als to the same last known loca­tion: Gotham Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Hotel. But we don’t know where they’ve gone from there.

Call the hotel and con­vince the concierge to ship you a cer­tain pack­age that’s been sent there for each fugi­tive. Use the pro­vided intel and what­ever means you can to con­vince him that you’re the intended recip­i­ent, your travel plans have changed, and he needs to send the pack­age to you. Once received, you should have all you need to fill in the blanks as to that fugitive’s location.

We will add details about addi­tional fugi­tives as they become avail­able. Time is of the essence, as we have only a short time before the trail runs cold. Your coöper­a­tion in this oper­a­tion will go a long way. Good luck.

Head­ing over to the Gotham Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Hotel, we are pre­sented with a tele­phone num­ber to call their concierge — 1 866 306 5589.

The aim is to state that you are the offi­cer and pro­vide your ref­er­ence num­ber — as out­lined by the INTEL:

You should have received your dupli­cate care pack­ages by now. If not, con­tact the concierge at the Inter­con­ti­nen­tal and have him for­ward you your orig­i­nal pack­age (ref­er­ence #‘s, as always, the total num­ber of let­ters in your name fol­lowed by your last name shifted for­ward one let­ter, like 15DBOEPMPSP). He’s been instructed to send no-questions-asked if these ref #‘s are used. Do NOT con­tact me.

Bön Voy­age!

Then you must state that your travel arrange­ments have had to change, the concierge shall ask for a mail­ing address and then con­firm that a pack­age shall be sent out to that address overnight. You also need to pro­vide a tele­phone num­ber in case of prob­lems. The phone lines are VERY BUSY and new fugi­tives are being added regularly

When you get your pack­age, their is a sub­mit but­ton to pro­vide the rel­e­vant details and turn them in:

If you have received a pack­age, enter any per­ti­nent intel on your sub­ject here: the con­fir­ma­tion # of their ticket, the last name of the alias they’re trav­el­ing under, and the city they’re fly­ing to. If every­thing checks out, we’ll for­ward it so that appro­pri­ate action can be taken.

Thanks Bruce, Maeghan and Carlos!

Update: All fugi­tives have been assigned and pack­ages sent out. The game has gone quiet until tomor­row morn­ing, when I’m sure it will return with more surprises!

Blizzard laugh away Uwe Boll April 21st, 2008

It appears that Uwe Boll applied to Bliz­zard for the role of direc­tor in the World of War­craft movie. Shock hor­ror I hear you all cry, espe­cially when such an astound­ingly bad direc­tor has these views about mak­ing a faith­ful adaptation:

“You go for it, to please the game fans, but on the other hand if you have the hard core gamers, they live in their own world. And you can­not ful­fill their ideas from a video game based movie, it’s impos­si­ble. And to be hon­est, the real gamers are the typ­i­cal down­load guys, right? They don’t pay any­thing for movies, because they ille­gally down­load the movies. So why I should please these guys? I need the nor­mal audience.”

In the MTV arti­cle, Boll goes on to say that he spoke with Bliz­zard about helm­ing the WoW movie:

“I got in con­tact with Paul Sams of Bliz­zard, and he said, ‘We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you. Because it’s such a big online game suc­cess, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongo­ing income, what the com­pany has with it.”

Good news all round I say! Here, here, let’s move on to some good poten­tial directors…

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