Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Operation Slipknot Packages Arrive April 24th, 2008

Pack­ages handed out to the lucky few involved in Jim Gordon’s covert Oper­a­tional Slip­knot have today received their travel packages.Those with the details on the fugi­tives have been slowly fill­ing in the gaps and the cor­rupt offi­cers are going to be “apprehended”:

The enve­lope itself con­tains a joker card, tele­phone (as expected), a Gotham city dri­ving license, a for­eign lan­guage phrase book, a Gotham City bank bond, a let­ter from Joseph Can­do­loro, a travel con­fir­ma­tion let­ter from Kinsly Travel and an itin­er­ary for ticket-less travel.

Andriz­zle, upsince­four, gob­ru­tus and RawWulf at Super­hero Hype have kindly posted detailed pic­tures of the package:

Enter­ing the flight details at Kinsly Travel for GAL/2567:

Depar­ture City: Chicago
Depar­ture Time: 0745
Des­ti­na­tion City: Ban­ga­lore
Arrival Time: 0215
Sta­tus: On Time


Depar­ture City: St. Louis
Depar­ture Time: 0543
Des­ti­na­tion City: Dus­sel­dorf
Arrival Time: 0235
Sta­tus: On Time

The Assign­ment also updated:


Within the last twenty-four hours, many of your col­leagues inter­cepted pack­ages intended for the 30 fugi­tives pic­tured here.

These infor­mants are now receiv­ing this crit­i­cal evidence.

MCU is stand­ing by. We need the infor­ma­tion in the pack­ages to be uploaded AS SOON AS IT IS RECEIVED. We will process the infor­ma­tion and imple­ment our final apprehension/extradition plans by 6:00 pm.

Time is of the essence. Do not let these sus­pects escape the long arm of Gotham City jus­tice at the last minute. Upload the infor­ma­tion immediately.

Comments No Responses to “Operation Slipknot Packages Arrive”

Kyle April 24th, 2008

So if I got the email from Jim Gor­don, does that mean I was one of the few chosen?

maeghan April 24th, 2008

I don’t think so. You had to get through and get a pack­age. I got an e-mail too, but the phone lines were too busy.

nanos April 24th, 2008

A por­tuguese book… cool