Movie Chronicles

Devastator 100-120ft tall, Fallen one of original 13 Transformers February 13th, 2009

The lat­est Toy­fare mag­a­zine has some juicy gos­sip bits about Trans­form­ers 2, pri­mar­ily that Dev­as­ta­tor will be up to 120 foot tall and that The Fallen is one of the orig­i­nal 13 Trans­form­ers, the one that went bad — play­ing on the apos­tles theology.

Tim For­mas sur­mised the article:

- Images of ROTF toys for Leader class Opti­mus Prime, Pre­view Bum­ble­bee, Pre­view Sound­wave, and the Voy­ager Class Starscream fig­ure.
– Lorenzo believes the time­frame of ROTF is about one year after Movie #1.
– When asked about the chal­lenge of cre­at­ing Dev­as­ta­tor on screen, Lorenzo men­tions that Bay had the chal­lenge in the first movie of hav­ing 30 foot robots. In the sec­ond movie, Bay has the chal­lenge of hav­ing a robot almost four times that. Expect Dev­as­ta­tor to be 100 to 120 feet tall in the movie.
– Archer said he couldn’t give away the plot point, but there’s a rea­son that Sound­wave is designed the way he is for the movie. Has­bro had a more basic toy need. So, the two were blended together.
– Toy launch date con­firmed as May 30th. A few weeks before, Bum­ble­bee and Sound­wave will be released.
– Char­ac­ters men­tioned in the ini­tial wave are “Side­swipe, Side­ways, Bull­dozer, Voy­ager and many oth­ers”. Promise of more off-screen char­ac­ters.
– Robot Heroes will have bet­ter artic­u­la­tion
– Bum­ble­bee hel­met has voice mixer
– Bum­ble­bee con­vert­ing pulse can­non
– Big ticket deluxe item for the year is still “top-secret“
– Grav­ity Bots are geared towards younger kids. Con­vert auto­mat­i­cally when you pick them up.
– A Megan Fox Human Alliance fig­ure is on Archer’s “wish list”.
The Fallen’s ori­gin con­firmed: He is one of the orig­i­nal 13 Trans­form­ers. Lorenzo said to think of the 13 as “apos­tles”. The Fallen is the one who turns and is the rea­son Trans­form­ers split into Auto­bots and Decepticons.

To show the size of Dev­as­ta­tor to scale against Opti­mus (28ft tall) and humans Gauge001 cre­ated this:

The Autobots at the Chicago Auto Show February 13th, 2009

A short video inter­view with GM Vice Pres­i­dent of Global Design, Ed Wel­burn show­ing some quick-zooming fade-in fade-out footage of the sta­tion­ary Auto­bots at the Chicago Auto show:

Transformers 2, two days early, June 24th February 12th, 2009

Para­mount Pic­tures has moved the release of Trans­form­ers 2 two days ear­lier, from June 26th 2009 to June 24th. No rea­son as to why has been given, whether inter­na­tional releases will also change is not clear.

Transformers Autobots Roll Out! February 11th, 2009

As part of the Trans­form­ers 2 Chevy pro­mo­tion a video show­cas­ing the Chevy Trax, Chevy Beat, Chevy Volt, Corvette Cen­ten­nial, Bum­ble­bee, Opti­mus Prime and Iron­hide has been released. It shows the vehi­cles rolling in for­ma­tion around the roads of Long Beach and in front of the pyra­mids in Egypt:

Via Jalop­nik
YouTube ver­sion after break.

Read the rest of this entry »

DEVASTATOR detailed concept in FULL, Detailed Fallen Concepts February 11th, 2009

Oh wow, wasn’t expect­ing this to land on the doorstep today! Here we have it the FULLY com­bined Dev­as­ta­tor. Click the image for a higher res­o­lu­tion more detailed ver­sion. From the text that sur­rounds the image we can see what makes up the con­stituent parts of this beast, and it’s face is incred­i­bly beast-like:

Right Leg: Dump Truck
Left Arm: Crane
Left Leg: Bull­dozer
Torso: Exca­va­tor (this is the Terex Rh400 we’ve seen in the trailer)
Right Arm: The name isn’t vis­i­ble but guess­ing from the pic­ture I’d say a Load­ing vehi­cle (see details fur­ther down)

There’s also a ‘Mixer’ in there some­where and another vehi­cle form­ing the rear, with pos­si­bly another vehi­cle on the sheet that has been obscured by the char­ac­ter. The body com­bines to end up very Gorilla like, with hands that reach the floor and a head that sticks out the front, almost like King Kong.

This matches ear­lier reports:

Right Leg: Dump Truck
Left Leg: Bull­dozer
Right Arm: Wheel Loader
Left Arm: Truss Crane [no robot mode on this one],
Right Shoul­der: Exca­va­tor
Left Shoul­der: Artic­u­lated Dump Truck
Head: Cement Mixer

For com­par­i­son: Con­struc­ti­con Terex RH400 Toy Review | Trailer and Images

The Fallen’s con­cept builds on the char­ac­ter we’ve seen in the toy gal­leries. This is much more skinny, evil and alien look­ing. No flames on this one, maybe he ‘sparks up’ — he looks like he can do a whole lot of damage!

Com­par­i­son: Toy Images | Poster

Source: ACToys​.net

Indi­vid­ual Con­struc­ti­con Alt Modes

The world’s largest exca­va­tor (Terex RH400) which forms the Torso and most likely as its right leg, the world’s largest truck the Cater­pil­lar 797B:

Although as the leg is green it may also be the Hitachi Euclid R280:

To match this, the left leg prob­a­bly needs to be the world’s largest bull­dozer, I orig­i­nally thought this would be the Komatsu D575 (image) which is the largest pro­duc­tion bull­dozer but the tracks on that are not tri­an­gu­lar like they are in the con­cept image. This led me to the Acco Cus­tom built bull­dozer, the tracks on this per­fectly match the left foot:

The name of the right arm is obscured from vision, but given the raised bucket it looks a lot like a Load­ing vehi­cle, the largest of which is the Cater­pil­lar 994D. It could be any one of the large Load­ing vehi­cles, here is another, the Le Tourneau L-2350:

The left arm, the crane, looks like the Dragline exca­va­tor vari­ety — for all that machin­ery we can see in the con­cept it needs to be more than just a stan­dard crane. I haven’t man­aged to find a yel­low one:

The head looks like a drill but I can­not find a vehi­cle to match it.

Michael Bay talks Transformers 2 at Friday 13th premier February 10th, 2009

Col­lider man­aged to grab Michael Bay at the Fri­day 13th pre­mier and have a chat with him about TF2. What’s on the cards? — A darker, more epic, more emo­tional Trans­form­ers 2 with improved tech­ni­cal abil­i­ties and IMAX scenes with maybe a third come ~2012.

In sum­mary:

He says they have done 3 scenes in IMAX
He talks about Trans­form­ers 2 and what he likes about it – says the robots have a lot more per­son­al­ity and he was able to get emote much more than the first movie
Also says it’s going to be darker and epic in scale – says the human char­ac­ters go on a ride with the robots
I ask about the run­ning time – says right now it’s 2 hours 20 min­utes but he still edit­ing
I ask if he will do a third Trans­form­ers movie or does he see him­self doing another fran­chise – says he could see him­self doing a third but he wants to take a year off no mat­ter what

Sideswipe Toy in alt and robot modes February 10th, 2009

TF08 have the scoop on yet another Trans­form­ers 2 toy, this time it’s the super-sweet Cen­ten­nial oth­er­wise known as Side­swipe. This is a deluxe class model, fea­tures to note include the auto­bot logo on his right shoul­der and scythe like pointy weapons/shielding above the arms.

Megatron Tank Toy February 10th, 2009

This is the alt mode for the redesigned Mega­tron, a tank mode (as pre­vi­ously seen), which comes via TFW2005. The par­tic­u­lar class of this toy is up for debate, some believe it to be a Fast Action Bat­tler whilst oth­ers pre­fer to think it’s a deluxe model.

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